In From the Cold is an American spythriller television series created by Adam Glass.[1] The series follows a divorced mother and ex-Russian spy, living secretly in the United States, as she is forced back into her old life after the CIA learns about her real identity.[2] It was released as a Netflix original on January 28, 2022.[3]
In its first 16 days on Netflix, the show was watched for 85.83 million hours globally.[4]
Cast and characters
Margarita Levieva as Jenny Franklin/Anya Petrova/The Whisper, a former Russian spy and assassin living a double-life as a citizen of the United States. She has the ability to shape-shift[5][6] and camouflage her physical self to her surroundings.
Newly divorced mother Jenny Franklin arrives in Madrid as a chaperone for her daughter Becca's figure skating team. After she leaves the hotel on an errand, Jenny is abducted by CIA agents led by Chauncey, who claims that she is the legendary Soviet-era spy, the Whisper. When she denies it, Chauncey orders her to be killed and Jenny is forced to reveal herself by using advanced combat skills to try and escape. She is offered a deal by Chauncey: assist the CIA in tracking down the source of a series of bizarre incidents in Madrid, or spend her life in prison and have Becca's life ruined. She agrees and is tasked with obtaining a retinal scan of an inmate in a restricted military prison, where she is chased by violent male inmates. With no other choice, Jenny undergoes a painful physical transformation that enables her to assume the identity of a man.
In 1994, a younger Jenny, then going by her real name of Anya, is assigned by Russian intelligence to kidnap the daughter of a bioweapons engineer attempting to defect to China.
Trust gets tougher to find as family reconciles. Carmo digs, and Damian springs a trap. The real Gideon emerges. Jenny tries to get a grip on her guise.