With his team he has carried out in hyperbaric and diving medicine research, with the first-ever electrocardiogram under ice and the deepest electrocardiogram.
Underwater journalist
In the 2013, he was the first journalist "embedded" to follow the "Corso Ordinario Palombari" (the Italian Navy Diver) since its founding 165 years ago. From the first day until the end of 44 weeks. From this experience he wrote the book "PALOMBiRO. Pagine dal fondo". (Magenes 2014).
D'Imporzano also writes and contributes in more than 600 articles of magazines and he's a speaker in shows and conferences on the topic of freediving and environmental protection.
He has received awards from Comune di Lerici, La Spezia (Italy) for his sport activity, from the International Festival "ImagOrbetello" – Osservare – Impressionare – Sorprendere", the Special Prize for "Man of Sports and Culture. For his commitment to the Promotion and Protection of the Territory Coastal.[5]
From [ Uisp - attività subacquee] the Diploma in "Duilio Marcante Prize", "For significant contributions to the preservation of human life in the water".[6] The "Tridente d'oro" or the year 2018, becoming member of the International Academy of Underwater Sciences and Techniques.[7]