The Catholic Church in Mozambique is part of the worldwide Catholic Church, under the spiritual leadership of the Pope in Rome.
There are over 8.54 million Catholics in Mozambique,[1] 27% of the population.[2]
The country is divided into twelve dioceses including three archdioceses.
The first mission was started by Portuguese Franciscans in 1500.[3]
In September 2022, ISIS-M attacked a Catholic mission in Nampula, killing an elderly missionary and burning down several structures.[4][5]
CRUZ CORREIA, Francisco Augusto da, O Método missionário dos Jesuítas em Moçambique, 1881.1910. Um contributo para a História da Missão da Zambézia, Braga: Livraria A.I., 1991, 471p.
FERREIRA, L., Igreja Ministerial em Moçambique. Caminhos de hoje e de amanhã (Lisbon, 1987)
LUZIA, J., “A Igreja das Palhotas. Génese da Igreja em Moçambique, entre o Colonialismo e a Independencia”, Cadernos de Estudos Africanos (Lisbon), 4 (1989), 127p.
MORIER-GENOUD, Eric, Catholicism and the Making of Politics in Central Mozambique, 1940-1980, Rocherster: Rochester University Press, coll. ‘Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora’, 2019
MORIER-GENOUD, Eric & ANOUILH, Pierre “Revolution, War and Democracy. The Catholic Church in Mozambique” in Paul C. Manuel, Alynna Lyon & Clyde Wilcox (eds), Religion and Politics in a Global Society. Comparative Perspectives from the Portuguese-Speaking World (Lanham: Lexington, 2012)
MORIER-GENOUD, Eric, “The Vatican vs. Lisbon. The relaunching of the Catholic church in Mozambique, ca. 1875-1940”, BAB Working Papers, Basel (Switzerland), n°4, 2002, 16p
SCHEBESTA, Paul., Portugals Konquistamission in Südost-Afrika (Steyler, St. Augustin, 1966)
SILVA, Anónio da, Mentalidade missiológica dos Jesuítas em Moçambique antes de 1759. Esboço ideológico a partir do núcleo documental, Lisbon : Junta de Investigação do Ultrama, 1967, 2 vol.
SOUSA, José Augusto Alves de, Os Jesuítas em Moçambique, 1541-1991. No cinquentenário do quarto período da nossa Missão, Braga: Libraria Apostolado da Imprensa, 1991
SOUSA, José. Augusto Alves de & CORREIA, F. da C., 500 anos de evangelização em Moçambique (Paulinas, Maputo, 1998)