Three young bachelors Pandiyan, Anand and Babu are friends and roommates in an apartment. Rangarajan is their neighbour who is studying for IAS. One day, Pandiyan warns his friends that a parcel will arrive during his absence. The next day, Anand and Babu find a baby before their door. The three bachelors swear that they are not her father. Since then, their lives are completely changed. First, they try to abandon the baby but then they take care of the baby and name her Thayamma. What transpires later forms the crux of the story.
^Sundararaman (2007) [2005]. Raga Chintamani: A Guide to Carnatic Ragas Through Tamil Film Music (2nd ed.). Pichhamal Chintamani. p. 150. OCLC295034757.