The Boss Baby: Back in the Crib is an American animated comedy television series, produced by DreamWorks Animation Television and developed by Brandon Sawyer, which premiered on May 19, 2022. While Back in Business was a follow-up to the 2017 film, this series serves as a follow-up to the 2021 film The Boss Baby: Family Business, loosely based on the books by Marla Frazee. The second season premiered on April 13, 2023. On September 27, 2023, Brandon Sawyer announced the series was canceled after two seasons.[1]
Taking place after the events of The Boss Baby: Family Business, Theodore Lindsay Templeton is forced to revert to his old Boss Baby self after being framed for embezzlement by Bradley, a member of his company. With his older brother Tim, and his two nieces, Tabitha and Baby Corp employee Tina, they co-lead Tina's new Field Team fighting to increase Baby And The Uncuddleables Love. They work while keeping a new group of arch-nemeses, The Rivals Catrine Bruno Silvi Hali Lawrence, from destroying Baby Corp itself.[2][3]
In Season 2 of The Boss Baby: Back in the Crib, fired from Baby Corp, Boss Baby and Tina combine their leadership skills to launch their own company. Now, in addition to the usual challenges of a startup company, UTP must also outsmart a new adversary named Crispin Biscuits, who was hired to ruin Boss Baby and Tina's lives.[4]
J. P. Karliak as Theodore Lindsey "Ted" Templeton Jr. / The Boss Baby
Inspiration for the series happened when creator Brandon Sawyer watched a rough cut of The Boss Baby: Family Business by Tom McGrath and Michael McCullers.[5] The series was worked on during the production of the sequel.[6]
On September 27, 2023, executive producer Sawyer replied on Twitter to a question about whether the second season was truly its last, saying that season 2 was "the end of Back in the Crib", signifying that the series was over after two seasons.[7]
The series premiered on Netflix on May 19, 2022.[8][9] A second season was released on April 13, 2023.[10]
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Common Sense Media gave Back in the Crib 2 out of 5 stars for having "too much dark sarcasm" and "consumerism in an unpleasant series".[11]