The Hills of Gödöllő is a small-region in Pest county, from the east of Budapest to the River Galga. To the north the Cserhát, to the south and to the east the Alföld and finally to the west the River Danube and the Hills of Buda borders it. As a big landscape, it is part of the Északi-középhegység, but its form is rather a transition between mountains and plains.
The average height of 150 to 250 m (492 to 820 ft) above sea level hills are mostly covered with sand and loess. The highest point of this small-region is Margita in Szada with its 345 m (1,132 ft). There is a watershed which also extends through Margita and runs to Albertirsa. From this line, to the west brooks streams into the Danube and to the east into the River Galga which goes into the Tisza.
A smaller region of the Hills became protected in the summer of 1990. The "Gödöllői Dombvidék Tájvédelmi Körzetet" (Hills of Gödöllő Conservation Area) was established here.
The district has 6towns, 4 large villages and 5 villages.
(ordered by population, as of 1 January 2013)[1]
Besides the Hungarian majority, the main minorities are the Roma (approx. 2,800), German (1,600), Slovak (1,000), Romanian (650), Russian (300), Polish (150), Ukrainian and Bulgarian (100).
Total population (2011 census): 139,826
Ethnic groups (2011 census):[3] Identified themselves: 129,792 persons: