List of ministries and departments of the Government of India
Indian departments of state
The Government of India exercises its executive authority through a number of government ministries or departments of state. A ministry is composed of employed officials, known as civil servants, and is politically accountable through a minister
Most major ministries are headed by a Cabinet Minister, who sits in the Union Council of Ministers, and is typically supported by a team of junior ministers called the Ministers of State. A union minister also known as cabinet minister.
The following ministries once functioned, but have since become defunct, generally because of a merger with another ministry or division into new ministries.
Ministry name
August 1947
1 February 1951
Merged to constitute the Ministry of Food and Agriculture.[2]
29 August 1947
Food and Agriculture
1 February 1951
October 1956
Bifurcated into the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Food.
October 1956
17 April 1957
Merged once again to form the Ministry of Food and Agriculture.[2]
Food and Agriculture
17 April 1957
January 1966
Merged with the Ministry of Community Development and Cooperation to form the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Community Development and Cooperation. The new ministry was renamed the Ministry of Agriculture in 1971, with four departments.[2]
January 1966
The Department of Food was separated from the ministry, and elevated to the new Ministry of Food and Civil Supplies.[2]
Food and Civil Supplies
June 1991
Bifurcated into the Ministry of Food and the Ministry of Civil Supplies.[2]
June 1991
4 June 1997
Merged to form Ministry of Food and Consumer Affairs with three departments - Department of Food & Civil Supplies, Department of Sugar and Edible Oils and Department of Consumer Affairs. On 15 October 1999, the new ministry was renamed as the Ministry of Consumer Affairs & Public Distribution, having the same three departments. On 17 July 2000, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution was renamed as the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, with two departments - Department of Food & Public Distribution and Department of Consumer Affairs.[2]
Bifurcated into a separate Department of Irrigation under the reconstituted Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, and a separate ministry.[3]
Agriculture and Irrigation
November 1974
22 July 1980
Following the formation of the Ministry of Irrigation in June 1980, three items of work were transferred from the ministry to the new ministry, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation was renamed the Ministry of Agriculture.[3]
Energy and Irrigation
January 1980
9 June 1980
Bifurcated into the Ministry of Energy and the Department of Irrigation (which was brought under the ministry in January 1980) was elevated to the new Ministry of Irrigation.[3]
9 June 1980
January 1985
Merged with the Ministry of Power to once again, form the Ministry of Irrigation and Power.[3]
Irrigation and Power
January 1985
September 1985
Bifurcated into the Ministry of Power and the Department of Irrigation was re-constituted as the Ministry of Water Resources. On 31 July 2014, the Ministry of Water Resources was renamed as Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation.[3]