The series originally premiered on September 10, 2018, as GMA Day. Hosted by Michael Strahan and Sara Haines, it replaced The Chew (which had in turn, replaced ABC's soap opera All My Children) on ABC's daytime lineup. In late January 2019, the program was rebranded as GMA3: Strahan & Sara (or simply Strahan & Sara) to place a larger emphasis on its hosts. After filling in for Haines while she was on maternity leave, former Nickelodeon actress Keke Palmer joined the program full-time in August 2019, and it was renamed accordingly to Strahan, Sara & Keke.
On March 17, 2020, Strahan, Sara & Keke was suspended due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, with ABC replacing it with Pandemic: What You Need to Know—a newscast produced by ABC News Live to cover topics relating to the pandemic, and anchored by Amy Robach. Although it was originally billed as a temporary replacement for Strahan, Sara & Keke, the What You Need to Know format quietly became permanent, with the Pandemic branding replaced by GMA3 in June, and T. J. Holmes added as a co-anchor in September.[1]
Following the cancellation of the daytime talk show The Revolution (a short-lived replacement of One Life to Live), ABC aired an afternoon spin-off of Good Morning America titled Good Afternoon America as an interim replacement from July to September 2012.[2] Hosted by Josh Elliott and Lara Spencer, the program primarily focused on celebrity and pop culture topics.[3][4][5] It filled the 2:00 p.m. ET/PT timeslot until September 10, 2012, when General Hospital was moved up into the timeslot, and ABC gave the 3:00 p.m. hour back to its affiliates.[5]
GMA Day/Strahan & Sara (2018–2020)
On May 23, 2018, ABC announced that it had canceled The Chew, and that the program would be replaced by a new third hour of Good Morning America.[6][7] In July 2018, the title of the program was announced as GMA Day, co-hosted by GMA anchor Michael Strahan and The View panelist Sara Haines.[8]
On January 28, 2019, the show was rebranded as GMA3: Strahan & Sara (or simply Strahan & Sara), with a new logo and updated studio. Variety reported that the decision was meant to partially downplay its ties to Good Morning America by placing a larger emphasis on its hosts, in a similar manner to Today with Hoda & Jenna. The show's initial ratings in the first half of the season had been slightly weaker than those of The Chew, declining from a 2 million viewer average to between 1.7 and 1.9 million viewers.[9]
With Haines going on maternity leave after the birth of her third child in June 2019, actress Keke Palmer began filling in as a co-host in the same month.[10] On July 31, 2019, it was reported that Palmer would join the show full-time as a third host, as the network said viewers had found Palmer to be an appealing co-host with good chemistry with Strahan and Haines. On August 26, 2019, the program was rebranded accordingly as GMA3: Strahan, Sara & Keke.[11][12]
On March 17, 2020, ABC announced that it would temporarily replace Strahan, Sara & Keke with Pandemic: What You Need to Know, a daytime newscast produced by ABC News' streaming channel ABC News Live, which would focus on COVID-19 and its impact on the United States. It would be anchored by Amy Robach, and feature contributions from ABC News' chief medical correspondent Jennifer Ashton.[14]
Despite being billed as a temporary replacement for Strahan, Sara & Keke, the program slowly began to evolve into a general daytime newscast in the months that followed. By June, the program had been re-titled GMA3: What You Need to Know, and began to steadily increase its coverage of stories unrelated to COVID-19.[15]
On August 2, 2020, still absent official confirmation from ABC, Palmer stated on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen that Strahan, Sara & Keke had been canceled.[16] Later that month, Variety reported that Haines would return to The View as a panelist for its upcoming season.[17] On September 18, 2020, GMA correspondent T. J. Holmes was announced as a new co-anchor beginning on September 21, 2020.[18] At that time, GMA3 also introduced a new blue and orange logo and on-air graphics to increase its ties to Good Morning America.[19]
On December 5, 2022, Holmes and Robach were temporarily placed on leave from the program by ABC News, after it was reported that the co-anchors had an extra-marital romantic relationship. Rhiannon Ally, DeMarco Morgan and Gio Benitez, began to serve as one of many fill-in hosts at the time, along with Eva Pilgrim.[20][21][22] On January 27, 2023, it was announced that Holmes and Robach would depart the network.[23] On May 12, 2023, Ashton, Morgan, and Pilgrim were named their permanent successors.[24] In June 2024, Ashton left the show to focus on her new women's health company, Ajenda.[25]