
The area of land most often historically associated with the Getae people, shown in red dots at the mouth of the Danube River
The Thracian Tomb of Sveshtari, 3rd century BC

The Getae or Getai (/ˈɡɛt/ or /ˈt/,[1] singular Getan) were a large nation who inhabited the regions to either side of the Lower Danube in what is today northern Bulgaria and southern Romania, throughout much of Classical Antiquity. Historians' main source of information about the Getae are Greek and Roman writers, at least some of whom believed that the Getae were closely related to the neighbouring Thracians to the south, and Dacians to the north. Modern scholars continue to debate the details of these relationships, including the question of whether these three peoples spoke the same language.

The Getae first appear in historical records as fierce opponents of the Persian invasion in 513 BC, as described by the early Greek historian Herodotus. They faded out of historical records during the Roman empire, when many appear to have become Romans while others north of the Danube where gradually overwhelmed by other peoples moving from the north and east towards the Roman frontier.


The ethnonym Getae was first used by Herodotus. The root was also used for the Tyragetae, Thyssagetae, Massagetae, and others.

Getae and Dacians

Ancient sources

Beaker with birds and animals, Thraco-Getic, 4th century BC, silver, height: 18.7 cm (7.4 in), Metropolitan Museum of Art

Strabo stated in his Geographica (c. 7 BC – 20 AD) that the Dacians lived in the western parts of Dacia, "towards Germania and the sources of the Danube", while the Getae lived in the eastern parts, towards the Black Sea, both south and north of the Danube.[2] He also wrote that the Dacians and Getae spoke the same language,[3] after stating the same about Getae and Thracians.[4]

Strabo's account of the lands inhabited by the Getae:

As for the southern part of Germany beyond the Albis, the portion which is just contiguous to that river is occupied by the Suevi; then immediately adjoining this is the land of the Getae, which, though narrow at first, stretching as it does along the Ister Danube on its southern side and on the opposite side along the mountain-side of the Hercynian Black Forest (for the land of the Getae also embraces a part of the mountains), afterwards broadens out towards the north as far as the Tyragetae; but I cannot tell the precise boundaries
they give the name "Ister" to the lower part [of the Danuvius], from the cataracts on to the Pontus, the part which flows past the country of the Getae.

Pliny the Elder, in his Naturalis Historia (Natural History), c. 77–79 AD: "... though various races have occupied the adjacent shores; at one spot the Getae, by the Romans called Daci".[5]

Appian, who began writing his Roman History under Antoninus Pius, Roman Emperor from 138 to 161, noted: "[B]ut going beyond these rivers in places they rule some of the Celts over the Rhine and the Getae over the Danube, whom they call Dacians".[6][7]

Justin, the 3rd century AD Latin historian, wrote in his Epitome of Pompeius Trogus that Dacians are spoken of as descendants of the Getae: "Daci quoque suboles Getarum sunt" (The Dacians as well are a scion of the Getae).[8][9]

In his Roman History (c. 200 AD), Cassius Dio added: "I call the people Dacians, the name used by the natives themselves as well as by the Romans, though I am not ignorant that some Greek writers refer to them as Getae, whether that is the right term or not...".[10][11] He also said the Dacians lived on both sides of the Lower Danube; the ones south of the river (today's northern Bulgaria), in Moesia, were called Moesians, while the ones north of the river were called Dacians. He argued that the Dacians are "Getae or Thracians of Dacian race":[12]

In ancient times, it is true, Moesians and Getae occupied all the land between Haemus and the Ister; but as time went on some of them changed their names, and since then there have been included under the name of Moesia all the tribes living above Dalmatia, Macedonia, and Thrace, and separated from Pannonia by the Savus, a tributary of the Ister. Two of the many tribes found among them are those formerly called the Triballi, and the Dardani, who still retain their old name.[13]

Modern interpretations

There is a dispute among scholars about the relations between the Getae and Dacians, and this dispute also covers the interpretation of ancient sources. Some historians such as Ronald Arthur Crossland state that even Ancient Greeks used the two designations "interchangeable or with some confusion". Thus, it is generally considered that the two groups were related to a certain degree;[14] the exact relation is a matter of controversy.

Same people

Onomastic range of the Dacian, Getae, and Moesian towns with the dava or deva ending, covering Dacia, Moesia, Thrace, and Dalmatia and showcasing linguistic continuity
Onomastic range of the Dacian, Getae, and Moesian towns with the dava or deva ending, covering Dacia, Moesia, Thrace, and Dalmatia, and showcasing linguistic continuity

Strabo, as well as other ancient sources, led some modern historians to consider that, if the Thracian ethnic group should be divided, one of this divisions should be the "Daco-Getae".[15] The linguist Ivan Duridanov also identified a "Dacian linguistic area"[16] in Dacia, Scythia Minor, Lower Moesia, and Upper Moesia.

Romanian scholars generally went further with the identification, historian Constantin C. Giurescu claiming the two were identical.[17] The archaeologist Mircea Babeș spoke of a "veritable ethno-cultural unity" between the Getae and the Dacians.[citation needed] According to Glanville Price, the account of the Greek geographer Strabo shows that the Getae and the Dacians were one and the same people.[18] Others who support the identity between Getae and Dacians with ancient sources include freelance writer James Minahan and Catherine B Avery, who claim the people whom the Greek called Getae were called Daci by the Romans.[19] [20] This same belief is stated by some British historians such as David Sandler Berkowitz and Philip Matyszak.[21][22] The Bulgarian historian and thracologist Alexander Fol considers that the Getae became known as "Dacians" in Greek and Latin in the writings of Caesar, Strabo and Pliny the Elder, as Roman observers adopted the name of the Dacian tribe to refer to all the unconquered inhabitants north of the Danube.[23] Also, Edward Bunbury believed the name of Getae, by which they were originally known to the Greeks on the Euxine, was always retained by the latter in common usage: while that of Dacians, whatever be its origin, was that by which the more western tribes, adjoining the Pannonians, first became known to the Romans.[24] Some scholars consider the Getae and Dacians to be the same people at different stages of their history and discuss their culture as Geto-Dacian.[25]

Same language, distinct people

Historian and archaeologist Alexandru Vulpe found a remarkable uniformity of the Geto-Dacian culture;[26] however, he is one of the few Romanian archaeologists to make a clear distinction between the Getae and Dacians, arguing against the traditional position of the Romanian historiography that considered the two people the same.[27] Nevertheless, he chose to use the term "Geto-Dacians" as a conventional concept for the Thracian tribes inhabiting the future territory of Romania, not necessarily meaning an "absolute ethnic, linguistic or historical unity".[27]

Crossland suggested the two designations may refer to two groups of a "linguistically homogeneous people" that had come to historical prominence at two distinct periods of time. He also compared the probable linguistic situation with the relation between modern Norwegian and Danish languages.[28] Paul Lachlan MacKendrick considered the two as "branches" of the same tribe, speaking two dialects of a common language.[29]

The Romanian historian of ideas and historiographer Lucian Boia stated: "At a certain point, the phrase Geto-Dacian was coined in the Romanian historiography to suggest a unity of Getae and Dacians".[30] Lucian Boia took a sceptical position, arguing the ancient writers distinguished among the two people, treating them as two distinct groups of the Thracian ethnos.[30][31] Boia contended that it would be naive to assume Strabo knew the Thracian dialects so well,[30] alleging that Strabo had "no competence in the field of Thracian dialects".[31] The latter claim is contested, some studies attesting Strabo's reliability and sources.[32] There is no reason to disregard Strabo's belief that the Daci and the Getae spoke the same language.[18] Boia also stressed that some Romanian authors cited Strabo indiscriminately.[31]

A similar position was adopted by Romanian historian and archaeologist G. A. Niculescu, who also criticized the Romanian historiography and the archaeological interpretation, particularly on the "Geto-Dacian" culture.[33] In his opinion, Alexandru Vulpe saw ancient people as modern nations, leading the latter to interpret the common language as a sign of a common people, despite Strabo making a distinction between the two.[27]


Eastern Europe in 200 BC showing the Getae north of the Danube river

7th – 4th centuries BC

From the 7th century BC onwards, the Getae came into economic and cultural contact with the Greeks, who were establishing colonies on the western side of Pontus Euxinus, nowadays the Black Sea. The Getae are mentioned for the first time together in Herodotus in his narrative of the Scythian campaign of Darius I in 513 BC, during which the latter conquered the Getae.[34] According to Herodotus, the Getae differed from other Thracian tribes in their religion, centered around the god (daimon) Zalmoxis whom some of the Getae called Gebeleizis.[35]

Between the 5th and 3rd centuries BC, the Getae were mostly under the rule of the flourishing Odrysian kingdom. During this time, the Getae provided military services and became famous for their cavalry. After the disintegration of the Odrysian kingdom, smaller Getic principalities began to consolidate themselves.


Before setting out on his Persian expedition, Alexander the Great defeated the Getae and razed one of their settlements.[36] In 313 BC, the Getae formed an alliance with Callatis, Odessos, and other western Pontic Greek colonies against Lysimachus, who held a fortress at Tirizis (modern Kaliakra).[37]

The Getae flourished especially in the first half of the 3rd century BC. By about 200 BC, the authority of the Getic prince, Zalmodegicus, stretched as far as Histria, as a contemporary inscription shows.[38] Other strong princes included Zoltes and Rhemaxos (about 180 BC). Also, several Getic rulers minted their own coins. The ancient authors Strabo[39] and Cassius Dio[40] say that Getae practiced ruler cult, and this is confirmed by archaeological remains.

Conflict with Rome

In 72–71 BC Marcus Terentius Varro Lucullus became the first Roman commander to march against the Getae. This was done to strike at the western Pontic allies of Mithridates VI, but he had limited success. A decade later, a coalition of Scythians, Getae, Bastarnae and Greek colonists defeated C. Antonius Hybrida at Histria.[41][42] This victory over the Romans allowed Burebista, the leader of this coalition, to dominate the region for a short period (60–50 BC).

In the mid-first century BC Burebista organized a kingdom consisting of descendants of those whom the Greeks had called Getae, as well as Dacians, or Daci, the name applied to people of the region by the Romans.[25]

Augustus aimed at subjugating the entire Balkan peninsula, and used an incursion of the Bastarnae across the Danube as a pretext to devastate the Getae and Thracians. He put Marcus Licinius Crassus in charge of the plan. In 29 BC, Crassus defeated the Bastarnae with the help of the Getic prince Rholes.[43] Crassus promised him help for his support against the Getic ruler Dapyx.[44] After Crassus had reached as far the Danube Delta, Rholes was appointed king and returned to Rome. In 16 BC, the Sarmatae invaded the Getic territory and were driven back by Roman troops.[45] The Getae were placed under the control of the Roman vassal king in Thrace, Rhoemetalces I. In 6 AD, the province of Moesia was founded, incorporating the Getae south of the Danube River. The Getae north of the Danube continued tribal autonomy outside the Roman Empire.


According to Herodotus, the Getae were "the noblest as well as the most just of all the Thracian tribes".[46] Herodotus. Histories, 4.93.</ref> When the Persians, led by Darius the Great, campaigned against the Scythians, the Thracian tribes in the Balkans surrendered to Darius on his way to Scythia, and only the Getae offered resistance.[47]

One episode from the history of the Getae is attested by several ancient writers.[48][49]

When Lysimachus tried to subdue the Getae he was defeated by them. The Getae king, Dromichaetes, took him prisoner but he treated him well and convinced Lysimachus there is more to gain as an ally than as an enemy of the Getae and released him. According to Diodorus, Dromichaetes entertained Lysimachus at his palace at Helis, where food was served on gold and silver plates. The discovery of the celebrated tomb at Sveshtari (1982) suggests that Helis was located perhaps in its vicinity,[50] where remains of a large antique city are found along with dozens of other Thracian mound tombs.

As stated earlier, just like the Dacians, the principal god of the Getae was Zalmoxis whom they sometimes called Gebeleizis.

This same people, when it lightens and thunders, aim their arrows at the sky, uttering threats against the god; and they do not believe that there is any god but their own.

— Herodotus. Histories, 4.94.

Pliny the Elder in his Naturalis Historia mentions a tribe called the Tyragetae,[51] apparently a Daco-Thracian tribe who dwelt by the river Tyras (the Dniester). Their tribal name appears to be a combination of Tyras and Getae; see also the names Thyssagetae and Massagetae.

The Roman poet Ovid, during his long exile in Tomis, is asserted to have written poetry (now lost) in the Getic language. In his Epistulae ex Ponto, written from the northern coast of the Black Sea, he asserts that two major, distinct languages were spoken by the sundry tribes of Scythia, which he referred to as Getic, and Sarmatian.

Physical appearance

Jerome (Letter CVII to Laeta. II) described the Getae as red and yellow-haired, though he may be referring to the Goths, with whom the Getae were sometimes confused in Late Antiquity.[52]

Fringe views on alternative origins

The Getae are sometimes confused with the Goths in works of early medieval authors.[53][54][55][56][57] This confusion is notably expanded on in works of Jordanes, himself of Gothic background, who transferred earlier historical narratives about the Getae to the Goths.[58] At the close of the 4th century AD, Claudian, court poet to the emperor Honorius and the patrician Stilicho, uses the ethnonym Getae to refer to the Visigoths.

During 5th and 6th centuries, several historians and ethnographers (Marcellinus Comes, Orosius, John Lydus, Isidore of Seville, Procopius of Caesarea) used the same ethnonym Getae to name populations invading the Eastern Roman Empire (Goths, Gepids, Kutrigurs, Slavs). For instance, in the third book of the History of the Wars Procopius details: "There were many Gothic nations in earlier times, just as also at the present, but the greatest and most important of all are the Goths, Vandals, Visigoths, and Gepaedes. In ancient times, however, they were named Sauromatae and Melanchlaeni; and there were some too who called these nations Getic."[59] The Getae were considered the same people as the Goths by Jordanes in his Getica written at the middle of the 6th century. He also claims that at one point the "Getae" migrated out of Scandza, while identifying their deity Zalmoxis as a Gothic king. Jordanes assumed the earlier testimony of Orosius. The 9th-century work De Universo of Rabanus Maurus states, "The Massagetae are in origin from the tribe of the Scythians, and are called Massagetae, as if heavy, that is, strong Getae.[60]

There have long been attempts to link the Getae and Massagetae to the Jats of South Asia. Likewise, the Dacians have been linked to the Dahae of Central Asia (and the Dahae to the Dasas of South Asia).W. W. Hunter claimed in 1886, suggested that the Jats were an Iranian people – most likely Scythian/Saka in origin,[61] Alexander Cunningham (1888) believed that references in classical European sources – like Strabo, Ptolemy and Pliny – to peoples such as the Zaths, may have been the Getae and/or Jats.[62][63] More recent authors, like Tadeusz Sulimirski,[64] Weer Rajendra Rishi,[65] and Chandra Chakraberty,[66][67] have also linked the Getae and Jats.

Less credible, however, are parallel claims by Alexander Cunningham that the Xanthii (or Zanthi) and Iatioi – mentioned by Strabo, Ptolemy and Pliny – may have been synonymous with the Getae and/or Jats.[62] The Xanthii were later established to be a subgroup (tribe or clan) of the Dahae. Subsequent scholars, such as Edwin Pulleyblank, Josef Markwart (also known as Joseph Marquart) and László Torday, suggest that Iatioi may be another name for a people known in classical Chinese sources as the Yuezhi and in South Asian contexts as the Kuṣānas (or Kushans).[63]

See also


  1. ^ “Getae.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,
  2. ^ Strabo & 20 AD, VII 3,13.
  3. ^ Strabo & 20 AD, VII 3,14.
  4. ^ The Cambridge Ancient History (Volume 3) (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. 1982. ISBN 1108007147.
  5. ^ Pogacias, Andrei (2023). The Dacians and Getae at War 4th Century BC– 2nd Century AD. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781472854520.
  6. ^ Appian & 160 AD, Praef. 1.4.
  7. ^ Millar, Fergus; Cotton, Hannah M.; Rogers, Guy M. (2004). Rome, the Greek World, and the East, Volume 2: Government, Society, and Culture in the Roman Empire page 189. University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 978-0-8078-5520-1.
  8. ^ Justin & 3rd century AD, XXXII 3.
  9. ^ Papazoglu, Fanula (1978). The Central Balkan Tribes in Pre-Roman Times: Triballi, Autariatae, Dardanians, Scordisci, & Moesians, translated by Mary Stansfield-Popovic page 335. John Benjamins North America. ISBN 978-90-256-0793-7.
  10. ^ Shelley, William Scott (199). The Origins of the Europeans: Classical Observations in Culture and Personality, page 108, Cassius Dio (LXVII.4). Intl Scholars Pubns. ISBN 1-57309-220-7.
  11. ^ Sidebottom 2007, p. 6.
  12. ^ Cassius Dio. Roman History, 55.22.6-55.22.7. "The Suebi, to be exact, dwell beyond the Rhine (though many people elsewhere claim their name), and the Dacians on both sides of the Ister; those of the latter, however, who live on this side of the river near the country of the Triballi are reckoned in with the district of Moesia and are called Moesians, except by those living in the immediate neighbourhood, while those on the other side are called Dacians and are either a branch of the Getae are Thracians belonging to the Dacian race that once inhabited Rhodope."
  13. ^ Cassius Dio LI 27
  14. ^ The Cambridge Ancient History (Volume 10) (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. 1996. J. J. Wilkes mentions "the Getae of the Dobrudja, who were akin to the Dacians"; (p. 562)
  15. ^ András Mócsy (1974). Pannonia and Upper Moesia. Routledge and Kegan Paul. ISBN 0-7100-7714-9. See p. 364, n. 41: "If there is any justification for dividing the Thracian ethnic group, then, unlike V. Georgiev who suggests splitting it into the Thraco-Getae and the Daco-Mysi, I consider a division into the Thraco-Mysi and the Daco-Getae the more likely."
  16. ^ Duridanov, Ivan. "The Thracian, Dacian and Paeonian languages". Retrieved 2007-02-11.
  17. ^ Giurescu, Constantin C. (1973). Formarea poporului român (in Romanian). Craiova. p. 23.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) "They (Dacians and Getae) are two names for the same people [...] divided in a large number of tribes". See also the hypothesis of a Daco-Moesian language / dialectal area supported by linguists like Vladimir Georgiev, Ivan Duridanov and Sorin Olteanu.
  18. ^ a b Price, Glanville (2000). Encyclopedia of the Languages of Europe. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-22039-9., p. 120
  19. ^ Minahan 2000, p. 549.
  20. ^ Avery 1962, p. 497.
  21. ^ Sandler Berkowitz & Morison 1984, p. 160.
  22. ^ Matyszak 2009, p. 215.
  23. ^ Fol 1996, p. 223.
  24. ^ Bunbury 1979, p. 151.
  25. ^ a b Waldman & Mason 2006, p. 335.
  26. ^ Petrescu-Dîmbovița, Mircea; Vulpe, Alexandru, eds. (2001). Istoria Românilor, vol. I (in Romanian). Bucharest.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)[page needed]
  27. ^ a b c Niculescu, Gheorghe Alexandru (2007). "Archaeology and Nationalism in The History of the Romanians". In Kohl, Philip; Kozelsky, Mara; Ben-Yehuda, Nachman (eds.). Selective Remembrances: Archaeology in the Construction, Commemoration, and Consecration of National Pasts. University of Chicago Press. pp. 139–141. ISBN 978-0-226-45059-9.
  28. ^ The Cambridge Ancient History (Volume 3) (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. 1982. ISBN 1-108-00714-7. In chapter "20c Linguistic problems of the Balkan area", at page 838, Ronald Crossland argues "it may be the distinction made by Greeks and Romans between the Getae and Daci, for example, reflected the importance of different sections of a linguistically homogenous people at different times". He furthermore recalls Strabo's testimony and Georgiev's hypothesis for a 'Thraco-Dacian' language.
  29. ^ Paul Lachlan MacKendrick (1975). The Dacian Stones Speak. University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0-8078-4939-1. "The natives with whom we shall be concerned in this chapter are the Getae of Muntenia and Moldavia in the eastern steppes, and the Dacians of the Carpathian Mountains. Herodotus calls them 'the bravest and the justest of the Thracians,' and they were in fact two branches of the same tribe, speaking two dialects of the same Indo-European language." (p. 45)
  30. ^ a b c Boia, Lucian (2004). Romania: Borderland of Europe. Reaktion Books. p. 43. ISBN 1-86189-103-2.
  31. ^ a b c Boia, Lucian (2001). History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness. Central European University Press. p. 14. ISBN 963-9116-97-1.
  32. ^ Janakieva, Svetlana (2002). "La notion de ΟΜΟΓΛΩΤΤΟΙ chez Strabon et la situation ethno-linguistique sur les territoires thraces". Études Balkaniques (in French) (4): 75–79. The author concluded Strabo's claim sums an experience following of many centuries of neighbourhood and cultural interferences between the Greeks and the Thracian tribes
  33. ^ Niculescu, Gheorghe Alexandru (2004–2005). "Archaeology, Nationalism and "The History of the Romanians" (2001)". Dacia, Revue d'Archéologie et d'Histoire Ancienne (48–49): 99–124. He dedicates a large part of his assessment to the archaeology of "Geto-Dacians" and he concludes that with few exceptions "the archaeological interpretations [...] are following G. Kossinna’s concepts of culture, archaeology and ethnicity".
  34. ^ The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume 10 - Persia, Greece, and the Western Mediterranean Cambridge University Press, 1982. ISBN 978-0521228046 p 494
  35. ^ Herodotus. Histories, 4.93–4.97.
  36. ^ Arrian. Anabasis, Book IA. "The Getae did not sustain even the first charge of the cavalry; for Alexander’s audacity seemed incredible to them, in having thus easily crossed the Ister, the largest of rivers, in a single night, without throwing a bridge over the stream. Terrible to them also was the closely locked order of the phalanx, and violent the charge of the cavalry. At first they fled for refuge into their city, which was distant about a parasang from the Ister; but when they saw that Alexander was leading his phalanx carefully along the side of the river, to prevent his infantry being anywhere surrounded by the Getae lying in ambush, but that he was sending his cavalry straight on, they again abandoned the city, because it was badly fortified."
  37. ^ Strabo. Geography, 7.6.1. "On this coast-line is Cape Tirizis, a stronghold, which Lysimachus once used as a treasury."
  38. ^ Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 18.288
  39. ^ Strabo. Geography, 16.2.38–16.2.39.
  40. ^ Cassius Dio. Roman History, 68.9.
  41. ^ Livy. Ab urbe condita, 103.
  42. ^ Cassius Dio. Roman History, 38.10.1–38.10.3.
  43. ^ Cassius Dio. Roman History, 51.24.7; 26.1.
  44. ^ Cassius Dio. Roman History, 51.26.
  45. ^ Cassius Dio. Roman History, 54.20.1–54.20.3.
  46. ^ Daskalov, Roumen; Vezenkov, Alexander (2015). Entangled Histories of the Balkans - Volume Three Shared Pasts, Disputed Legacies. Brill. p. 21. ISBN 978-9004271166.
  47. ^ Herodotus. Histories, 4.93.
  48. ^ Strabo. Geography, 3.8.
  49. ^ Pausanias. Description of Greece, 1.9.5.
  50. ^ Delev, P. (2000). "Lysimachus, the Getae, and Archaeology (2000)". The Classical Quarterly. New Series. 50 (2): 384–401. doi:10.1093/cq/50.2.384.
  51. ^ Pliny the Elder. Naturalis Historia, 4.26. "Leaving Taphræ, and going along the mainland, we find in the interior the Auchetæ, in whose country the Hypanis has its rise, as also the Neurœ, in whose district the Borysthenes has its source, the Geloni, the Thyssagetæ, the Budini, the Basilidæ, and the Agathyrsi with their azure-coloured hair."
  52. ^ "Jerome".
  53. ^ Theodor Mommsen (2005). A History of Rome Under the Emperors. New York: Routledge. p. 281. "The Getae were Thracians, the Goths Germans, and apart from the coincidental similarity in their names they had nothing whatever in common."
  54. ^ David Punter (2015). A New Companion to The Gothic. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. p. 31.
  55. ^ Robert W. Rix (2014). The Barbarian North in Medieval Imagination: Ethnicity, Legend, and Literature. New York: Routledge. p. 33.
  56. ^ Harold W. Attridge (1992). Eusebius, Christianity, and Judaism. Detroit, Michigan: Wayne State University Press. p. 696.
  57. ^ Irmeli Valtonen (2008). The North in the Old English Orosius: A Geographical Narrative in Context. Helsinki: Société Néophilologique. p. 110.
  58. ^ Shami Ghosh (2015). Writing the Barbarian Past: Studies in Early Medieval Historical Narrative. Leiden: Brill Publishers. pp. 49–50.
  59. ^ Procopius. History of the Wars, Book III (Wikisource).
  60. ^ Maurus, Rabanus (1864). Migne, Jacques Paul (ed.). De universo. Paris. The Massagetae are in origin from the tribe of the Scythians, and are called Massagetae, as if heavy, that is, strong Getae.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  61. ^ W. W. Hunter, 2013, The Indian Empire: Its People, History and Products, Routledge, 2013, p. 179-180.
  62. ^ a b Alexander Cunningham, 1888, cited by: Sundeep S. Jhutti, 2003, The Getes, Philadelphia, PA; Department of East Asian languages & Civilizations University of Pennsylvania, p. 13.
  63. ^ a b Sundeep S. Jhutti, 2003, "The Getes", Sino-Platonic Papers, no. 127 (October), pp. 15–17. (Access: 18 March 2016).
  64. ^ Sulimirski, Tadeusz (1970). The Sarmatians: Volume 73 of Ancient peoples and places. New York: Praeger. pp. 113–114. ISBN 9789080057272. The evidence of both the ancient authors and the archaeological remains point to a massive migration of Sacian (Sakas)/Massagetan ("great" Jat) tribes from the Syr Daria Delta (Central Asia) by the middle of the second century B.C. Some of the Syr Darian tribes; they also invaded North India.
  65. ^ Rishi, Weer Rajendra (1982). India & Russia: linguistic & cultural affinity. Roma. p. 95.
  66. ^ Chakraberty, Chandra (1948). The prehistory of India: tribal migrations. Vijayakrishna Bros. p. 35.
  67. ^ Chakraberty, Chandra (1997). Racial basis of Indian culture: including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal. Aryan Books International. ISBN 8173051100.




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Person's choice to deny psychologically uncomfortable truth Banner at 2017 Climate March in Washington D.C. In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person's choice to deny reality as a way to avoid believing in a psychologically uncomfortable truth.[1] Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality.[2] In the sciences, denialism is the ...



Diprotodon Periode Pleistosen, 1.6–0.044 jtyl PreЄ Є O S D C P T J K Pg N ↓ Diprotodon optatum (en) TaksonomiKerajaanAnimaliaFilumChordataKelasMammaliaOrdoDiprotodontiaFamiliDiprotodontidaeGenusDiprotodon Owen, 1838 Tipe taksonomiDiprotodon optatumOwen, 1838 Tata namaSinonim takson D. australis Owen, 1844 D. annextans McCoy, 1861 D. bennettii Krefft, 1873 D. loderi Krefft, 1873 D. longiceps McCoy, 1865 D. minor Huxley, 1862 lbs Diprotodon adalah ma...



Erbium Échantillon d'erbium. Holmium ← Erbium → Thulium—    68 Er                                                                                                                       ...

1946 film by Frank Borzage Magnificent DollDirected byFrank BorzageScreenplay byIrving StoneProduced byJack H. SkirballStarringGinger RogersDavid Niven Burgess MeredithCinematographyJoseph A. ValentineEdited byTed J. KentMusic byHans J. SalterProductioncompanyHallmark ProductionsDistributed byUniversal PicturesRelease date November 28, 1946 (1946-11-28) Running time95 minutesCountryUnited StatesLanguageEnglish Magnificent Doll is a 1946 American historical drama film directed b...



Artikel ini sebatang kara, artinya tidak ada artikel lain yang memiliki pranala balik ke halaman ini.Bantulah menambah pranala ke artikel ini dari artikel yang berhubungan atau coba peralatan pencari pranala.Tag ini diberikan pada November 2022. Artikel ini sebatang kara, artinya tidak ada artikel lain yang memiliki pranala balik ke halaman ini.Bantulah menambah pranala ke artikel ini dari artikel yang berhubungan atau coba peralatan pencari pranala.Tag ini diberikan pada Oktober 2022. Arioba...



Resolusi 854Dewan Keamanan PBBAbkhaziaTanggal6 Agustus 1993Sidang no.3,261KodeS/RES/854 (Dokumen)TopikAbkhazia, GeorgiaRingkasan hasil15 mendukungTidak ada menentangTidak ada abstainHasilDiadopsiKomposisi Dewan KeamananAnggota tetap Tiongkok Prancis Rusia Britania Raya Amerika SerikatAnggota tidak tetap Brasil Tanjung Verde Djibouti Spanyol Hungaria Jepang Maroko Selandia Baru Pakistan Venezuela Resolusi 854 ...

UK Government building William Morgan House redirects here. For the historic house in Utah, see William Morgan House (Beaver, Utah). Tŷ William MorganApril 2020Tŷ William MorganTŷ William Morgan locationAlternative namesWilliam Morgan HouseGeneral informationTypeUK Government buildingLocationCardiff city centreAddress6 Central Square, Cardiff CF10 1EPTown or cityCardiffCountryWalesCoordinates51°28′40″N 3°10′48″W / 51.4777°N 3.1801°W / 51.4777; -3.1801Cur...



Voce principale: AGSM Verona Calcio Femminile. A.S.D. AGSM Verona C.F.Stagione 2017-2018Sport calcio Squadra AGSM Verona Allenatore Renato Longega Presidente Giancarlo Conta Serie A7º posto Coppa ItaliaQuarti di finale Maggiori presenzeCampionato: Bardin, Fishley, Kongoulī (22)Totale: Bardin, Kongoulī (27) Miglior marcatoreCampionato: Kongoulī (6)Totale: Kongoulī (11) StadioStadio Aldo Olivieri (2 900) 2016-2017 Si invita a seguire il modello di voce Questa voce raccoglie le i...



12th season in existence of Liverpool F.C. Liverpool 2016–17 football seasonLiverpool2016–17 seasonLiverpool players before Manchester United away, 15 January 2017ChairmanTom WernerManagerJürgen KloppStadiumAnfieldPremier League4thFA CupFourth roundEFL CupSemi-finalsTop goalscorerLeague: Philippe CoutinhoSadio Mané(13 each)All: Philippe Coutinho (14) Home colours Away colours Third colours ← 2015–162017–18 → The 2016–17 season was Liverpool Football Club's 12...

Ukrainian football midfielder (born 1971) Volodymyr Sharan Personal informationFull name Volodymyr Bohdanovych SharanDate of birth (1971-09-18) 18 September 1971 (age 52)Place of birth Mariyampil, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ukrainian SSRHeight 1.78 m (5 ft 10 in)Position(s) MidfielderYouth career DYuSSh Burshtyn OShISP LvivSenior career*Years Team Apps (Gls)1989–1991 Karpaty Lviv 52 (9)1991–1994 Dynamo Kyiv 76 (11)1994 → Dynamo-2 Kyiv 2 (1)1995–1997 Dnipro Dnipropetro...



Austrian-German actor and philanthropist Karlheinz BöhmBöhm in 2009Born(1928-03-16)16 March 1928Darmstadt, Hesse-Nassau, GermanyDied29 May 2014(2014-05-29) (aged 86)Grödig, Salzburg, AustriaOther namesKarl BoehmCarl BoehmOccupationActorYears active1948–2014Spouses Elisabeth Zonewa ​ ​(m. 1954; div. 1957)​ Gudula Blau ​ ​(m. 1958; div. 1962)​ Barbara Lass ​ ​(...



Roan AllenRoan Allen ridden by James BrantleyBreedTennessee Walking HorseDisciplineShow horseSireBlack AllanGrandsireAllendorfDamGertrudeMaternal grandsireRoyal DenmarkSexStallionFoaled1904CountryUnited StatesColorRed roan, blaze, front socks, hind stockingsOwnerJames BrantleyTrainerCharlie AshleyHonorsPosthumously given registration number F-38, marking him as foundation bloodstock Roan Allen (1904–1930) was one of the founding sires of the Tennessee Walking Horse. It is believed that all ...

Type of computer memory Not to be confused with ECC memory, although memory modules often use both technologies. One 64 GiB DDR5-4800 ECC 1.1 V registered DIMM (RDIMM) Example of an unregistered DIMM (UDIMM) Registered memory (also called buffered memory) is computer memory that has a register between the DRAM modules and the system's memory controller. A registered memory module places less electrical load on a memory controller than an unregistered one. Registered memory allows a ...



This article includes a list of references, related reading, or external links, but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations. Please help improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (September 2022) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Sandalwood(Kannada) cinema 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1960 1961 1962 1963 19641965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970s 1970 1971 1972 1973 19741975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980s 1980 1981 1982 1983 19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990s 1...



此條目過於依赖第一手来源。 (2020年11月19日)请補充第二手及第三手來源,以改善这篇条目。 中華民國空軍Republic of China Air Force(ROCAF)中華民國空軍軍徽存在時期 1913年-1928年(北洋政府時期) 1920年11月29日​(103年前)​(1920-11-29)(廣州護法軍政府航空局成立)[1] 1934年5月1日​(90年前)​(1934-05-01)(國民政府軍事委員會航空委員會成立) 國�...

Ermal MetaErmal Meta a Massa nel 2018 Nazionalità Albania Italia GenerePop[1][2][3] Periodo di attività musicale2006 – in attività StrumentoVoce, chitarra, tastiera, sintetizzatore, basso, pianoforte, batteria, campionatore, cajón EtichettaMescal, Columbia Records/Sony Music[4], Apollo Records Italia GruppiAmeba 4, La Fame di Camilla Album pubblicati5 Studio4 Live1 Sito ufficiale Modifica dati su Wikidata · Manuale Festi...



日本ローカルの事柄については「2012年の日本」をご覧ください。 千年紀: 3千年紀世紀: 20世紀 - 21世紀 - 22世紀十年紀: 1990年代 2000年代 2010年代 2020年代 2030年代年: 2009年 2010年 2011年 2012年 2013年 2014年 2015年 2012年 2012年の話題 主権国家 - 周年 - 表彰‎ 指導者 国の指導者 - 宗教指導者 - 国際機関の指導者 社会 政治 - �...



Optical reflectance effect seen in certain gems Goldstone showing aventurescence In gemology, aventurescence (sometimes called aventurization) is an optical reflectance effect seen in certain gems. The effect amounts to a metallic glitter, arising from minute, preferentially oriented mineral platelets within the material. These platelets are so numerous that they also influence the material's body colour. In aventurine quartz chrome-bearing fuchsite produces a green stone, and various iron ox...

2007 Philippine television drama series This article is about the 2007 TV series. For the 1988 Filipino song, see Sana Maulit Muli (song). For the 1995 film, see Sana Maulit Muli (film). Sana Maulit MuliTitle cardAlso known asChancesGenreDramaRomanceCreated byABS-CBN StudiosWritten byPhilip KingDirected byJerome Chavez Pobocan Claudio Tots Sanchez-Mariscal IVStarringKim ChiuGerald AndersonErich GonzalesJake CuencaTheme music composerGary ValencianoAngeli ValencianoEnding themeSana Maulit Muli...



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