Gran Hermano is the Argentine version of the international reality television franchise Big Brother produced by Endemol. The show is currently hosted by Santiago del Moro, taking over after Jorge Rial and previously Soledad Silveyra. The show first aired on 10 March 2001 on Telefe and aired seven regular and one Celebrity season until 16 April 2012. It was on hiatus for three years until 29 April 2015, when a revival of the series began airing on América TV for two seasons until 24 August 2016. After a six-year break, the show returned to Telefe for its tenth season that premiered on 17 October 2022.[1]Gran Hermano was renewed for an eleventh season on 27 March 2023,[2] and a twelfth season on 3 July 2024.[3]
The show features contestants called "HouseGuests" who live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world, and the housemates are continuously monitored during their stay in the house by live television cameras as well as personal audio microphones. Throughout the course of the competition, they are voted out (usually on a weekly basis) until only one remains and wins the cash prize.
The series was acquired by Telefe in early 2001.[4] The Argentine version of the series officially premiered on 10 March 2001, when the original twelve housemates entered the house. Until its fourth season, the show was hosted by actress Soledad Silveyra, when she was later replaced by Jorge Rial. Rial left the show during season seven, when Mariano Peluffo took over for the reminder of the season. Rial later returned as host for the eighth season when the series moved to América TV. After the return to Telefe for its tenth season, Santiago del Moro was confirmed as the new host.[5] Currently, 11 seasons of the show have aired, along with one Celebrity season, with a renewal for a twelfth season.[3] The show has aired a total of over 300 episodes since it premiered, and there have been a total of 200 HouseGuests competing in the series. Upon entering the house, the HouseGuests must abide by the house rules; HouseGuests can anytime leave the house without permission or be forcibly removed from the game if they broke any rules, such as exhibiting violent and disruptive behavior. In both cases, these HouseGuests are not allowed to return to the house.
The first season of the reality television seriesGran Hermano premiered on 10 March 2001 on Telefe in Argentina, and ended on 30 June 2001 after 120 days of competition. Soledad Silveyra was the host for the season. On the season finale, Marcelo Corazza was crowned the winner defeating runner-up Tamara Paganini with 83.56 percent of the votes by the public, earning a prize of 121,200 Argentine pesos.
HouseGuests nominated for two and one points, shown in descending order in the nomination box. The two or more HouseGuests with the most nomination points faced the public vote.
^Note 1 : Fernando, Gastón and Eleonora were not allowed to nominate as punishment for discussing nominations.
^Note 2 : In the final the viewing public were voting for who they wanted to win, not to evict.
Season 2 (2001)
The second season of the reality television series Gran Hermano premiered on 4 August 2001 on Telefe in Argentina, and ended on 1 December 2001 after 120 days of competition. Soledad Silveyra returned as host. Roberto Parra was crowned the winner defeating runner-up Silvina Luna with 47.14 percent of the votes by the public, earning a prize of 200,000 Argentine pesos.
HouseGuests nominated for two and one points, shown in descending order in the nomination box. The two or more HouseGuests with the most nomination points faced the public vote.
^Note 3 : Magaly automatically faced the public vote for discussing Nominations.
^Note 4 : Javier and Maximiliano entered as substitutes of Gonzalo, but only one of them could stay in the House, the Housemates had to choose either Javier or Maximiliano to stay. Javier received by 4 votes and remained in the House, while Maximiliano was evicted.
^Note 5 : To choose Pablo's substitute the Phone Lines were opened between all the evicted Housemates, and with more than 80% Silvina returned to the House, meaning that Silvina was only out of the House for little over 3 days.
^Note 6 : In the final the viewing public votes for who they want to win, not to evict.
After Pablo Heredia decided to leave, Gran Hermano decided that during the debate show after the seventh eviction gala, a repechage would be made for a former participant to return to the house. During the show, by decision of the public, Silvina Luna re-entered the house.
Silvina Luna
Re-entered Day 85
Luis Biondi
Evicted Day 85
Yazmín Schmidt
Magaly Rodríguez
Carolina Chiapetta
Season 3 (2002–03)
The third season of the reality television series Gran Hermano premiered on 15 October 2002 on Telefe in Argentina, and ended on 16 February 2003 after 125 days of competition. Soledad Silveyra returned as host for the last time. Vivana Colmenero was crowned the winner defeating runner-up Mauricio Córdoba with 46.87 percent of the votes by the public, earning a prize of 100,000 Argentine pesos.
On this season, HouseGuests had three votes for nomination until week 12, the first vote for two points and the remaining two for one point, shown in descending order in the nomination box. After week 12 the nominations returned to the original format, with HouseGuests nominating for two and one points. The two or more HouseGuests with the most nomination points faced the public vote.
^Note 7 : Pablo was nominated by Gran Hermano for discussing nominations.
^Note 8 : Natalia returned to the house as Sebastián's replacement after winning a public vote with 62%.
^Note 9 : Eduardo was nominated by Gran Hermano for being very aggressive toward Romina.
^Note 10 : In the final the viewing public votes for who they want to win, not to evict.
After Sebastián Spur decided to leave, Gran Hermano decided that during the third nomination gala, a repechage would be made for a former participant to return to the house. During the show, by decision of the public, Natalia Quintilliano re-entered the house.
Natalia Quintilliano
Re-entered Day 36
Fernanda Zapata
Evicted Day 36
Season 4 (2007)
The fourth season of the reality television series Gran Hermano premiered on 9 January 2007 on Telefe in Argentina, and ended on 7 May 2007 after 119 days of competition. Jorge Rial was confirmed as the new host. Marianela Mirra was crowned the winner defeating Juan Expósito and Mariela Montero Ríos with 41.46 percent of the votes by the public, earning a prize of 100,000 Argentine pesos.
On this season, the first person to go to the Diary Room to nominate has the option to allocate 3 points and 2 points to their nominees. This is called the "Special Nomination" and must be used before nominations start. All other HouseGuests can assign 2 points and 1 point to their nominees. The first HouseGuest listed received the most points and the second housemate listed received the fewest points.
The HouseGuest that used the Diary Room's Special Nomination is marked in orange.
^Note 11 : On Day 7, Sebastián answered the Hot Phone, and by doing so was automatically nominated by Gran Hermano. Juan nominated himself, allocating all 3 points towards his total.
^Note 12 : By answering the Hot Phone in Week 3, Diego was immune from being nominated this week. Mariela used the Diary Room's special power, therefore, she was able to make one of her nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1.
^Note 13 : By answering the Hot Phone in Week 4, Diego was immune from being nominated this week. Marianela used the Diary Room's special power, therefore, she was able to make one of her nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1.
^Note 14 : By answering the Hot Phone in Week 5, Jonathan doubled his nomination points and, for this week only, could nominate with 4 points and 2 points. This week, Housemates were able to nominate themselves without being forced to allocate all three points to themselves. Because Juan refused to nominate, Gran Hermano automatically nominated him.
^Note 15 : This week, the three or more Housemates with the most points will face the public vote. By answering the Hot Phone in Week 6, Marianela was given the power to save a nominee from eviction. She chose to save herself.
^Note 16 : By answering the Hot Phone in Week 7, Griselda won the right to amend the nominations. She chose to void Jéssica's nominations and double the power of Nadia's nominations.
^Note 17 : Mariela used the Diary Room's special power, therefore, she was able to make one of her nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1. As punishment for discussing nominations, Jéssica's nominations were voided by Gran Hermano.
^Note 18 : Marianela used the Diary Room's special power, therefore, she was able to make one of her nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1. However, as punishment for discussing nominations, Marianela's nominations were voided by Gran Hermano.
^Note 19 : On Day 66, Housemates were given the option of allowing a previously evicted Housemate back into the House. By a vote of 6-3, they elected to nominate a Housemate to return. Claudia returned with 15 of 27 points. However, Claudia is banned from nominating during the next two weeks. She can still be nominated by her fellow Housemates.
^Note 20 : Marianela used the Diary Room's special power, therefore, she was able to make one of her nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1. This week, Housemates were able to nominate themselves without being forced to allocate all three points to themselves.
^Note 21 : Claudia refused to nominate. As punishment, Gran Hermano declared she would automatically face eviction.
^Note 22 : Claudia refused to nominate. As punishment, Gran Hermano declared she would have automatically faced eviction. However, she already had enough points to face the public vote. This week, Housemates were able to nominate themselves without being forced to allocate all three points to themselves.
^Note 23 : Juan refused to nominate. As punishment, Gran Hermano declared he would have automatically faced eviction. However, he already had enough points to face the public vote.
^Note 24 : Juan refused to nominate. As punishment, Gran Hermano declared he would have automatically faced eviction. However, he already had enough points to face the public vote. Marianela used the Diary Room's special power, therefore, she was able to make one of her nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1.
^Note 25 : In the final the viewing public were voting for who they wanted to win, not to evict.
During week 9, Gran Hermano decided to realize a repechage to give a former HouseGuest the opportunity to re-enter the house, with the option to decide whether to realize it or not to the current HouseGuests. The voting resulted with 6 votes in favor of the repechage (Gabriel, Jessica, Jonathan, Juan, Marianela and Sebastián) and 3 against it (Diego, Griselda and Mariela). The current HouseGuests voted to decide who would re-enter the house, and with 15 votes Claudia Ciardone finally re-entered the house with the ban on nominating for the first two weeks since her return.
Claudia Ciardone
Re-entered Day 73
Nadia Epstein
Evicted Day 73
Damián Fortunato
Leandro Maldonado
Vanina Gramuglia
Agustín Belforte
Melisa Durán
Pablo Espósito
Silvina Scheffler
Gran Hermano Famosos (2007)
The Celebrity season of the reality television series Gran Hermano premiered on 13 May 2007 on Telefe in Argentina, and ended on 1 August 2007 after 81 days of competition, becoming the shortest season to date. Jorge Rial returned as host. Diego Leonardi was crowned the winner defeating runner-up Jacqueline Dutrá with 82 percent of the votes by the public, earning a prize of 66,666 Argentine pesos.
HouseGuests nominated for two and one points, shown in descending order in the nomination box. The two or more HouseGuests with the most nomination points faced the public vote. The "Special Nomination" in which a HouseGuest nominates with the option to allocate 3 points and 2 points to their nominees continued to be used during this season.
The HouseGuest that used the Diary Room's Special Nomination is marked in orange.
^Note 26 : Dolores and Pablo both refused to nominate, therefore, both automatically faced the public vote. Fernanda used the Diary Room's Special Power, therefore, she was able to make one of her nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1.
^Note 27 : Jacqueline and Nino both refused to nominate, therefore, Jaqueline automatically faced the public vote. Nino would have also automatically faced the public vote if he was not already nominated. Cinthia used the Diary Room's Special Power, therefore, she was able to make one of her nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1. Carlos, Jorge, Luis and Mariana had their nominations for Nino voided as punishment for plotting together to nominate him. Jorge and Luis also plotted to nominate Mariana - and both had their nominations for her voided. New Housemates Melina and Robertino were exempt from nominations this week - they could not nominate or be nominated.
^Note 28 : Melina refused to nominate, therefore, she automatically faced the public vote. Cinthia used the Diary Room's Special Power, therefore, she was able to make one of her nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1.
^Note 29 : Hernán and Robertino both refused to nominate, therefore, Robertino automatically faced the public vote. Hernán did not have to face the public vote because had told Gran Hermano that he would be leaving the House. Housemates were unaware of this and were still able to nominate him. Fernanda used the Diary Room's Special Power, therefore, she was able to make one of her nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1.
^Note 30 : Robertino refused to nominate. Had he not been nominated by his fellow Housemates, he would have automatically faced the public vote.
^Note 31 : Housemates were allowed to nominate themselves this week if they chose to do so.
^Note 32 : Diego used the Diary Room's Special Power, therefore, he was able to make one of his nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1. Housemates were allowed to nominate themselves this week if they chose to do so. Jorge's nomination of Diego was voided due to Jorge discussing this nomination to another Housemate.
^Note 33 : Diego refused to nominate. Had he not been nominated by his fellow Housemates, he would have automatically faced the public vote. Housemates were allowed to nominate themselves this week if they chose to do so.
^Note 34 : Carlos' nomination of Diego was voided due to Carlos disclosing it to the rest of the House.
^Note 34 : This week, the public were voting to win, rather than to evict. On Day 79, Fernanda was evicted after receiving the fewest votes to win. Following this, voting resumed for the 3 finalists.
Season 5 (2007)
Start Date: 8 August 2007 - 2 December 2007 (Days: 116)
In this series, the first person to go to the diary room to nominate has the option to allocate 3 points and 2 points to their nominees. This is called the "Special Nomination" and must be used before nominations start. All other housemates can assign 2 points and 1 point to their nominees. The first housemate listed received the most points and the second housemate listed received the fewest points.
The Housemate that used the Diary Room's Special Power is marked in orange.
^Note 36 : By answering the Hot Phone in Week 1, Solange was automatically nominated by Gran Hermano after nominations took place. Jordana used the Diary Room's Special Power, therefore, she was able to make one of her nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1.
^Note 37 : Damián used the Diary Room's Special Power, therefore, he was able to make one of his nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1. Celeste, as Head of House, had the option to give a Housemate immunity from eviction after nominations were made but before the nominees for eviction were announced. She chose to save Mariana, which resulted in Celeste being named as the replacement nominee.
^Note 38 : Renzo used the Diary Room's Special Power, therefore, he was able to make one of his nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1.
^Note 39 : By answering the Hot Phone in Week 6, Renzo was given the power to double his nomination points. His 2-point nomination became worth 4, while his 1-point nomination became worth 2.
^Note 40 : Andrea used the Diary Room's Special Power, therefore, she was able to make one of her nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1. However, as she disclosed to the other housemates that she used 3 points on Renzo, this nomination was voided. Had it not been voided, Renzo would have also faced the public vote. Mariana walked from the House on Day 43 after nominations. Because she was to leave, Gran Hermano did not have her nominate.
^Note 41 : As new Housemates, Flopy and Sebastián were exempt from the nomination process this week.
^Note 42 : Damián used the Diary Room's Special Power, therefore, he was able to make one of his nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1.
^Note 43 : Javi used the Diary Room's Special Power, therefore, he was able to make one of his nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1. As Soledad was in the Grand Hermano Spain House this week, she was immune from being nominated.
^Note 44 : Damián, as Head of House, had the option to give a Housemate immunity from eviction after nominations were made but before the nominees for eviction were announced. He chose to save Esteban, which meant that Celeste and Sebastián were now nominated for eviction along with Andrea.
^Note 45 : Sebastián, as Head of House, had the option to give a Housemate immunity from eviction after nominations were made but before the nominees for eviction were announced. He chose to save Juan-Emilio, however, this did not affect the nomination lineup.
^Note 46 : As a condition for Eugenia to re-enter the house, she was banned from nominating this week and automatically faced the public vote.
^Note 47 : Sebastián used the Diary Room's Special Power, therefore, he was able to make one of his nominations worth 3 points as opposed to 1.
^Note 48 : This week, the public were voting to win, rather than to evict. On Day 113, Celeste was evicted after receiving the fewest votes to win. Following this, voting resumed for the 3 finalists.
The sixth season of Gran Hermano Argentina premiered on Sunday December 12, 2010 hosted by Jorge Rial. For the first two weeks after the premiere, the Gala will be hosted by Marley due to Rial taking a holiday. It began on 12 December 2010, and the prize money for the series is 400,000 Argentine pesos (100,680 USD). The season ended on Sunday May 1, 2011 after lasting 141 days, becoming the longest series ever produced in the Americas. Also, third place, Martín Anchorena became the housemate that has stayed the longest in a Big Brother house in the Americas, at that time, by staying all.
On Day 50, Juan Pablo left the House, since he wanted to go back to his studies and during his stay, he repeatedly announced his intentions of leaving. After Cristian U. walked out of the House on Day 58, a repechage process began on Day 62, and the two housemates that decided to leave voluntarily were also asked to be part of this process. At the end of Day 62's live nominations show, only Juan Pablo decided to stay out of the repechage and evicted housemates Rocío, Ariana, Leandro, Natalí, Christian Y., Emiliano, and Gisele with walkee Cristian U. were put up for public vote to see who will be the two returning, it was announced that Cristian U., Emiliano, Gisele, and Rocío were the elected ones to go back in with the final decision to be revealed on Day 64's live eviction show.
On Day 64 (February 13, 2011) the four finalists of the repechage vote entered the house. Cristian U. and Rocío were the ones originally returning, he obtained 74,37% of all votes while she obtained 9,11% with Gisele and Emiliano obtaining 4,21% and 5,15% respectively. After their re-entrance, Jésica voluntarily left the house alleging she was missing her son.
On Day 127 (April 17, 2011), Solange Gómez became the women that has survived the longest number of days in a BB edition held on the Western Hemisphere by surviving from Day 1 until Day 127 when she was evicted, and this will be the first edition in Argentina in which all finalist are from the same gender, in this case, males.
On Day 141 (May 1, 2011), the final 3, Cristian U., Emiliano and Martín A. all received monetary prizes, Martín A. received 50,000 Argentine pesos, Emiliano received 90,000 Argentine pesos, the amount he received is not the one he was supposed to receive as the runner-up because he spent some days outside the house this also happened to winner Cristian U. that received 382,357 Argentine pesos instead of the original 400,000 Argentine pesos of the prize.
The seventh season of Gran Hermano Argentina started on November 2, 2011 on Telefe. The show's length was approximately five months, finished on April 16, 2012. The prize has been increased to AR$1,000,000 (USD235,000) which will be reduced according to how many times a housemate is nominated. The show is hosted by Jorge Rial, who has hosted the show since 2007, until January 13, 2012 when he left the show. Rial was replaced by Mariano Peluffo, who hosted Gran Hermano spinoff shows.
After surviving 164 Days (a record in the Americas at the time), Rodrigo Fernandez became the winner, at age 19 became the youngest person to ever win the Argentinian series. All four finalists (Rodrigo, Walquiria, Jorge & Alex) on finale night became the Big Brother contestants in the continent with the most survived days in a single series.
This series beat the record length (lasting 164 Days, the previous one lasted 141 Days) set during the previous season and became the longest series ever produced of any Big Brother show in the Americas. Also, this was the last series to air in Telefe, until 2022 when the network took over the format once more and greenlit the show's tenth civilian season.
Gran Hermano 2015 is the eighth season of the Argentinian version of the reality show Gran Hermano. This season was confirmed in December 2014 by the main executive of the network Liliana Parodi.[6] It was the first season to be broadcast on América TV after being previously in Telefe. The premiere was set for Wednesday 29 April 2015, being delayed one week from its original debut date.[7] This season will come three years after the end of the most recent one.[8] This season finished on 30 September 2015, after 155 days, becoming the second longest season ever produced in the country after the seventh season.
Jorge Rial announced that he would return to the show's main hosting duties, after leaving the position halfway during the previous season due to personal issues. Pamela David, one of America's main personalities, took over on hosting the show's Debates and Daily Highlights.[9][10]
Gran Hermano 2016 is the ninth season of the Argentinian version of the reality show Gran Hermano. This season was confirmed as part of a multi-season deal subscribed between América TV and Endemol Argentina when the network took over the rights. The premiere of this season was originally set to debut in March 2016, confirmed by Jorge Rial during the Gran Hermano 2015 finale on 30 September 2015. This season began on 18 May 2016.[11]
After the previous season started to provide peaks of up to 12 points for América TV in the primetime ratings, the network quickly decided to extend the agreement and this new season has been rumored to come since July, but it wasn't until September 2015 when it was technically confirmed just awaiting the network's major call for open castings.[12][13] Castings opened officially on 1 October 2015.
As the show's house would be used for Big Brother Panamá just days after this season's conclusion, and also, after this season suffered a decrease in ratings and advertising revenue compared to the previous one, it has been confirmed that this season would end on 24 August 2016, lasting 99 days and becoming the shortest season ever produced in the country. An additional season was expected but after several considerations, América TV did not produce a new season.[14] However, the day after this season finale, Debate host Pamela David announced in her morning talk show Desayuno Americano that "next year the Celebrity season is coming up", referencing a potential Celebrity season exactly 10 years after the first one ever aired in the country. Also, days before the season came to its end, host Jorge Rial announced that this season would actually be his last.[15]
Luis Fabián "Luifa" Galesio was crowned the winner on 24 August 2016 after surviving 92 days in the house of the 99 that season lasted. Ivana Icardi became the runner-up. Third place went to Mauricio Guirao, while fourth went to Leandro Robin and fifth place went to Yasmila Anna Mendeguía. This season is being called the most "fixed" in the show's history in the country, and there was a possibility of the second celebrity season in 2017.[16] Luifa won with 60,1% of all votes against Ivana in a final match, and he will receive this season's cash prize together with a brand new house.[17] As this season's runner-up, Ivana landed a gig as a panelist in one of América TV's talk shows most likely joining Jorge Rial's Intrusos.[18] Mauricio, who finished third received a brand new car and a house for his whole family.[19]
The tenth season of the Argentine version of the television reality showGran Hermano was announced on 21 June 2022 by Telefe.[20] After last airing on América TV in 2016, the show made its return to the original network Telefe,[5] and it would be the first series to air in the network since the seventh season that aired during 2011–2012.
Santiago del Moro was formally announced as the show's new host.[20] The show follows a group of contestants (known as HouseGuests), who live in a house together while being constantly filmed and having no communication with the outside world as they compete to win a grand prize of ARS15 million and a house. The runner-up also wins a house.[21] Each week, the HouseGuests compete in a Head of Household (HoH) competition which gives them immunity from nominations and the power to save one of the nominees up for eviction.
On eviction night, the audience votes to evict one of the nominees.[22]
The season premiered on 17 October 2022,[23] and ran for 162 days, with the season ending on 27 March 2023.[24]Marcos Ginocchio was crowned the winner of the season, with Juan Ignacio Castañares finishing as runner-up and Julieta Poggio in third place.[25]
The eleventh season of Gran Hermano was announced on 26 March 2023 by Telefe during the penultimate episode of the tenth season, with the casting being opened on that same day.[26] It was later announced that the season would start on December 11, 2023,[27] and end on 7 July 2024 after 210 days, becoming the longest season to date.[28]
Bautista Mascia was crowned the winner of the season, with Emmanuel Vich finishing as runner-up and Nicolás Grosman in third place.[29]
Gran Hermano was renewed for a twelfth season during on 3 July 2024 by Telefe four days before the final gala of the eleventh season, with the casting being opened on that same day.[3] The season premiered on 2 December 2024.[30]