His parents are Károly Holecz Sr. and Sára Skerlák. Born in Szentgotthárd, he went to primary school in Apátistvánfalva and high school in Körmend. After that he received a bachelor's degree from Dániel Berzsenyi College (now University of West Hungary – Savaria University Center) in Szombathely after studying Slovene and technology.
He worked at the Hungarian Slovenian weekly Porabje, and from 1994 to 2006 was the mayor of Orfalu.[1] He has been awarded a recognition as a notable member of the Slovene minority in Hungary.[2]
In 2003, he published a collection of stories titled Andovske zgodbe, Andovske prpovejsti (Stories of Orfalu)[3] in standard Slovene and the Prekmurje Slovene.
^Új választás lesz Orfalun: Goda-Holecz 28-28, Vas Népe (in Hungarian), October 5, 2010 (noting that Holecz was mayor from 1994-2006, that Ilona Goda was elected mayor in 2006, and that in the 2010 mayoral election they tied at 28-28, which will require a new vote)