Abolish Income Tax |
1981 |
Ahavat Yisrael (Love Israel) |
2003 |
Ahrayut (Responsibility) |
2009 |
Party advocating the creation of a constitution and the holding of regular referendums.[2]
Ale Yarok |
1999, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2013, 2015 |
Party advocating for the legalisation of marijuana.
Aliyah and Youth Movement |
1984 |
Am Shalem (Whole Nation) |
2013 |
Formed by Haim Amsalem after he left Shas in 2010. The name was taken from his surname.[3]
Amkha (Ordinary People) |
1981, 1984 |
Headed by Victor Tayar
Arab Brotherhood List |
1981 |
Headed by Haneh Hadad
Arab Citizens' List |
1981 |
Arab List – The Centre |
1955 |
General Zionists Arab satellite list
Arab National Party |
2006, 2015 |
Formed in 1999 as a breakaway from the United Arab List and had two seats between 1999 and 2003.
Arab Reform Movement |
1977 |
Ratz Arab satellite list
Socialist Union (Bund) |
1959 |
Beit Yisrael (House of Israel) |
1977 |
Bible Bloc |
Apr. 2019, Sept. 2019, 2020 |
Black Panthers |
1973 |
Headed by Shalom Cohen
Blue White Panthers |
1973 |
Brit HaTzohar |
1949 |
Headed by Aryeh Altman[4]
Brit Olam |
2005, 2009, 2013, 2015, Apr. 2019 |
Brotherhood Movement |
1965, 1973 |
Casino Party |
1999 |
Citizen and State |
2003 |
Party was taken over by Avraham Poraz prior to the 2006 elections and rebranded as Hetz
Council to Rescue the Homeland |
1981 |
Da'am Workers Party |
1996, 1999, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2013, Sept. 2019, 2020 |
Also known as the Organisastion for Democratic Action
Democratura |
2015 |
Derekh Aretz |
1988 |
Do Kiyum BeTzedek (Coexistence in Justice) |
1977 |
Economy Party |
2013 |
Headed by Yulia Shamalov-Berkovich
Eretz Hadasha (New Country) |
2013 |
Anti-corruption party headed by Eldad Yaniv.[5]
Flower Party |
2015 |
Accused by Yachad as being a satellite list of Shas, as it used the same ballot symbol as Otzma Yehudit which ran on a joint list with Yachad.
For Jerusalem |
1949 |
Headed by Daniel Auster
For New Immigrants and Demobilized Soldiers |
1951 |
Geulat Yisrael |
1992 |
Formed in 1990 as a breakaway from Agudat Yisrael and held a single seat going into the 1992 elections.
Handicapped Organisation |
1984 |
Has Mas |
1984 |
Hatikva (The Hope) |
1992 |
Headed by Charlie Biton
HaYisraelim (The Israelis) |
2009, 2013 |
Founded by Gideon Doron, a professor of political science at Tel Aviv University and president of the Israeli Association of Political Science. In the 2009 elections it focussed on political reform, mainly introducing regional elections, the appointment of ministers who were experts in their area of responsibility, establishment of a constitution and equal representation of men and women. For the 2013 elections it was taken over by David Cone, a TV journalist with Channel 9 and focussed on the rights of new immigrants.
Hofesh (Freedom) |
1977 |
Headed by Shalom Cohen
Holocaust Handicapped and Injured Faction |
1959 |
Holocaust Survivors and Grown-Up Green Leaf Party |
2009 |
An alliance of some members of Ale Yarok and members of the "New Zionism" party, whose head was a Holocaust survivor and an activist for legalising cannabis, the main campaign issue for Ale Yarok.[6]
Hope for Change |
2013, 2015 |
Ihud Bnei HaBrit |
Apr. 2019, Sep. 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 |
Independence |
1981, 1984 |
Independent Faction for Israeli Arabs |
1959 |
Headed by Masaad Kassis, Mapai Arab satellite list
Independents |
1959 |
Initiative – Independents Movement |
1981 |
Israeli Arab Labour Party |
1959 |
Ahdut HaAvoda Arab satellite list
Israeli Arab List |
1973 |
Likud Arab satellite list
Justice for All |
2019 |
Animal rights Party
Koah HaKesef (Power of Money) |
1996, 2006, 2009 |
Established as the Settlement Party in 1996 following economic crises in many kibbutzim. However, following a deal signed in the same year between the government, the Kibbutz Movement and the banks, the party's activity ceased. Contested the 2006 elections as HaLev and the 2009 elections as Koah HaKesef.
Koah LeHashpi'a (Power to Influence) |
2009, 2013, 2022 |
Advocated greater rights for disabled citizens.[2]
Lahava (Flame) |
2003 |
Lazuz (To Move) |
2009 |
Anti-corruption party, which also campaigned against high wages of executives.[2]
Leader |
2003, 2006, 2009, 2013, 2020 |
Party name was an acronym for "Progressive Liberal Democrat Party" (Hebrew: מפלגה מתקדמת ליברלית דמוקרטית, Miflaga Mitkademet Liberalit Demokratit)
Lehem (Bread) |
2006, 2009 |
Party name was an acronym for "United Society Warriors" (Hebrew: לוחמי חברה מאוחדים, Lohamey Hevra Meuhadim)[7]
Lev LaOlim (Heart to the Immigrants) |
1999, 2006, 2009 |
Party for immigrants from Central Asia. Also known as "Lev".
Liberal–Economic Power |
2020 |
Libertarian party established in 2019 by former members of Zehut; originally known as the New Liberal Party.[8]
Likud – Popular Economic Movement |
1955 |
List for Aliyah |
1981 |
List for the Land of Israel |
1969 |
Headed by Israel Eldad, composed of members of the Movement for Greater Israel
Living with Dignity |
2013, 2015 |
Man's Rights in the Family Party |
1996, 1999, 2003, 2006, 2009 |
Contested the 1999 and 2006 elections under the name "Justice for All"
Moreshet Avot (Heritage of the Fathers) |
1999, 2013, 2015 |
Headed by Yosef Ba-Gad. Contested the 2015 elections under the name "Social Leadership".
Movement for Demobilised Soldiers |
1988 |
Movement for Democracy and Aliyah |
1992 |
Russian immigrant party, commonly known as "Da" (the party's abbreviation, and the Russian word for "Yes")
Movement for Mortgage Affected, Homeless and Demobilised Soldiers |
1992 |
Movement for Moshavim |
1988 |
Headed by Ra'anan Naim
Movement for Social Equality |
1973 |
Headed by Avner Shaki
Movement for Social Justice |
1988 |
Headed by Rafael Suissa
Movement for the Homeland |
1984 |
Movement for the Renewal of Social Zionism |
1977, 1984 |
Headed by Mordechai Ben-Porat; held a seat in the Knesset between 1983 and 1984 after Ben-Porat left Telem
National Organisation for the Defence of the Tenant |
1984 |
National Union |
1959 |
Headed by Shlomo Cohen-Tzidon
Natural Law Party |
1992, 1999 |
Negev Party |
1999 |
Nes (Miracle) |
1965 |
Headed by Abie Nathan
New Arab Party |
1999 |
New Generation |
1977 |
New Immigrants Front |
1959 |
New Immigrants' List |
1955 |
New Liberal Party |
1992 |
Formed in 1990 as a breakaway from Likud and held three seats going into the 1992 elections.
On Wheels |
1992 |
One Israel |
1981 |
Formed by Yitzhak Yitzhaky in 1980 after he left Likud and held a single seat going into the 1981 elections.
Or (Light) |
2009, 2013, 2015 |
Headed by Yaron Yadan, focussed on the separation of religion and state.
Or Movement |
1988 |
Original Religious List |
1955 |
Otzma (Strength) |
1981 |
Headed by Rafael Halperin
Oz LaAniyim (Strength to the Poor) |
2006 |
Peace List |
1965 |
Rafi Arab satellite list
Peace List |
1969 |
Headed by Gadi Yatziv
Pensioners |
1988 |
Pensioners' List |
1981 |
Pensioners, Immigrants and Senior Citizens |
1992 |
Pikanti |
1992 |
Pirate Party |
2013, 2015, Apr. 2019, Sept. 2019, 2020 |
Based on the international Pirate Party model, and headed by former Holocaust Survivors and Ale Yarok Alumni leader Ohad Shem-Tov.[9]
Pnina Rosenblum |
1999 |
Headed by Pnina Rosenblum
Popular Arab Bloc |
1949 |
Mapam Arab satellite list
Popular Movement |
1973 |
Headed by Asher Hassin
Power for Pensioners |
1999 |
Headed by Gideon Ben-Yisrael
Progressive Center Party |
1999 |
Progressive Confederation |
1996 |
Progressive National Alliance |
2003 |
Formed in 1999 as a breakaway from the United Arab List and held a single seat going into the 2003 elections.
Religious Sephardim List |
1961 |
Sephardim-Ashkenazim Unity |
1951 |
Headed by Eliyahu Kitov[10]
Sephardi National Party |
1959 |
Headed by Avner Shaki
Shiluv |
1984 |
Silent Power |
1988 |
Social Justice |
2013 |
Formed in February 2007 by Arcadi Gaydamak
Social Leadership |
2013, 2015, Apr 2019, Sep 2019, 2020 |
Led by Ilan Mashiqah Jer-Zanbar, used Moreshet Avot (former party of Yosef Ba-Gad) as a shelf party[11]
Socialist Revolution List |
1973 |
Supporters of Democracy |
1961 |
Tafnit (Turnaround) |
2006 |
Anti-corruption party established by Uzi Dayan. Merged into Likud in 2008.[12]
Tali |
1992 |
Tarshish |
1988 |
Headed by Moshe Dwek
Telem Emuna |
1996 |
Headed by Yosef Azran
Tent Movement |
1981 |
The Greens |
1999, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2013, 2015 |
The New Zionism |
2006 |
Third Power |
1959 |
Tikva (Hope) |
1999 |
Torah VeAretz (Torah and Country) |
1992 |
Headed by Moshe Levinger
Traditional Judaism List |
1949 |
Tzabar |
2009 |
Headed by Boaz Toporovsky
Tzipor |
1992 |
U'Bizchutan (And by Their Merit) |
2015 |
Party for ultra-Orthodox Jewish women.
Ultra-Orthodox List |
1949 |
Headed by Eliyahu Kitov[13]
Union of North African Immigrants |
1959 |
United List of Religious Workers |
1949 |
Headed by Yeshayahu Leibowitz
Unity – for Victor Tayar to the Knesset |
1988 |
Headed by Victor Tayar
Unity for the Defence of New Immigrants |
1996 |
Formed in 1990 as a breakaway from the Alignment and had one MK between 1990 and 1992.
Unity Party |
1981 |
Formed in 1980 after the break-up of the Left Camp of Israel and held two seats going into the 1981 elections.
We are all Friends Na Nach |
2013, 2015 |
We are Brothers |
2013 |
Women's Party |
1977, 1992 |
Founded by Marcia Freedman. Headed by Ruth Rasnic in the 1992 elections
Workers Bloc |
1949 |
Mapai Arab satellite list
Working and Religious Women |
1949 |
Headed by Tova Sanhadray[14]
Ya'ad |
1981 |
Formed in 1978 after the break-up of the Democratic Movement for Change and held a single seat going into the 1981 elections
Yachad |
2015 |
Founded by former Shas leader Eli Yishai. Ran on a joint list with Otzma Yehudit in the 2015 elections.
Yamin Yisrael |
1996 |
Formed in 1995 as a breakaway from Moledet and held one seat going into the 1996 elections
Yishai – Tribal Israel Together |
1988 |
Headed by Shimon Ben-Shlomo
Yisrael Aheret (Another Israel) |
2003 |
Yisrael HaMithadeshet |
2009 |
Formed in 1999 as a breakaway from Yisrael BaAliyah and had two seats until the elections that year.
Yisrael Hazaka (Strong Israel) |
2009 |
Breakaway from the Labor Party, headed by Efraim Sneh in 2008. Other members included Erela Golan and Michael Bar-Zohar. Focused on law and order.[15]
Yitzhak Gruenbaum List |
1949 |
Headed by Yitzhak Gruenbaum
Young Israel |
1965, 1969 |
Youth Movement |
1981 |
Za'am |
2003 |
Zionist Panthers |
1977 |