Betty Toons is a Colombian animated television series was produced by RCN Televisión in 2002, based on Fernando Gaitán's soap opera Yo soy Betty, la fea, retrofitting all the characters to make them children living in a primary school. After the great success of the transmission of this telenovela in 1999 until 2001, the idea of the production of the animated series by RCN Televisión came about. The series lasted a year on the air.[1]
The voice direction was done by Hernán Zajec and Maribel Echeverría. The musical direction was by Juancho Pulido and the logistics were in charge with Paula Arenas.
In the United States, Betty Toons aired on Telefutura from 2004–2008 in Spanish.[2]
The cartoon version recreates the era of the protagonists in childhood, when everyone attends the same school, including Beatriz Pinzón or Betty, Armando Mendoza, "La Peliteñida", Marcela Valencia, the teacher Gutierrez, who sometimes uses English words when he is talking.
This is the first time that a Colombian animated series is aired on Cartoon Network and Boomerang
in Latin America, on November 7, 2004 and ended on December 17, 2006.
The series was re-aired on February 17, 2018 and January 6, 2019 again by RCN, and was also shown Tacho Pistacho channel.
One day a girl dressed as Betty goes to school who gets made fun of for her looks. The series is very similar to the original telenovela but they go to school and Armando does not work at EcoModa yet. Hugo Lombardi is not a character in this version. The series ends with Betty being an exchange student and moves to France, in the airplane she meets a new boy.
Voice cast and characters
Alejandra Botero as Beatriz "Betty" Aurora Pinzón Solano.
Andrés López as Nicolas Mora; Daniel Valencia; Freddy
Alberto León Jaramillo as Professor Gutiérrez
Juan Gaviria as Armando Mendoza Sáenz
Marcela Jimenez as Marcela Valencia
Juliana Botero as Patricia Fernández
Marta Noriega as Mario Calderón
Luz Amparo Álvarez as Aura María Fuentes; Sofía López
Martha Araujo as Bertha Muñoz; Julia Solano de Pinzón