Big Brother (Polish: Wielki Brat) is a Polish version of the reality television franchise Big Brother produced by Endemol. The show aired from 2001 to 2002 on TVN, from 2007 to 2008 on TV4 and in 2019 on TVN 7.
Based on the original Dutch version created by Endemol, the show sees a number of "housemates", divided by gender, social backgrounds and geographical locations, locked up together in a house, where the viewing public can watch them twenty-four hours a day, and vote them out of the house as they choose.
The housemates can visit the "Dairy Room" at any time during the day, either to talk to psychologists if they need to, talk to "Big Brother", or to nominate.
The title is inspired by the George Orwell novel 1984. The novel tells of a Big Brother, head of the totalitarian state of Oceania that constantly monitors its inhabitants by the camera in an attempt to suppress their free will. The tag line of the novel is "Big Brother is watching you", which inspired the show, as it is Big Brother who now has total control over the situation in the house.
The housemates live in a house 24 hours a day, bugged by numerous cameras and microphones which capture their every move. Every week the housemates participate in tasks that determine their food budget for that week, or could even affect that week's nominations. The overall goal is to be the final surviving housemate and claim the prize fund. A PlayStation game based on this version was released in 2003.
In the first three seasons, the house was located in Sękocin Stary near Warsaw. In the fourth and fifth season were located in Bielany Wrocławskie. From the sixth season, the house located in the town of Gołków near Piaseczno. For the first time ever in Big Brother history, the housemates live in a proper building rather than a constructed house in a studio. The house is the same house was used in the Polish version of Top Model.
Live stream
Since the fourth season, an internet live stream of the house was made available. From the sixth season, there are 4 channels of the live stream up to 16 hours per day on the
^1 : Big Brother 2 was started airing with Big Brother: Ty Wybierasz on 26 August 2001, a week before the launch.
After 11 years break, the sixth season began on 17 March 2019 on TVN 7.[1][2] On the stream service website, live stream is available from 4 premium channels straight from the Big Brother house broadcasting 16 hours a day.[citation needed]
The Big Brother 5 was divided into two parts: the first part is the one with celebrity (VIP) housemates and the second part is the one with civilian housemates. The season was premiered on March 2, 2008.