The film begins with three happy bachelors, Anand, Sudhakar, & Siva, who share an apartment with frequent parties and flings. One day, a baby named Maya arrives on their doorstep with a note revealing she is the result of the perfidy of one of them. Then, Anand thinks back to his first love, Sunita, and how they spent the night together. Later, Sunita misconstrues, loathes, and splits from Anand, catching sight of his closeness with another girl. So, Anand declares Maya as his child. Accordingly, it forlorn the men to take care of the baby and attempts to dispose of her but fail as they are strongly correlated. Parallelly, as a glimpse, Sudhakar & Siva love their neighbors Shanti, a modern girl & Jyoti, a widow, respectively. Aside from this, a dreadful gangster, Johnson, smuggles precious diamonds on time, which strike at Maya's cradle, and they back her.
Once, Maya is ailing due to a heart problem and must undergo surgery soon. Hence, Anand donates his kidney and rescues her to raise the amount. Meanwhile, Sunita arrives and apologizes to Anand, through whom he is aware that Maya is not their daughter. Despite that, he accepts Maya as his own. After a few disarrays, Maya's real parents Prasad & Lakshmi land. Indeed, the pair previously resided in the same flat as the three men and detached because of ego. Further, Lakshmi left Maya in front of the flat, misinterpreting that her husband was still hanging on therein. Simultaneously, Maya is abducted by Johnson when the three safeguard her by ceasing him. Now, the three besties must forcibly hand over the baby to her parents with grief. The next day, Prasad shifts to a plot in the apartment as the three friends emotionally connect with his daughter.