Modi responded to Rahul Gandhi's Chowkidar Chor Hai jibe by launching a campaign with the slogan "Main bhi chowkidar" (Hindi: मैं भी चोकीदार।, transl. "I too am a watchman") for his supporters, inferring that everyone is a fighter against corruption and social evils.[4] Modi even changed the name of his official Twitter handle titled 'Narendra Modi' to 'Chowkidar Narendra Modi'.[5]
In a coordinated campaign, ministers, party president Amit Shah and other BJP leaders such as Piyush Goyal changed their Twitter profile names by adding a prefix "Chowkidar".[6] Many supporters of BJP also changed their names accordingly.[7] Modi addressed a large group of watchmen on audio link as part of the campaign.[8]
The BJP supports the building of a Ram temple on the disputed land in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh. It was seen that the party campaigned heavily on the issue during the election. It was viewed that prime minister Narendra Modi and the Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath were pushing for the construction of the Ram temple to garner the majority Hindu vote.[9][10][11]
The BJP in April announced if it were to be reelected, then it would be ending Jammu and Kashmir's special constitutional status, which prevents non-residents from buying property in Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir.[14][15][16]