Khijri is surrounded by Murhu Block towards South, Karra Block towards west, Bandgaon Block towards South, Torpa Block towards west. Namkum, Ranchi, Barughutu are Chakradharpur are the nearby cities to Khijri.
There is no railway station within 10 km of Khijri. However Kurkura railway station, which is 29 km from Khijri, is a major. It is connected through village road via Salgutu - Kurkura Road and Kurkura - Tetairtoli Road.
Roads connecting minor towns are providing movement for passenger and freight traffic. There is a village road connecting Kurkura, Kurkura-Tetairtoli Road via Kulburu which meets Salgutu-Kurkura Road. Nearest State highway is Tamar-Khunti-Kolebira block road.
To cater the medical needs of patients, especially those with tuberculosis, people go to: