Cambridge University Conservative Association

Cambridge University Conservative Association
TypePolitical society
  • University of Cambridge
Szymon Sawicki, Christ's
Ewan Woods, Corpus
Senior Treasurer
John Casey, Caius
Lord Roberts, Caius

The Cambridge University Conservative Association, or CUCA, is a student political society founded 1921, as a Conservative Association for students at Cambridge University, although it has earlier roots in the late nineteenth century. CUCA is not affiliated with the nationwide youth branch of the Conservative Party, the Young Conservatives, but is a fully independent Association distinct from other Conservative youth organisations. The association puts on a range of events for its members each term, notably its ‘Port & Policy’ debates, as well as addresses from a number of high-profile speakers.


The earliest incarnation of the Cambridge University Conservative Association was established in 1882, but lasted only a few months before dissolving.[1] By 1884, Cambridge Conservatives launched a new group – the Cambridge University Carlton Club.[2] This served primarily as a dining society, and existed for the next twenty years. However, shortly after the Conservative government's landslide defeat in the 1906 general election, the Cambridge University Carlton Club dissolved, just as its predecessor had. There was no Conservative student organisation in Cambridge for the remainder of the Edwardian period, and the First World War saw party political activity suspended.

The present-day Cambridge University Conservative Association was founded in 1921, with its inaugural annual dinner held on 24 January of that year.[3] In 1928, the annual St. John's College magazine The Eagle defined "a Cambridge Conservative [association member as] the proud possessor of a certain tie, obtained by signifying with a subscription his refusal or his inability to think out any social question."[4]

CUCA alumni had considerable influence on British politics in the 1980s and 1990s, with the rise to prominence of the 'Cambridge Mafia' including cabinet ministers Leon Brittan, Kenneth Clarke, Norman Fowler, John Gummer, Michael Howard, and Norman Lamont, who had dominated CUCA and the Cambridge Union in the early 1960s. Considerable overlap between the officeholders of the two societies continues to the present day, while various present-day Cabinet officials and Members of Parliament are CUCA alumni.


CUCA is principally a political events association, holding regular speaker meetings, social events and debates.

In recent years, CUCA has attempted to play a larger part in Cambridge University-wide politics. Members of CUCA have stood for election as Presidents of the Cambridge University Students' Union (CUSU) in recent years, whilst CUCA itself has lobbied CUSU Council directly. The association remains disaffiliated from the national Conservative Party, and has instead pitched itself as a bastion of philosophical conservatism for members of Cambridge University.

CUCA's current cost of membership is £25 for life membership. Annual memberships were previously sold for £20 but their sale was ended by constitutional amendment in Easter 2023.[5]


The association's premier debating event is 'Port and Policy', which is held around four times a term. In its current format, three motions are presented. Typically the final motion is tongue-in-cheek or less serious: the divine right of kings is a recurring topic, as is the health of Western Civilisation. After speeches for and against the motion, the floor is invited to participate via floor speeches. Once the debate has concluded, voting occurs by acclamation in proposition and opposition. For many years Port and Policy had been a roundtable discussion, with the adversarial format only introduced in 2016, but this change has already driven attendance to, on occasion, over 100.

Speaker events

CUCA holds regular speaker events with both Conservative politicians and right-wing thinkers. Speakers that have addressed the association in recent terms have included Jacob Rees-Mogg, John Major, Norman Tebbit and Dominic Grieve. CUCA has a well-established history of attracting a high calibre of speakers, often including Cabinet ministers, think-tank experts and former Prime Ministers.

Social events

Much of CUCA's calendar is focused on social events, which have included Cava & Chocolate, Port & Cheese and Garden Parties amongst many others. A termly highlight is the Chairman's Dinner, which marks the handing over of the leadership of the association from one chairman to another.

Publication of 'Freshers' Guides'

CUCA has thrice published a 'Freshers' Guide', an introductory magazine distributed to first-years designed to give instruction and advice on Cambridge student life.

The association has argued that many unavoidable aspects of student life at Cambridge (formal dinners, navigating a multitude of student societies, language) are ignored by bodies such as CUSU and College JCRs for fear of being seen to perpetuate elitism. CUCA has argued that this approach itself perpetuates elitism, and instead aims to celebrate the 'quirks and curiosities' of Cambridge by the production and dissemination of accessible advice.

The Guide returned in 2016, published as 'The Cambridge Directory'. Edited by Nicholas Taylor and Jack Drury, it offered advice on shopping, formalwear, restaurants, culture and etiquette. Within a week of publication, the 'Directory' had not only picked up press attention, but had been downloaded over 6000 times. The editors observed that Freshers had approached them praising the content of the Directory for "providing answers to questions they'd have felt awkward asking."[6] A new version of the Guide was published in 2023.

Lobbying CUSU and remembrance

In 2017, a member of CUCA stood for election to the presidency of CUSU: his membership of CUCA featured heavily in the election reporting.[7] In 2018, another member of CUCA stood for election to the same post. His membership of CUCA also featured heavily in the election reporting.[8] Both individuals insisted throughout their campaigns that membership of CUCA was incidental to the post for which they stood.

In October 2018, members of CUCA took a motion to CUSU Council proposing that CUSU do more to recognise the war dead. The motion was rejected.[9] This decision by CUSU Council resulted in a significant press fallout.[10] The then chairman of CUCA, Timur Coskun, appeared on several national news outlets to discuss the issue of remembrance.

Committee make-up

Following recent reforms, CUCA is run by an executive of nine members: the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Junior Treasurer, Campaigns Officer, Communications and Publicity Officer, Speakers Officer, Speakers Officer-Elect, Secretary, and Social Events Officer. Following constitutional changes passed in Lent 2009, the Vice-Chairman automatically becomes Chairman in the term following their Vice-Chairmanship.[11]

CUCA members may also join the committee by applying to become appointed members, whereby they sit on the committee with a non-executive remit. Constitutional reforms passed in the Easter 2023 Termly General Meeting introduced an additional two appointed posts, Alumni Officers, which are also non-executive.

Notable events

1938: Pro-appeasement

In 1938, CUCA hosted Sir Samuel Hoare as he gave a vigorous defence of Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement towards Hitler at Munich, calling it "a great achievement" and "the height of exaltation".[12]

1939: Pro-freedom

On the 26th of May 1939, CUCA hosted Sir Winston Churchill in Cambridge's Corn Exchange, where he argued vociferously for conscription in the face of the Nazi threat. At least 2,500 undergraduates and others attended, with further crowds listening over loudspeakers in a nearby hotel. Churchill called for Britain to lead a worldwide "League of Freedom" and received rapturous support. He gave one of his most eloquent speeches of the entire pre-war period about "the habit of despotism and the lust of conquest". The pro-conscription, anti-Hitler motion won "ten-to-one" according to a newspaper report of the event.[13]

1956: Support for the Suez Invasion

In reporting and listing widespread student protests across Britain against the invasion of Suez in 1956, The Times noted that, instead, the "Cambridge University Conservative Association sent telegrams of support to the Prime Minister (Sir Anthony Eden) and Foreign Secretary (Selwyn Lloyd)." [14]

1960-1: Visits by Sir Oswald Mosley

In 1961, the future Conservative leader Michael Howard resigned from the committee in protest at the decision of Kenneth Clarke, the then chairman, to invite Sir Oswald Mosley to address the association for the second year running.[15] (The previous year's speech by Mosley had been marred by a heckler throwing jelly at him.)[16]

1965–1998: Allegations of electoral malpractice

The society has, in the past, occasionally hit the headlines of both national and local papers over electoral disputes:

In 1965,The Times reported that CUCA's Secretary was forced to resign after a four and a half-hour meeting deemed some of his election methods to have been forbidden.[17]

In 1985, The Times again reported that eight committee members of CUCA had "resigned after allegations of electoral irregularities", with one committee member having a tape recording which he claimed proved the allegations.[18]

In early 1998, Varsity published a story alleging that "weeks of bitter in-fighting culminated in allegations of election-rigging and a move to censure the society's most senior members".[19] However, Varsity conceded that the subsequent motions of censure themselves had no reasons formally attached to them by their proposers and that some signatories were unaware of why they were supporting them.[19]

However, Varsity articles on CUCA elections have themselves come under fire in the past: following an Easter 2000 article, "Conservatives in Corruption Crisis", which accused the then-chairman of 'vote-buying',[20] the paper was forced to print a front-page "Rectification" and apology, after threats of legal action.[21]

1969: Alleged elitism

In January 2010, former Conservative MP and gay rights campaigner Matthew Parris admitted that on arriving at Cambridge in 1969 he had joined the Liberals, remarking that "I couldn't bring myself to join the CU Conservative Association because they were such braying, cravat-wearing, port-gargling, social-networking prats."[22] This prompted a letter to The Times signed by CUCA's Registrar who quipped that "at any one meeting of CU Conservative Association, only one person should ever wear a cravat to avoid ostentation."[23] Parris had previously described CUCA in his 2002 autobiography as "a dreadful shower, strutting careerists of distinctly mixed calibre, forever infighting, networking and elbowing their way through a scene which appeared more social than political."[24]

1985-6: Visits by Enoch Powell

A visit by Enoch Powell in March 1985 provoked resignations on CUCA's committee,[25] and when Powell returned in December 1986, he was heckled by non-Conservative students.[26] CUCA had also come under criticism for Powell's 1985 appearance in the New Statesman, which argued that Powell's extreme views were indicative of CUCA's alleged authoritarianism, and the paper asserting the (short-lived) "Cambridge University Monday Club form part of an unholy alliance with elements of the Left and the now-discredited Cambridge University Conservative Association, who are united in their fervent, even violent opposition to libertarians. Perhaps it is this bizarre grouping which deserves investigation."[27]

2012: BBC 'Wonderland' documentary

On 9 August 2012, the BBC broadcast the documentary Young, Bright and on the Right as part of its Wonderland series.[28] The episode followed two student political activists from deprived backgrounds, one of whom was former CUCA Committee member Chris Monk. The documentary attracted much press attention in the days following the broadcast, particularly at Monk's remark "The whole point of the [Cambridge University] Conservative Association is it gives you a chance to pretend to be a member of the upper classes for an afternoon".[29][30][31]

CUCA responded with a statement on its website, stressing its "disappointment that a documentary has aired which misrepresents Cambridge University Conservative Association...Contrary to the suggestions of the programme, CUCA is unfalteringly open to all.".[30][32]

2018: James Delingpole at a Chairman's Dinner

In June 2018, it was reported that attendees at chairman's Dinner had walked out during the address from James Delingpole after he made a number of unpalatable jokes.[33] Delingpole is reported to have advised attendees to raise enough money to pay for their children's private education, and joked about the sex abuse perpetuated by Jimmy Savile. Delingpole subsequently defended himself in The Spectator,[34] while CUCA released a statement stating that they did not support the viewpoints that Delingpole stated.[33]

General press comments on CUCA

In 1980, Private Eye condemned Timothy Eggar, a Conservative MP and former CUCA chairman, as "one of those unpleasant political operators that Cambridge University Conservative Association alone knows how to breed."[35]

In November 1998, it was claimed in Varsity that outgoing chairmen of CUCA were awarded a pair of silver cufflinks, with one CUCA committee member quipping that "several of the last Chairmen only served their terms of office so that they could get the cufflinks."[36]

List of CUCA Chairmen

Academic year Michaelmas Lent Easter
Lent 1921-1929 Geoffrey G. Butler
1929-1930 Hon. Jocelyn Arthur Pike Pease
Break in records - -
1949-1950 Peter Jenkin-Jones (Trinity Hall) Arthur Rogers (Trinity)
1950-1951 Francis Julian Williams (Trinity) Geoffrey Howe (Trinity Hall) Denzil Freeth (Trinity)
1951-1952 Douglas Hurd (Trinity) Antony Buck (Trinity Hall) John Burnell (Jesus)
1952-1953 Geoffrey Field (Trinity Hall) John Biffen (Jesus) Gordon Pears (Christ's)
1953-1954 Allen Molesworth (Trinity) Rafton Pounder (Christ's) John Chown (Selwyn)
1954-1955 Tam Dalyell (King's) Robin O'Neill (Trinity) Ian Deane (Peterhouse)
1955-1956 Ian Hartland (Downing) Robert Parsons (Downing) Peter Taylor (Sidney Sussex)
1956-1957 David Fairbairn (Gonville and Caius) Keith Wilson (King's) Michael Farrow (Trinity)
1957-1958 Charles Hampden-Turner (Trinity) David Davies (Pembroke) Ian Orr-Ewing (Pembroke)
1958-1959 Michael Norsworthy (Clare) John Cunningham (Peterhouse) Colin Emmins (Selwyn)
1959-1960 Peter Lloyd (Pembroke) Leon Brittan (Trinity) Peter Viggers (Trinity Hall)
1960-1961 Norman Fowler (Trinity Hall) Peter Temple-Morris (St Catharine's) John Selwyn Gummer (Selwyn)
1961-1962 Kenneth Clarke (Gonville and Caius) Hugh Dykes (Pembroke) David Glass (St John's)
1962-1963 John Toulmin (Trinity Hall) John Maskell (Peterhouse) Norman Lamont (Fitzwilliam)
1963-1964 Peter Fullerton (Gonville and Caius) David Eady (Trinity) Alan Bradley (Trinity)
1964-1965 Howell Hughes (Queens') Adrian Vinson (Gonville and Caius) John Ryan (Queens')
1965-1966 Andrew Rose (Trinity) John Davies (Selwyn) Godfrey Barker (Gonville and Caius)
1966-1967 Andrew Millington (Trinity) Susan Rudd (Newnham) Spencer Batiste (Queens')
1967-1968 Edward Davies (Trinity) Christopher Clarke (Gonville and Caius) Julian Gibson Watt (Trinity)
1968-1969 Howard Flight (Magdalene) Roger Evans (Trinity Hall) John Watts (Gonville and Caius)
1969-1970 Philip Heslop (Christ's) William Powell (Emmanuel) David Mellor (Christ's)
1970-1971 James Powell (Emmanuel) Richard Ryder (Magdalene) Nicholas Webb (Downing)
1971-1972 Hugh Parker (St John's) John Rushton (Sidney Sussex) Ian Gaunt (Selwyn)
1972-1973 Timothy Eggar (Magdalene) Paul Serfaty (Trinity) Norman Blackwell (Trinity)
1973-1974 Stephen Allcock (Jesus) Robert Green (Sidney Sussex) Jonathan Hirst (Trinity)
1974-1975 Archie Norman (Emmanuel) John Griffith-Jones (Trinity Hall) Christopher Causer (Trinity Hall)
1975-1976 John Hastings Bass (Trinity) David Prior (Pembroke) Alexander Hill Smith (Pembroke)
1976-1977 Adair Turner (Gonville and Caius) David Grayson (Downing) Christopher Whalley (Selwyn)
1977-1978 Andrew Mitchell (Jesus) Rosemary Chubb (Homerton) Charles Pender (Magdalene)
1978-1979 David Lidington (Sidney Sussex) Andrew McHallam (Queens') Simon Morris (Gonville and Caius)
1979-1980 Mark Bishop (Downing) Simon Goodfellow (Jesus) Kathryn Shaw (Girton)
1980-1981 Christopher Frazer (St. John's) Gillian Herrod (Trinity Hall) John Antcliffe (Corpus Christi)
1981-1982 Julia Ablethorpe (King's) Simon Baynes (Magdalene) Gilbert Dunlop (St John's)
1982-1983 Simon Milton (Gonville and Caius) Andrew Marshall (Robinson) Oliver Brind (St John's)
1983-1984 Adrian Burford (Gonville and Caius) Edward Hess (Peterhouse) Lawrence Guthrie (St John's)
1984-1985 Andrew Roberts (Gonville and Caius) Clive Blackwood (resigned)[37] (Gonville and Caius)

Peter Hopkins (Emmanuel)

Graham Stuart (Selwyn)
1985-1986 Mark Foster-Brown (Robinson) David Platt (Trinity Hall) Robert Hardman (Pembroke)
1986-1987 John Hyman (Christ's) Bryony Griffiths (St John's) Damian Riley Smith (Downing)
1987-1988 Jonathan Rich (Magdalene) Greg Hands (Robinson) Martin Calderbank (Magdalene)
1988-1989 Patrick Paines (Peterhouse) James Bullock (Sidney Sussex) Miles Millar (Christ's)
1989-1990 Roseanne Serrelli (New Hall) Jonathan Bailey (Gonville and Caius) Mark Waldron (Sidney Sussex)
1990-1991 Nick Maddock (Trinity) Paul Barton (Trinity) Justin Davies (Pembroke)
1991-1992 Ryan Robson (Peterhouse) Lizzie Pryor (Emmanuel) Ed Baker
1992-1993 Tim Kevan (Magdalene) Catherine Ewins (King's) Victoria Harper (Trinity ?)
1993-1994 Nick Green (St John's) Julian Bailey (Clare) Victoria Boswell (Downing)
1994-1995 Duncan Reed (Jesus) Lorraine Fahey (New Hall) Colin Farmer BA (Magdalene)
1995-1996 Will Bracken (Downing) Chris Daniels (Trinity Hall) Melanie Robinson (Trinity)
1996-1997 Attila Malta (Sidney Sussex) Richard Williams (Gonville and Caius) Oliver Kerridge (Christ's)
1997-1998 James Hellyer (Christ's) David Mitchinson (St Catharine's) Mark Nicholson (Peterhouse)
1998-1999 Paul Mawdsley (Peterhouse) Alan Mendoza (Gonville and Caius) Duncan Crossey (Downing)
1999-2000 Tim Hamer (Trinity Hall) Martin Williams (Magdalene) Suella Fernandes (Queens')
2000-2001 Tim Haire (Girton) Alison Newton (Newnham) James Davies (Christ's)
2001-2002 David Snowdon (Peterhouse) Will Gallagher (Trinity Hall) Sam Chamberlain (Christ's)
2002-2003 Laurence Tailby (Robinson) Stephen Parkinson (Emmanuel) George Murphy (Gonville and Caius)
2003-2004 Edward Cumming (Downing) Matthew Jamison (Peterhouse) Alex Wright (Peterhouse)
2004-2005 Magnus Gittins (Trinity Hall) Richard Sidey (Selwyn) Tom Goodhead (Clare)
2005-2006 Laurie Fitzjohn-Sykes (Selwyn) Alexander Langley (Gonville and Caius) E. Hughes (Gonville and Caius)
2006-2007 Julia Beck (Gonville and Caius) Timothy Gardiner (Gonville and Caius) Bezhan Salehy (Selwyn)
2007-2008 James Wallis (Gonville and Caius) Roland Valentine Stewart (Gonville and Caius) Mike Morley BA MSci (Trinity)
2008-2009 Hugo Hadlow (St John's) James Sharpe (Fitzwilliam) Hugh Burling (St John's)
2009-2010 Caroline Cummins (Newnham) Gavin Rice (Queens') John Oxley (Gonville and Caius)
2010-2011 Fergus McGhee (Trinity) Callum Wood (Queens') Christopher Poel (Queens')
2011-2012 Matthew Johnstone (Queens') Edward Turnham, MA (Christ's) Michael Goode (Gonville and Caius)
2012-2013 Nick Crawford (Gonville and Caius) Ingram Davidson (Trinity) Katie Lam (Trinity)
2013-2014 David Cowan (Christ's) T James Mottram (Selwyn) Radley Cunliffe (Homerton)
2014-2015 Daniel Jennings (Corpus Christi) Callum Campbell (Fitzwilliam) Melissa Macdonald (Homerton)
2015-2016 Victoria Brown (St. John's) Samuel Carr (Robinson) Nakul Khanna (Gonville and Caius)
2016-2017 Conor Monighan (Fitzwilliam) James Mathieson (Churchill) Alistair Booth (Gonville and Caius)
2017-2018 Henry Mitson (Gonville and Caius) Connor MacDonald (Emmanuel) Dylan Coll-Reed (Trinity)
2018-2019 Timur Coskun (Trinity) William Phelps (Corpus Christi) Oliver Riley (Robinson)
2019-2020 Harry Clynch (Churchill) Benedict Smith (Selwyn) Curran Snell (Downing)
2020-2021 Phoebe Pickering (Corpus Christi) William Rowland (Gonville and Caius) Zachary Marsh (Robinson)
2021-2022 Hugo Williams (Peterhouse) Sam William Hunt (Pembroke) Roberto Salvia (Robinson)
2022-2023 James Appiah III (Pembroke) Oliver Howes (Trinity) Isaac Figliuoli (Trinity)
2023-2024 Sam Spiri (Clare) Tom Pate (Kings) Toby Noskwith (Hughes Hall)
2024-2025 Szymon Sawicki (Christ's) Ewan Woods (Corpus Christi)


Notable alumni

Members of Parliament

UK Parliament

Other legislatures



See also


  1. ^ The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post (Bristol, England), Monday, 15 May 1882; Issue 10608
  2. ^ Daily News (London, England), Thursday, 8 May 1884; Issue 11878
  3. ^ The Times, Tuesday, 25 January 1921; page 10; Issue 42627; col B
  4. ^ T.E.B. Howarth, Cambridge Between Two Wars (Collins, London, 1978) p.152
  5. ^ "Join Us".
  6. ^ "CUCA releases Fresher's Guide "for matriculating ladies and gentlemen"". University of Cambridge. 24 September 2016. Retrieved 3 November 2018.
  7. ^ "Meet the candidates: Jack Drury". Varsity Online. Retrieved 3 November 2018.
  8. ^ "Meet the candidates: Connor MacDonald". Varsity Online. Retrieved 3 November 2018.
  9. ^ "CUSU Council embroiled in Remembrance Day debate". Varsity Online. Retrieved 3 November 2018.
  10. ^ "Cambridge students reject Remembrance Day as 'imperialist propaganda'". Metro. 12 October 2018. Retrieved 3 November 2018.
  11. ^ "Results of the Special General Meeting, 15/2 " Cambridge University Conservative Association". 16 February 2009. Retrieved 31 August 2010.
  12. ^ The Times, Friday, 25 November 1938; pg. 9; Issue 48161; col A
  13. ^ Cambridge Independent Press, Friday, 26 May 1938; pg. 7
  14. ^ The Times, Saturday, 3 November 1956; pg. 4; Issue 53679; col E
  15. ^ Andrew Anthony (27 March 2005). "Howard's way | The Observer". The Guardian. London. Retrieved 31 August 2010.
  16. ^ The Times, Monday, 25 April 1960; pg. 7; Issue 54754; col C
  17. ^ The Times, Friday, 3 December 1965; pg. 6; Issue 56495; col F
  18. ^ The Times, Monday, 4 February 1985; pg. 2; Issue 62053; col H
  19. ^ a b Varsity, 19 February 1999
  20. ^[permanent dead link]
  21. ^ 'Rectification', Varsity, Issue 523, 12 May 2000, page 1
  22. ^ Parris, Matthew (14 January 2010). "Invicta what a terrible choice of poem". The Times (London).
  23. ^ "Association rules". The Times (London). 18 January 2010.
  24. ^ Matthew Parris, Chance Witness: An Outsider's Life in Politics (Viking, London, 2002) p.112
  25. ^ The Times, Monday, 11 March 1985; pg. 2; Issue 62081; col F
  26. ^ Patrick Cosgrave, The Lives of Enoch Powell (Bodley Head, London, 1989), page 13
  27. ^ The New Statesman, Volume 109, page 25 (1985)
  28. ^ BBC programmes: Wonderland – Young, Bright and on the Right
  29. ^ "How easy is it to become a Tory MP without private education?", BBC News website, 9 August 2012
  30. ^ a b "Monk Debunked in Tory Style", The Tab, 11 August 2012
  31. ^ Harry Cole and Joe Armitage, "Young, Right and Part of the Fight", The Commentator, 9 August 2012
  32. ^ "Response to Wonderland", CUCA website, 11 August 2012
  33. ^ a b "Outrage over speaker's remarks at CUCA termly dinner". Cambridge Tab. 13 June 2018. Retrieved 3 November 2018.
  34. ^ "My encounter with the self-righteous cry-bullies of Cambridge | The Spectator". The Spectator. 30 June 2018. Retrieved 3 November 2018.
  35. ^ Private Eye, No. 472, 18 January 1980, p.5 (1980)
  36. ^ Varsity, 19 November 1998, p.9
  37. ^ Parkinson, Stephen (2009). Arena of ambition: a history of the Cambridge Union. London: Icon. p. 331. ISBN 978-1-84831-061-2. OCLC 300404136.
  38. ^ "Former Chairman". Cambridge University Conservative Association. Archived from the original on 19 March 2017.
  39. ^ Sparrow, Andrew (15 April 2008). "Cambridge blue – did Nick Clegg once join the Tory party?". The Guardian.
  40. ^ "NSW Opposition Leader Mark Speakman: 'I'm not really a head kicker'". 19 May 2023.