Angie Tribeca, titled Angie Tribeca: Special Division Force for its fourth and final season, is an American sitcom created by Steve and Nancy Carell. The series, a satire of police procedural shows, stars Rashida Jones as the titular police detective Angie Tribeca. It also stars Hayes MacArthur, Jere Burns, Deon Cole, Andrée Vermeulen, Kiersey Clemons, and Bobby Cannavale in supporting roles. The series was announced by TBS in mid 2014 with a ten-episode order.[1]Angie Tribeca premiered on a 25-hour 10-episode marathon on January 17–18, 2016. It was renewed for a fourth and final season, after which 40 episodes had aired.[2]
Geils and Tanner investigate the mysterious death of a boy band member; Tribeca finally meets with Sgt. Pepper, who seems to be connected to Mayhem Global.
When a middle-aged white man mysteriously dies in New York, the team goes to the Big Apple on Tribeca's hunch that the trophy hunter hunter has struck again.
After 20 years in prison, Angie is reunited with her old team and son, A.J., now part of the Special Division Force; the team's first assignment is to infiltrate a hospital to find a potential assassin of French Ambassador Pierre Cardin.
Tribeca is undercover as a high school glee club coach to stop a highly prolific distributor of malware and computer exploits; but first, her glee club must come in first place at their final competition.
The team investigates an attack on popular Esports gamer Bondevil; A.J. is sent to join and infiltrate the QuarkSpark team, where he learns of a secret underground money laundering system within the Esports world.
Tribeca is sent undercover to investigate a string of dead models from Popular Magazine; when the fingerprints on all of the bodies are discovered to belong to dead Peruvian men, the remainder of the team heads to Peru to investigate.
Angie and the team go undercover to infiltrate Lowercase Capital, a successful Wall Street-like corporation, in connection with the murder of an eccentric billionaire.
In Fargo, S.D., the team is tasked with waiting for the arrival of a certain truck, the contents of which are unknown to the team; Charo and A.J. cover up an unfortunate incident which has ties to the mysterious arrival of the truck and the man pursuing it.
The team works alongside a victim who is suing a popular law office for covering up negligence at FarmTech, a farming company with an alleged pesticide problem.
After stealing the Louisiana Purchase and kidnapping Cardin, Tribeca and A.J. are wanted fugitives; Tribeca goes undercover one last time to expose Vice President Perry.