BMRT was originally developed by Larry Gritz while he was at Cornell University.[3]
He developed it during the early 1990s, first published it in 1994, and was subsequently hired by Pixar to work on their PhotoRealistic RenderMan product.
The last version of the renderer under the BMRT name was 2.6, released in November 2000. The first version of Entropy, BMRT's successor, was 3.0, released in July 2001.
In 2000, Gritz left Pixar to form a company called Exluna, whose flagship product was Entropy, a RenderMan renderer based on BMRT with additional features and optimizations. NVIDIA acquired Exluna and Entropy in early 2002. Amid the acquisition, Pixar sued Gritz and Exluna (now NVIDIA) for a variety of patent, trade secret, and copyright issues that were categorically denied by Exluna. The case eventually settled, leading to the discontinuation of BMRT and Entropy. Gritz and other Exluna employees stayed at NVIDIA to develop the Gelato renderer.
A dresser with light bouncing off the mirror demonstrating radiosity and ray tracing
Utah teapots with ray-traced reflection and refraction