Beach hut and fishing implements from Hachinohe and surrounding area (八戸及び周辺地域の漁撈用具と浜小屋, hachinohe oyobi shūhen chiiki no gyorō yōgu to hamagoya)
1.2, 2.3
One beach hut and 1,383 articles related to fishing including: 35 diving tackles、107 articles related to hydroscope fishing, 222 trolling/angling tackles, 215 hand nets, 17 items of entrapping gear, 107 items related to fishing boats, 123 shipwright tools, 198 items for manufacturing and repairing fishing tackles, 81 manufacturing tools, 86 items related to transport and trade, 34 items of work clothes, 113 items related to religion and courtesy, 45 other articles
Matagi hunting equipment (マタギの狩猟用具, matagi no shuryō yōgu)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
486 articles related to the matagi winter hunters of Tohoku including: 122 hunting items, 257 items of clothing or carrying equipment, 15 items related to hunting huts, 29 processing implements, 7 items related to trade or commerce and 56 religious items
Rikuzentakata fishing implements (陸前高田の漁撈用具, rikuzentakata no gyorō yōgu)[2]
3028 articles characteristic of fishing activities in the southern Sanriku Coast including tools for net fishing, farming, boat equipment, work clothes and religious items.
Manufactured goods and implements for sap collection and lacquer coating of Jōhōji (浄法寺の漆掻きと浄法寺塗の用具及び製品, jōhōji no urushikaki to jōhōji nuri no yōgu oyobi seihin)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
3,832 articles including 752 tools related to sap collections, 562 items related to kiji (wood grain), 628 to coating, 141 to the life of the workers, 1577 manufactured goods, 63 items related to selling, 24 religious items, and 85 other articles
1,788 articles related to sake brewing including: 52 rice polishing tools, 111 articles related to steaming, 216 for mold making, 131 for harvesting, 105 for preparation, 585 related to funagake (槽掛け), 65 related to natsugakoi (夏囲い, "bottled in the summer"), 155 articles for packing, 295 other articles related to sake brewing, 52 items of work clothes, 10 items related to religion or courtesy, and 11 other items
One boat and 78 tools used for fishing at Lake Hachirō including: 34 fishing nets, 10 fishing tackles for Saffron cod fishing, 16 general fishing tools, and 18 other articles
Mogami River fishing implements (最上川水系の漁撈用具, mogamigawa suikei no gyorō yōgu)
1.2, 2.3
810 articles related to fishing at Mogami River including: 214 fish traps 181 items related to harpoon fishing, 72 to angling, 196 to net fishing, 11 boats, 29 items related to boats, 45 to transportation, 52 related to garments or food and drink, 10 other articles
Shōnai rice cultivation tools (庄内の米作り用具, shōnai no komezukuri yōgu)
1.2, 2.3
1,800 articles related to rice cultivation in the Shōnai region including: 189 implements for producing beds for rice seedlings, 157 items related to rice field tilling, 104 to rice planting, 206 to management, 294 to harvest regulations, 156 to transport, 131 articles related to work horses and cattle, 157 related to making things out of straw (winterwork), 277 items of work clothes, 33 related to food and drink, 36 shintai or talismans, 60 other articles
Shōnai-hama and Tobishima fishing tools (庄内浜及び飛島の漁撈用具, shōnai-hama oyobi tobishima no gyorō yōgu)
1.2, 2.3
1,932 articles including: 220 articles related to hydroscope fishing, 968 trolling/angling tackles, 182 related to net fishing, 27 fish traps, 10 boats, 48 items related to boats, 18 related to manufacture and processing, 110 related to repair, 48 to transport and trade, 120 garments, 66 related to food and drink, 120 to religion and courtesy
Okuaizu mountain village manufacturing tools and minka ("Umayado") (奥会津の山村生産用具及び民家(馬宿), okuaizu no sanson seisan yōgu oyobi minka (umayado))
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
One building and 5,058 articles including: 571 farm tools, 188 items related to woodcutting, 135 to sericulture, 1488 to dyeing and weaving, 599 to wood grain, 124 bamboo ladles and herauchi (へら打ち), 32 to roofing, 44 related to drum making, 243 to geta making, 158 related to buckets, 40 to thatching, 143 to stone masonry, 126 to smithing, 187 horseshoes, 286 to straw work, 158 to hunting and fishing, 484 to transport and 52 other items
Aizu wax making tools and hut (Rōkamaya) (会津の製蝋用具及び蝋釜屋, aizu no seirō yōgu oyobi rōkamaya)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
One hut and 967 articles related to candle wax making including: 164 articles related to ingredient collection, 243 to wax making, 353 to candle production, 46 work clothes, 23 lamps for eating and drinking, 13 to transport and commerce, 114 manufactured goods, 11 articles related to the Rōkamaya hut
Date region silkworm egg cards and implements related to sericulture and spinning (伊達の蚕種製造及び養蚕・製糸関連用具, date no sanshu seizō oyobi yōsan seishi kannen yōgu)[4]
Arakawa River fishing implements (荒川水系の漁撈用具, arakawa suikei no gyorō yōgu)
1.2, 2.3
252 articles related to fishing in the Arakawa river basin, particularly in its upper stream area, including: 48 items related to fish traps, 18 to harpoon fishing, 41 trolling/angling tackles, 30 to net fishing 6 related to blast fishing or cormorant fishing, 41 to transport, 33 to production and repair and 35 other items
Chichibu mountain village manufacturing tools (秩父の山村生産用具, chichibu no sanson seisan yōgu)
1.2, 2.3
238 articles related to mining, woodcutting, timber sawing, and aforestation in Chichibu area mountain forests, including: 115 items related to wood cutting, 43 for carrying out, 48 related to manufacture, 14 to lacquer, 18 to hunting
Higashichichibu manufacturing tools and goods for handmade washi paper (東秩父及び周辺地域の手漉和紙の製作用具及び製品, higashichichibu oyobi shūhen chiiki no tesuki washi no seisaku yōgu oyobi seihin)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
585 articles including 62 raw materials, 424 items related to papermaking, 53 articles of clothing or lamps, 46 manufactured goods
Kita-Musashi farming tools (北武蔵の農具, kitamusashi no nōgu)
1.2, 2.3
1,640 articles used in farming in the Kita-Musashi area, including: 431 items related to rice field farming, 293 to dry field farming, 158 to cotton production, 244 to sericulture, 76 to transport, 151 related to the production of farming tools, 93 to straw work, 60 to religion and courtesy, 89 items of work clothes, and 45 other articles
258 implements related to kazusabori, a deep well digging technology using bamboo and locally available materials; designated as Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property. The designated property includes: 145 excavation tools, 32 items related to management and putting the finishing touches on the water well, 34 related to emergency, 41 construction tools, 6 related to Suijin, the god of water
Bōsō Peninsula fishing implements (房総半島の漁撈用具, bōsō hantō no gyorō yōgu)
1.2, 2.3
2,144 fishing tools used along the coast of Bōsō Peninsula, including:154 related to ama fishing, 36 to harpoon fishing, 98 tools for shellfish collection, 89 to whaling, 29 related to shellfish and seaweed collection, 58 fishing traps, 383 angling tackles, 236 to net fishing, 175 to nori cultivation and processing, 109 fishing boats and items related to fishing boats, 180 to boat and watchtower building, 282 related to the production and repair of fishing tackles, 127 to processing of marine products, 43 to transport and trade, 92 related to religion and courtesy, and 53 other items
Ogōchi mountain village implements of daily life (小河内の山村生活用具, ogōchi no sanson seikatsu yōgu)
1.1, 1.2, 2.3
347 articles from the former village of Ogōchi which was covered by Lake Okutama after the construction of Ogōchi Dam. Included in the designation are 55 items related to necessities of life, 237 to manufacture and occupation, and 55 other articles
Ōmori and environs nori production tools (大森及び周辺地域の海苔生産用具, ōmori oyobi shūhen chiiki no nori seisan yōgu)
1.2, 2.3
879 articles used in the production of nori seaweed, including: 123 related to cultivation, 59 to harvesting, 258 to processing, 147 nori and other boats, 152 related to 海苔ヒビ (nori bibi), 52 to fishing practice, 58 items of work clothes, 20 related to food, drink and lamps, 29 other articles
Echigo Oku-miomote mountain village production tools (越後奥三面の山村生産用具, echigo oku-miomote no sanson seisan yōgu)
1.2, 2.3
734 articles from the Oku-miomote section of Asahi village, including: 270 items related to hunting, 53 to fishing, 108 to gathering and processing of natural resources, 190 to agriculture, 113 to wood cutting
Echigochijimi weaving implements and related materials (越後縮の紡織用具及び関連資料, echigo chijimi no hōshoku yōgu oyobi kanren shiryō)
1.1, 1.2, 2.3
2,098 articles, including: 104 raw materials, 980 related to weaving, 348 related to the working area, 171 related to sale, 213 manufactured goods, 91 related to religion and courtesy, 177 related documents, 14 books
Collection of Itoigawa Kijiya manufacturing tools, goods and related documents (糸魚川木地屋の製作用具と製品コレクション 附木地屋関係文書, itoigawa kijiya no seisaku yōgu to seihin korekushon tsuketari kijiya kankei monjo)
1.2, 2.3
1,461 articles related to kijiya wood turning, including: 555 wood grain tools and goods, 866 lacquer tools and goods, 40 documents related to kijiya.
Akiyamagō and environs mountain village production tools (秋山郷及び周辺地域の山村生産用具, akiyamagō oyobi shūhen chiiki no sanson seisan yōgu)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
1,686 articles, including: 143 tools for collecting natural resources, 79 related to woodcutting, 270 to woodworking, 156 related to straw work, 145 related to shoshiki (諸職), 117 related to hunting and fishing, 181 related to agriculture, 42 to animal husbandry, 47 to sericulture, 172 to dyeing and weaving, 120 to transportation and trade, 68 work clothes, 29 related to food, drink and lamps, 117 religious implements
Minamisado fishing implements (南佐渡の漁撈用具, minami sado no gyorō yōgu)
1.2, 2.3
1,293 articles related to fishing in Sado, including: 176 related to seashore fishing, 682 to 222 trolling/angling, 114 to net fishing, 164 to manufacture and 157 other items
Kitasado (Kaifu, Ryōtsu Bay, Lake Kamo) fishing implements (北佐渡(海府・両津湾・加茂湖)の漁撈用具, kitasado (kaifu, ryōtsuwan, kamoko) no gyorō yōgu)
1.2, 2.3
2,162 articles, including: 80 items related to isonugi (磯ねぎ) (tarai Bune fishing), 967 trolling/angling tackles, 87 items related to net fishing, 21 to trap fishing, 40 fresh water fishing tackles, 62 related to the agehama style sea salt extraction, 131 items related to manufacture or production, 15 fishing boats, 78 items related to boats 58 to boatbuilding 319 items related to production and repair of fishing tackles, 66 related to transport, 71 to religion and courtesy, 148 work clothes and items related to lifestyle, 19 other articles
Manufacturing tools for Kaga handmade washi and minka (加賀の手漉和紙の製作用具及び民家, kaga no tesuki washi no seisaku yōgu oyobi minka)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
One minka paper store house and 447 articles related to paper making from the Edo and Meiji period, including: 22 items related to raw materials, 398 to paper making, 27 to clothing or lamps.
3000 articles related to Kaga Zōgan inlay work, including: 31 items related to design, 153 models, 651 related to materials, 256 to picture books, 903 related to carving, 574 related to grinding, 167 to finishing touches and coloring, 58 to sweeping and 207 other items
Manufacturing tools for Kanazawa gold leaf (金沢の金箔製作用具, kanazawa no kinpaku seisaku yōgu)
1.2, 2.5
332 articles including: 116 related to uwazumi (上澄), 44 related to paper hammering and cutting 101 to gold leaf hammering, 62 to the transfer of the foil, and 9 other items
Noto Agehama style salt-making implements (能登の揚浜製塩用具, noto no agehama seien yōgu)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
166 articles, including: 116 related to saltpans, 42 related to kamaya (釜屋) and 8 other items. Agehama style salt-making on Noto has been designated as Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property.
Hakusanroku mountain village production tools and minka (白山麓の山村生産用具及び民家, hakusan roku no sanson seisan yōgu oyobi minka)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
One house and 2,638 articles, including: 130 related to woodcutting, 577 to woodworking, 303 to manual labor, 284 to shoshiki (諸職), 79 to hunting and fishing, 175 general farming tools, 260 to slash-and-burn agriculture, 43 related to animal husbandry, 115 to sericulture, 181 to dyeing and weaving, 189 to transport and trade, 172 items of work clothes, 124 related to food, drink and lamps, and 6 other articles
Hokuriku region wood grain production tools (北陸地方の木地製作用具, hokuriku chihō no kiji seisaku yōgu)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
1,296 articles, including: 279 tools for round cores (椀木地, wan kiji) and ladle cores (杓子木地, shakushi kiji), 940 tools for rectangular object cores (角物木地, kakumono kiji), 77 tools for making mortars or taiko drums
698 articles, including: 69 related to ground preparation, 49 to bush burning, 24 to ploughing , 49 to weeding, 119 to harvest, 321 swidden huts, 67 related to ritual
Kiso-nuri lacquer manufacturing tools and goods (木曽塗の製作用具及び製品, kiso nuri no seisaku yōgu oyobi seihin)
1.2, 1.3, 2.5
3,729 articles including: 178 materials, 1,100 wood grains, 490 related to coating, 398 related to ornamentation, 1022 manufactured goods, 217 items related to the sale, 149 related to the life of craftsmen, 87 to religion and courtesy, 88 other articles
122 articles, including: 76 related to cormorant fishing, 21 to raising bait, 11 related to the making of straw raincoats, 4 to the breeding of cormorants, and 10 others
Tokuyama mountain village manufacturing tools (徳山の山村生産用具, tokuyama no sanson seisan yōgu)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
5,890 articles including: 924 related to logging, 201 to wood grain, 65 to the production of hegi-ita splints or shingles, 308 to paper making and manufactured goods, 108 to smithing and carpentry, 1138 farming tools, 460 related to sericulture, 422 to spinning and weaving 1005 to handwork and manufactured goods, 62 to hunting, 74 to river fishing, 91 to wild fruit picking, 403 to transport, 578 related to garments, food and drink, 21 to harvest, 30 others
Hida lumbering and woodworking tools (飛騨の山樵及び木工用具, hida no sanshō oyobi mokkō yōgu)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
3,258 articles, including: 31 related to aforrestation, 289 to lumbering, 176 to wood grinding, 86 to lumber slicing, 46 to preparing firewood, 261 to charcoal making, 519 to construction and carpentry, 133 to joinery, 130 to wood grain, 86 to handle maker, 159 to cooper, 73 to magewappa, 562 to transport, 74 to trade, 141 items of work clothes, 171 articles related to carrying food, 226 to mountain huts, 28 to religion, 67 others
Hida mountain village manufacturing tools (飛騨の山村生産用具, hida no sanson seisan yōgu)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
989 articles, including: 248 farming implements, 191 logging tools, 108 related to wood grain and bamboo ladles, 21 to lacquer, 112 to straw work, 54 related to the production of bracken starch (warabiko), 53 to paper making, 52 to animal husbandry, 56 to transport, 94 others
Fishing implements from Numazu Uchiura and Shizuura (沼津内浦・静浦及び周辺地域の漁撈用具, numazu uchiura shizuura oyobi shūhen chiiki no gyorō yōgu)
1.2, 2.3
2,539 articles, including: 250 fishing nets, 676 fishing tackles, 29 fishing hooks, tools for seashore harvesting, 37 fishing traps, 144 items related to raising and nurturing livestock, 171 related to fishing boats and net sheds, 750 related to the manufacture and repair of fishing boats and fishing tackles, 43 to trade and transport, 111 to the processing of marine products, 239 to religion and courtesy, 62 to administration of the fishing industry
Tokoname pottery manufacturing tools, goods and climbing kiln (常滑の陶器の生産用具・製品及び登窯, tokoname no tōji no seisan yōgu seihin oyobi noborigama)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
1,655 articles and one noborigama climbing kiln, including: 35 tools related to clay preparation, 841 mold tools, 40 related to glazing, 108 to firing, 107 other tools, 513 items of pottery, 11 roof tiles
Seto pottery manufacturing tools and goods (瀬戸の陶磁器の生産用具及び製品, seto no tōjiki no seisan yōgu oyobi seihin)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
3,943 articles, including: 50 tools related to clay preparation, 1623 mold tools, 204 related to drying, 557 to decorating and glazing, 639 to firing, 440 items of pottery, 326 items of porcelain, and 104 other items
Chita Peninsula fishing tools and related accounting book (知多半島の漁撈用具 附 漁撈関係帳面類, chita hantō no gyorō yōgu tsuketari gyorō kankei chōmenrui)
1.2, 2.3
1,045 fishing tools and 28 note books, including: 99 related to まんが漁, 124 to angling, 109 to harpoon and octopus fishing, 39 to seaweed and fertilizer harvest, 196 to nori catching, 7 boats, 200 boat related articles, 147 related to repair and ship building, 124 others,
6,879 articles, including: 233 related to ama diving, 279 to shore fishing, 59 to tuna and shark fishing, 18 to whaling, 829 to net fishing, 2364 to angling, 51 octopus pots, 851 related to nori cultivation and processing, 15 to salt making, 365 to the processing of marine products, 179 related to fishing market, 13 boats, 626 boat related items, 792 items related to the production and repair of fishing tackles, 19 fishing permits, 186 related to religion and courtesy
Nada sake brewing tools (灘の酒造用具, nada no shuzō yōgu)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
566 articles related to sake brewing in the Nada area, including: 23 related to water collection, 12 to washing, 63 to kettles, 56 to sake, 29 to the warehouse, 25 to tanks, 40 to 澄場, 35 to 室場, 15 to rice polishing, 47 to shipping、90 to sale, 59 to sake brewing livelihood, 9 to religion and courtesy、 63 others
Mountain village manufacturing tools from the Totsukawa area (十津川郷の山村生産用具, totsukawagō no sanson seisan yōgu)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
3,174 articles, including: 73 related to collecting nature products, 300 to hunting and river fishing, 369 to farming, 32 to animal husbandry, 135 to sericulture, 84 to charcoal making, 480 to logging, 71 to timber sawing, 476 to woodworking, 51 to stone masonry, 102 to smithing, 50 to handwork, 193 to spinning and weaving, 290 to transport, 156 items of work clothes, 89 related to the carrying of food and drink, 39 to lamps, 184 to religion and courtesy
Kurayoshi metal casting tools and products (倉吉の鋳物師(斎江家)用具及び製品, kurayoshi no imoji (saigōke) yōgu oyobi seihin)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
1,624 articles related to pre-modern (western) metal casting initiated by the Saigo family in Kurayoshi city in 1626, including: 37 regulations, 61 iron raw materials, 22 items related to the establishment, 885 casting tools, 94 related to sale, 97 to religion, 17 to courtesy, 190 cast metal products, 221 related documents
Tatara iron manufacturing tools (たたら製鉄用具, tatara seitetsu yōgu)
1.2, 2.3
250 articles, including: 154 related to fireplace construction, 31 to smelting, 8 to refinement, 42 to smithing, 8 to the collection of iron sand and 7 others
Mountain village manufacturing tools from Haza (波佐の山村生産用具, haza no sanson seisan yōgu)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
758 articles, including: 244 related to farming, 110 to logging, 110 to papermaking, 152 to spinning or weaving, 64 to transport and 78 items of work clothes
Gōnokawa River basin fishing implements and documents related to fishing grounds (江の川流域の漁撈用具 附漁場関係資料, gōnokawa ryūiki no gyorō yōgu tsuketari gyoba kankei shiryō)
Various tools from Kuka (久賀の諸職用具, kuka no shoshoku yōgu)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
2,707 articles, including: 173 related to masonry, 93 to smithing, 27 goods produced by smithing, 812 shipwright tools, 289 to barrel making, 29 manufactured barrels, 291 related to the production of umbrellas and paper lanterns, 280 to weaving, 45 woven goods, 338 to dyeing, 23 dyed goods, 254 to soy sauce making and 53 others
East Suō-Ōshima production tools (周防大島東部の生産用具, suō-ōshima tōbu no seisan yōgu)
1.2, 2.3
3,465 articles, including: 126 to the collection of natural resources, 433 to fishing, 1033 to farming, 56 to animal husbandry, 601 to sericulture, 477 to spinning or weaving, 78 to handwork, 405 related to various employments, 47 to transport, 113 items of work clothes, 71 related to food, drink and lamps, 25 to religion and courtesy
73 articles, including: 49 related to Irihama style salt production (25 related to saltpans, 17 to kamaya (釜屋) and 7 others) and 24 to Agehama style salt production
93 articles, including: 39 related to indigo cultivation, 23 to processing, 17 to processing of sukumo fermented indigo leaves, 14 related to indigo balls
Sanuki and surrounding area sugar cane processing tools and facilities (讃岐及び周辺地域の砂糖製造用具と砂糖しめ小屋・釜屋, sanuki oyobi shūhen chiiki no satō seizō yōgu to satō shimekoya kamaya)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
Two satō shimekoya (砂糖しめ小屋) huts for pressing sugar cane, one kamaya (釜屋) hut for concentrating juice by boiling and 937 articles, including: 101 related to sugar cane cultivation, 694 to shiroshitatō (白下糖, coarse sugar one production step before white sugar) sugar production, 61 to wasanbon production, 81 others
Sanuki and surrounding area soy sauce brewing implements and facilities (讃岐及び周辺地域の醤油醸造用具と醤油蔵・麹室, sanuki oyobi shūhen chiiki no shōyu jōzō yōgu to shōyugura kōjimuro)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
Two warehouses, one koji (mold) room and 5577 articles, including: 49 related to washing and boiling, 937 to koji cultivation, 120 to preparation, 1836 to tanks, place to settle the lees, 65 to firing, 1186 to barrels, 701 to transport and commerce, 56 to the repair of production tools, 11 to religion and courtesy, 18 to livelihood 16 to private distillation, 569 related documents
Seto Inland Sea boat drawings and shipwright tools (瀬戸内海の船図及び船大工用具, seto naikai no funazu oyobi funadaiku yōgu)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
2,813 articles, including: 506 boat drawings, 532 tools for putting sumikake (墨掛) ink identification marks, 592 manufacturing tools, 550 joining tools, 207 tools for making boats waterproof, 175 related to fixing, 99 items related to the repair of tools, 93 manufactured goods, 59 others
Seto Inland Sea and surrounding area fishing tools (瀬戸内海及び周辺地域の漁撈用具, seto naikai oyobi shūhen chiiki no gyorō yōgu)
1.2, 2.3
2,843 articles, including: 469 related to net fishing, 599 to angling, 58 to harpoon fishing, 70 for collecting on the seashore, 43 diving tackles、255 items for manufacturing and repairing fishing tackles, 10 boats, 108 items related to boats, 340 shipwright tools, 66 related to production and processing, 118 items related to transport and trade, 323 to religion and courtesy, 174 to garments or food and drink, 210 others
Uchiko and surrounding area wax making tools (内子及び周辺地域の製蝋用具, uchiko oyobi shūhen chiiki no seirō yōgu)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
1,444 articles, including: 61 related to material collection and transport, 169 to wax squeezing, 430 to wax bleaching, 79 to the making of white wax, 39 to candle making, 46 manufactured goods, 73 items related to trade, 84 items of work clothes, 82 relatex to food and drink, 61 items of furniture, 115 related to religion and courtesy and 205 other
Tosa Toyonaga and surrounding area mountain village manufacturing tools (土佐豊永郷及び周辺地域の山村生産用具, tosa toyonagagō oyobi shūhen chiiki no sanson seisan yōgu)
HizenSaga sake brewing tools (肥前佐賀の酒造用具, hizen saga no shuzō yōgu)
1.2, 2.3, 2.5
2,334 articles, including: 52 related to rice polishing, 145 to steaming, 210 to mold making, 102 酛取り tools, 134 preparation tools, 775 related to funagake (槽掛け), 118 related to natsugakoi (夏囲い, "bottled in the summer"), 232 to packing, 366 other sake brewing tools, 109 to sake brewing livelihood, 39 related to religion and courtesy, 52 others
293 articles, including: 66 related to tideland fishing, 81 fishing nets, 33 related to shellfish picking, 31 boat implements, 25 maintenance and processing tools, 9 items of garments, 48 others
Kamae fishing implements (蒲江の漁撈用具, kamae no gyorō yōgu)
1.2, 2.3
1,987 articles, including: 233 fishing nets, 磯浜漁具183点, 551 angling tackles, 272 related to the processing of marine products, 348 boats and related items, 172 items related to the manufacture and repair of fishing tackles, 35 items of work clothes, 34 carrying implements, 159 related to religion and courtesy
515 articles, including: 102 related to ground preparation, コバ焼用具25点 コバつくり用具26点 草とり・カジメ用具37点 取り入れ・穂あやし用具94点 こしらえ用具47点 25 related to ritual, 159 swidden huts
Hyūga mountain village manufacturing tools (日向の山村生産用具, hyūga no sanson seisan yōgu)
1.2, 1.3, 2.3
2,260 articles, including: 112 related to collecting nature products, 191 to logging, 142 to hracoal making, 102 to tea processing, 81 to the cultivation and processing of shiitake, 85 items of hunting gear, 149 river fishing implements, 110 related to cooking, 139 to dry field farming, 168 to harvest, 82 to animal husbandry, 50 to sericulture, 174 to woodworking, 66 to bamboo work, 81 to handwork, 127 to smithing, 117 to transport, 83 items of work clothes, 20 related to the transport of food and drink, とまり小屋用具98点, 83 related to religion and courtesy