Glyph Lefkowitz is an American open-source software programmer and creator of the Twisted network programming framework for Python .[ 2] [ 3] His work on asynchronous programming techniques influenced the core Python language,[ 4] [ 5] as well as the JavaScript Promises ecosystem, through Dojo and Mochikit .
He is a frequent speaker at developer conferences and was elected a fellow of the Python Software Foundation (PSF) in 2009.[ 6] [ 7]
Between 2009 and 2013, he was one of the primary contributors of Apple 's Calendar and Contacts Server (CCS) software.[ 8] [ 9]
In 2017, the PSF awarded Lefkowitz their Community Service Award for his influence on the direction of the Python language and community, including his role in pioneering asynchronous programming models.[ 10] [ 11]
^ Fettig, Abe; McKellar, Jessica (2013). Twisted Network Programming Essentials (2nd ed.). O'Reilly Media . Foreword. ISBN 9781449326104 .
^ Claburn, Thomas (16 Aug 2017). "The future of Python: Concurrency devoured, Node.js next on menu" . The Register . Retrieved 28 October 2017 .
^ Lefkowitz, Glyph; Shtull-Trauring, Itamar. "Network Programming for the Rest of Us" . Proceedings of USENIX 2003 : 77– 90. Retrieved 28 October 2017 .
^ "PEP 3156 -- Asynchronous IO Support Rebooted: the "asyncio" Module" . . Retrieved 2018-01-18 .
^ Ramalho, Luciano (2015-07-30). Fluent Python: Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming . "O'Reilly Media, Inc.". p. 604. ISBN 9781491946268 .
^ "Speaker profile - Glyph" . . Retrieved 28 October 2017 .
^ "PSF Membership Roster" . Python Software Foundation . Archived from the original on 24 April 2019. Retrieved 28 October 2017 .
^ "Unboxing... an Apple job offer" . Engadget . Retrieved 2018-01-17 .
^ ccs-calendarserver: The Calendar and Contacts Server , Apple, 2017-10-27, retrieved 2017-10-28
^ Davis, A. Jesse Jiryu (2017-08-10). "Python Software Foundation News: The Ethical Maintainer: Community Service Award Recipient Glyph Lefkowitz" . Python Software Foundation News . Retrieved 2017-10-28 .
^ Lefkowitz, Glyph (2003). "Generalization of Deferred Execution in Python" . PyCon Papers . Archived from the original on 2003-06-08.
External links