IBM Broadway microprocessor from the inside of a Wii. The reference to Canada in the picture is related to where it was packaged i.e. by IBM Canada in Bromont.
According to IBM, the processor consumes 20% less power than its predecessor, the 180 nm Gekko used in the GameCubevideo game console.[1]
Broadway was produced by IBM at their semiconductor development and manufacturing facility in East Fishkill, New York (now owned by GlobalFoundries). The bond, assembly, and test operation for the Broadway module was performed at the IBM facility in Bromont, Quebec. Very few official details have been released to the public by Nintendo or IBM; unofficial reports claim it is derived from the 486 MHzGekko architecture used in the GameCube and runs 50% faster at 729 MHz.[2]
The PowerPC 750CL, released in 2006, is a stock CPU offered by IBM; it is virtually identical to Broadway, but was provided in multiple clock speed variants (ranging from 400 MHz–1000 MHz.)[3][4][5]
90 nanometer process technology, shrunk to 65 nm in 2007. [6]