The Domuyo Volcano is a stratovolcano located in the Argentineprovince of Neuquén.
With a height of 4,702 m (15,427 ft), it is the highest mountain in Patagonia and is sometimes called the "Roof of Patagonia" ("El Techo de la Patagonia" in Spanish).[2]
^Some sources mistakenly refer to Monte San Valentin as the highest peak in Patagonia, despite it being only 4,058 meters, about 651 meters less than Domuyo
^Silva-Fragoso, Argelia; Ferrari, Luca; Norini, Gianluca; Orozco-Esquivel, Teresa; Corbo-Camargo, Fernando; Bernal, Juan Pablo; Castro, Cesar; Arrubarrena-Moreno, Manuel (2021). "Geology and conceptual model of the Domuyo geothermal area, northern Patagonia, Argentina". Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 420.
González-Ferrán, Oscar (1995). Volcanes de Chile. Santiago, Chile: Instituto Geográfico Militar. p. 640 pp. ISBN956-202-054-1. (in Spanish; also includes volcanoes of Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru)