Bernhard Mann acted as an assistant professor of sociology at the faculty of economics and social sciences of the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg (1978–81) and at the faculty of social sciences of the University of Konstanz (1991–96), assistant professor of sociology and public health[5] at the faculties of medicine and philosophy of the University of Bonn (1999–2011) and the faculty of educational sciences of the University of Koblence-Landau (2001–2017).[6] Mann is an adjunct professor of public health at the FOM – University of Applied Sciences Essen (since 2013), at the iba – International University of Cooperative Education Heidelberg (since 2015) and as well as an adjunct professor of sociology at the IUBH – International University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf (since 2017). He was a member of the scientific board of the M.A. program for Health Management in Koblence-Landau[7] elected for certifying the Faculty of Social Sciences in Göttingen[8] and the M.A. program for Health Management in Koblence-Landau. Together with three colleges, he is editor of the Koblence memoire for public health and health management, published by LIT (Münster-Berlin-Hamburg-London-Wien-Zürich).[9]
Sociological consultation
Bernhard Mann operated as project manager for public-health-projects for the German health ministry in the case of consulting political refugees, the German family ministry in the case of health promotion with elderly handicaps and the Bavarian social ministry in the case of the social management with elderly handicaps.[10] He was consultant at the Germany Society for Rehabilitation and at the Institute for Vocational Training, Labour Market and Social Policy (INBAS), Offenbach am Main,[11] is senator of the German Association of Sociologists (since 1997)[12] and belongs to the jury in order to select the German city with the best quality of life for the elderly 2010. Mann was appointed to be an honorary judge at the administrative court in Ansbach and Köln, especially in the cases of the procedure for granting the Right of asylum. He is a member of the head of the Social Democratic Party in Unkel,[13] a place Willy Brandt (Nobel Peace Prize 1971) settled and died (1992). Bernhard Mann is living in a house in Unkel, where Willy Brandt settled (1979–1989).[14]
The research in the view of sociology, public health, social planning and social gerontology is documented[27] in various publications:[28]
Basic Education by Mahatma Gandhi[29] and Education for liberation by Paulo Freire[30] aims to develop the whole personality. The accommodation, adequate supply and health care of political refugees needs to offer psychosocial services. The elderly entering in a retirement home needs to protect their personal and social identity[31] and the support of elderly handicaps in a nursing home require's quality management. In the light of the increasing violence, a burden for the health as the World Health Organization reports,[32] the development of Public Health will be a very important issue.[33]
Works available in English
Aging handicapped in Federal Republic of Germany (FRG): social aspects of non-integration and integration. In: E. Beregi, I.A. Gergely, K. Rajczi (Ed.) Recent advances in Aging Science II. Monduzzi Editore. Bologna 1993, ISBN88-323-0704-9
The Pedagogical and Political Concepts of Mahatma Gandhi and Paulo Freire. In: Claußen, Bernhard (Ed.): International Studies in Political Socialization and Education. Ed. 8. Hamburg 1996, ISBN3-926952-97-0[34]
Development of Public Health in Germany. In: Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education. November 2017. Volume 7. Issue 5. ISSN2161-0711
(with Christiane Barbara Piel) Sociological and Public Health based help in refugees camps. In: T. Correia, V. C. da Silva (eds.) Old Tensions, Emerging paradoxes in Health: Rights, Knowledge, and Trust. 17th Biennial Conference ESHMS Lisbon 2018
Strengthening health care by the pedagogical concepts of Mahatma Gandhi and Paulo Freire – Basic education and awareness. In: Meetings International. Emergency Medicine and Nursing Care. Journal of Nursing & Patient Care. September 2018. Volume 3. 2573–4571
The supply of the disabled becoming elderly by the capability approach by Amartya Sen. Global Public Health Congress. In: Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences. Oktober 2018. Volume 8. ISSN2155-9600
Development of Public Health in Germany and Japan: A Chance for Strengthening Democracy? In: Schmidt, Carmen and Kleinfeld, Ralf (Ed.): The Crisis of Democracy? Chances, Risks and Challenges in Japan (Asia) and Germany (Europe). Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2020, p. 443–459
Works available in French
(avec Wolfgang Petran). The expertise of sociologists. La sociologie professionnelle en Allemagne. Sociologies d'ailleurs. Revue Sociologies pratiques. 149–159. 2010 – No 20. Presses Universitaires de France.[35]
Works available in German
Aging with handicaps. Public-Health-Gerontology. In: Karl, Fred, Schmitz-Scherzer, Jens (Ed.) Social Gerontology. Theory and practical knowledge. In memory of Reinhard Schmitz-Scherzer (1938–2016). LIT. Münster 2018, p. 85–107
Political Refugee. Sociological aspects and Public Health orientated recommendations in collective points. München 2007 ISBN978-3-638-86511-1.
Violence and Health. Public Health orientated recommendations by the World Health Organisation (WHO). In: Sozialwissenschaften und Berufspraxis 29. Jg. 1/2006. S. 81–91 ISSN 0724-3464[36]
Health System Research and Health Sociology. In: Health Management (Ed.): Lehrbriefe. University of Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz 2005
Aging and Society between Competence and Ageism. In: Soziologische Revue 2/2002. S. 133–148. ISSN 0343-4109[37]
Ethics in Sociology. Munich 2001 ISBN (E-Book) 978-3-638-86215-8
Health Sociology. In: University of Köln. Institute of Sociology (Ed.) Gute Gesellschaft. Münster-Hamburg-London 2000
Home care. Effects of the Social Law. Deutsche Hochschulschriften. Bd. 509. Egelsbach-Frankfurt/Main-Washington 1994, ISBN3-89349-509-6[38]
Qualities of assimilation. Elderly handicaps living in the retirement home. Frankfurt/M. 1990, ISBN3-89228-525-X
Adult handicaps and the old residing in an old people's home. In: Zeitschrift für Gerontopsychologie und -psychiatrie, 1, 1988/2, S. 163–172 ISSN 1011-6877
Changing to an old people's home and basic strategies in the view of social gerontology. In: Bernhard Claußen, Karlheinz Filipp, Klaus Wasmund (Ed.): Materialien zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung. Ed. 3. Frankfurt/M. 1987, ISBN3-89228-117-3[39][40]
Political Refugee. Foreword: UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). Frankfurt/M. 1983, ISBN3-88129-725-1[41]
Die pädagogisch-politischen Konzeptionen Mahatma Gandhis und Paulo Freires. In: Bernhard Claußen (Ed.): Studien zur Politikdidaktik. Band 9. Frankfurt/M. 1979, ISSN 0344-3299 ISBN3-88129-237-3[42]