Guðbergur Bergsson (16 October 1932 – 4 September 2023) was an Icelandic writer born in Grindavík. He attended the University of Iceland for his Teaching degree and then studied literature at the University of Barcelona. He was one of the leading translators of Spanish works in Iceland.[1] In Barcelona, he met and engaged with the publisher and writer Jaime Salinas Bonmatí [es].
His first book came out in 1961. He has had twenty books in all including poetry and children's literature. He has won the Icelandic Literary Prize twice.[2] In 2004, he won the Swedish Academy Nordic Prize, known as the 'little Nobel'.
Bergsson died on 4 September 2023, at the age of 90.[3]
Músin sem læðist, 1961
Tómas Jónsson, metsölubók (1966). Translated by Lytton Smith as Tómas Jónsson, Bestseller (Open Letter, 2017).
Ástir samlyndra hjóna, 1967
Anna, 1968
Það sefur í djúpinu, 1973
Hermann og Dídí, 1974
Það rís úr djúpinu, 1976
Saga af manni sem fékk flugu í höfuðið, 1979
Sagan af Ara Fróðasyni og Hugborgu konu hans, 1980
Hjartað býr enn í helli sínum, 1982
Leitin að landinu fagra, 1985
Froskmaðurinn, 1985
Svanurinn (1991). Translated by Bernard Scudder as The Swan (Mare's Nest, 1997).
Sú kvalda ást sem hugarfylgsnin geyma, 1993
Ævinlega, 1994
Lömuðu kennslukonurnar, 2004
Leitin að barninu í gjánni - Barnasaga ekki ætluð börnum, 2008