Bay of Fires is an Australian television crime drama and dark comedy series, which screened on ABC Television from 16 July 2023. The eight-part series was co-created by Andrew Knight, Marta Dusseldorp and Max Dann. Filming began in June 2022 with Natalie Bailey and Wayne Blair each directing four episodes. Locations used include the west Tasmanian towns of Queenstown, Strahan and Zeehan. Dusseldorp also co-produced with Yvonne Collins. The series title references the actual Bay of Fires on Tasmania's east coast.
Dusseldorp stars as the main protagonist Stella, who is placed in witness protection in the fictitious Mystery Bay (set inland from west coast's Strahan). Most local residents are suspicious, devious and criminally inclined. Stella tries to protect her children, Iris (Ava Caryofyllis) and Otis (Imi Mbedla), while adjusting to the family's new circumstances. Other main characters are local handyman Jeremiah (Toby Leonard Moore), federal agent Airini (Rachel House), criminal matriarch Frankie (Kerry Fox) and patriarchal cult leader Thaddeus (Matt Nable). Veteran Australian actor Tony Barry's last role was as Jeremiah's father, Joseph.[1] Barry died in December 2022 after his scenes had been filmed but before editing started.[1]
On 8 February 2024 Bay of Fires was officially renewed for a second season and is due to go to air in 2025.[2]
Financial brokerage firm ProsperAus' CEO Anika is attacked by assassins both in a supermarket and at home. They were hired by her de facto partner, Johann. ASIO agent Airini gives Anika a new identity as Stella. Airini asks Stella to provide details of Johann's illegal dealings. Together with her children, Otis and Iris, Stella is relocated to Mystery Bay, Tasmania.[3] Upon arrival at the isolated and unwelcoming town Stella finds most residents are suspicious, devious, criminally inclined and in witness protection.[4][5][6] Her new home and the town's services are woefully inadequate causing hardships for the family.
Stella begins a hesitant friendship with Jeremiah while encountering other locals. Frankie is a criminal matriarch overseeing numerous illegal activities including drug dealing and murder. Thaddeus, a self-styled patriarchal prophet, has tight control of his adherents. Meanwhile, visiting public servant Robin investigates payees but is obfuscated by locals and kidnapped. Frankie believes Robin and Stella are working together. Stella accidentally kills Robin. Jeremiah helps Stella dispose of Robin's corpse. Otis sells marijuana at school and develops a crush for Elysha. Stella destroys Jeremiah's marijuana crop. Stella is put on mock trial. While Frankie wants her killed, Stella convinces townsfolk she can make them money. Otis joins Elysha in Thaddeus' sect. Stella and Jeremiah sabotage Frankie's drug drop. Frankie becomes furious and threatens locals. Stella liberates Otis and Elysha. Johann and his henchmen arrive in Mystery Bay looking for Annika. Annika organises townsfolk to hijack ProsperAus' money laundering.
Marta Dusseldorp as Stella Heikkinen (née Anika Van Cleef): Mother of Iris and Otis (adoptee). ProsperAus CEO, targeted by assassins, relocated to Mystery Bay.
Molly Perkins as Young Stella (Anika): shops in department store without her parents.
Toby Leonard Moore as Jeremiah: tow-truck driver, handyman, farmer. Joseph's son, Jodie's love interest.
Ava Caryofyllis as Iris Heikkinen: Stella's daughter, Otis's younger sister. Effervescent, imaginative and naive.
Imi Mbedla as Otis Heikkinen: Stella's adopted son, Iris's older brother. Dour, cynical and intelligent. Elysha's love interest.
Nicholas Bell as Graham Gordon Ellery: long-term hotel resident, blind. Formerly supervised witness relocations.
Pamela Rabe as Magda (a.k.a. Madeleine Kokoris):[nb 1] Heather's friend, astute observer. Former Australian spy in East Berlin and Moscow.
Masha Basman as Young Magda: poisons Russian General.
Tony Barry as Joseph Gurvan: Jeremiah's father, widower, former farmer. Indebted to bank, previously owned Stella's house.
Kerry Fox as Frankie McLeish (a.k.a. Vicky Stiles):[nb 1] criminal matriarch; pretends to be foster mother for her gang members. Thaddeus and Arthur's sister.
Grace Lydon as Young Frankie (Vicky): plays with brothers.
Matt Nable as Thaddeus (a.k.a. Jonathan Stiles): religious cult leader, runs fresh food stall, gun runner. Frankie and Arthur's older brother.
Riley Baldwin as Young Thaddeus (Johnno): plays with siblings.
Emily Taheny as Jodie: publican, postmistress, Jeremiah's love interest.
Rachel House as Airini/Irene: ASIO assistant director. Investigates ProsperAus's criminal activity, relocates Stella to Mystery Bay. Stakes out Johann and his henchmen.
Lulu Quirk as Young Airini: minutes secretary for Vance.
Robert Rabiah as Reg Brown: runs Thai restaurant. Works for Frankie.
Oscar Redding as Arthur (a.k.a. Edward Stiles): Thaddeus and Frankie's brother, works for Frankie. Mentally and physically affected by long-term drug abuse.
Lachie Tyrrell as Young Arthur (Eddie): plays with siblings.
Ilai Swindells as Sammi: IT/CCTV expert, initially works for Bong and Frankie.
Nikolai Nikolaeff as Johann Mueller (a.k.a. Jakob Yanontov or Joseff Kuznetsov): ProsperAus senior employee, Anika's lover, hires assassins to kill her.
Paul Roukchan as Ruslan: Johann's Chechen assassin-henchman, Yakov's associate.
Vanya Essin as Yakov: Johann's Chechen assassin-henchman, Ruslan's associate.
Ben Knight as Tarquin (a.k.a. Benjamin Rooney):[nb 1] former bikie, second-hand shop attendant, works for Frankie.
Kim Ko as Bong Cha (a.k.a. Mai Fong):[nb 1] motel operator, hides stolen goods, runs town's spy network.
André de Vanny as Jason: inept local policeman, ignores Frankie's illegal activities. Father of Brony's baby.
Stephen Curry as Francis Pike: faux real estate agent, killed for selling Gurvan property to Stella.
Yael Stone as Robin Ricketts: Department of Finance public servant, sent to Mystery Bay to investigate recipients of millions in payments.
Emily Milledge as Brony: Tina's daughter, lives with Frankie, looks after baby. Friendly with Jason.
Mitchem Everett as Jack: Frankie's son, henchman.
John Stanton as Douglas: Recently retired ProsperAus CEO, Anika's father.
Ben Winspear as Rowan Furness: Department of Finance public servant, Robin's boss. Dispatches Robin to Mystery Bay. Note: Winspear is Dusseldorp's spouse.[8]
Jalen Sutcliffe as Stretch: Frankie's henchman.
Mackenzie Grant as Elysha: Thaddeus's adherent, kept subservient and ignorant. Otis's love interest.
George Kanaan as Behrouz: Frankie's drug contact.
Nikhil Singh as Kumar Argawal: IT consultant for Anika, finds irregularities in ProsperAus's business practices.
Jacob Franklin as Caleb: Thaddeus's adherent.
Fiona Stewart as Madeleine: former ASIO operative, clandestinely works for Airini.
Lisa Gormley as Caley: Department of Finance public servant, Rowan's assistant.
Jennifer Rani as Bhvana: code-breaker consulted by Airini.
Jane Johnson as Tina: Brony's mother, later imprisoned, commits suicide.
Amy Brown as Josie: answers Airini's phone.
Nikita Kotlarov as "Russian General"/"Russian Oligarch": poisoned by Young Magda. Johann's boss.
Robert Shook as Ilya: Johann's henchman.
Grace Winspear as Rebecca: Elysha's friend, Thaddeus's adherent. Note: Grace is the daughter of Marta Dusseldorp and Ben Winspear.[9]
^ abcdeName listed by Robin as receiving government payments. Robin asks character what they know about named person.
The eight-part series is created by Andrew Knight, Marta Dusseldorp and Max Dann.[13] It is produced by Archipelago Productions and Fremantle. Archipelago Productions was established by Dusseldorp and her spouse Ben Winspear in 2018 in Hobart.[8] Dusseldorp, a Tasmanian resident (since 2018) and Knight (in Melbourne) formulated the initial premise via Zoom meetings during COVID-19 lockdowns.[11][14] According to Dusseldorp she "drew from her own realisations about the cultural differences when moving from the big smoke."[14] The series is written by Knight, Dann and Sarah Bassiuoni.[10][15] The series title is a tongue-in-check reference to the actual Bay of Fires on Tasmania's east coast whereas the fictitious Mystery Bay is set near the west coast.[11] Bay of Fires itself is the English name for the location known as larapuna in palawa kani (revived First Nation's language).[16]
The Tasmanian Government via Screen Tasmania provided $1.5 million initial funding in October 2021 to begin production.[17] Additional funding was supplied by ABC, Screen Australia, Film Victoria and Fremantle.[18] Filming began in June 2022 with various COVID-19 waves disrupting scheduling.[11][14] Tasmanian locations used were Queenstown: aerodrome (as Junna's Crossing airstrip), interiors, street scenes and main accommodation base for cast and crew; Sandy Bay: big city scenes; Strahan: school and Stella's house and Zeehan: Mystery Bay main street.[11][12][19] On location shooting took 16 weeks.[13]
Bay of Fires' second season received funding from the Tasmanian Government before the first season aired,[20] which was in development from 10 September 2023.[21] On 8 February 2024, it was officially renewed for its second season.[22] On 9 May filming the second series began.[23]
Flashback: Two men observe Francis concreting; burying corpse. Present: Stella wakes; Jeremiah protects her home. Stella and children see Francis hiding under his desk. Old police station destroyed by arson. Otis meets Elysha. Stella reports to Jason in police caravan: found marijuana crop. Thaddeus warns Elysha: no talking; orders Caleb: supervise Elysha. Reg and Kerry shut restaurant as Stella approaches. Jason surrounds marijuana with police tape. Frankie examines Stella; feigns friendliness. Frankie consults Graham: Francis acted alone. Jeremiah repairs Stella's floors. Francis to Graham: woman rang, wanted home for family. Heikkinens stay at motel. Bong's hesitant; Jeremiah convinces her. Iris charms Graham. Connor: clay bird shooting protects Earth from extraterrestrials. Stella buys Reg's Thai food. Frankie's henchmen hunt Francis. Otis and Stella: Thai food inedible. Otis: Stella keeps too many secrets. Sammi and Bong surveil Stella. Jeremiah visits Joseph: take medication. Stella phones Airini: complains about Mystery Bay. Airini: Kumar tortured and killed by Johann. Stella explains situation to Otis. Otis blames Stella: should have ignored anomalies. Iris consoles Stella. Frankie's trucks roll through. Airini watches Johann. Jason surprised: all marijuana removed. Injured Francis tied on chair. Connor returns Stella home. Heikkinens find Francis' corpse.[31]
2010: Tina talks to Brony. Gunman kills Gary, shoots Tina. Present: Brony cuddles baby. Stella sees Francis' cortège; Thaddeus drives coffin's cart. Frankie to Bong: investigate Stella. Stella disgruntled; no inquest. Tarquin: death accidental. Robin: millions to Mystery Bay residents. Rowan sends Robin to Tasmania. Thaddeus disposes of Francis' corpse. Robin to Bong: where's Graham? Bong: dead. Graham: who wants me? Robin: investigating payments; reads list. Graham feigns dementia. Bong to Frankie: Robin's listed names. Frankie negotiates with criminals. Otis annoyed: Stella on school bus. Airini observes assassins. Jeremiah seeks loan extension. Stella mails Kumar's USB to Airini. Connor lies to Robin. Manfred abandons Stella in Strahan. Jeremiah picks her up. Otis notices Elysha's poor reading. Jason cannot help Robin. Magda invents Madeleine's story. Robin asks Frankie about Vicky. Frankie to Bong: Robin works with Stella. Connor offers Francis' car to Stella. Frankie interrogates Stella during dinner. Stella lies. Frankie threatens her. Jodie to Robin: someone else handled payments. Stella receives parcel from Airini. Frankie's gang trace Robin's movements. Stella sees Robin kidnapped. No one responds. Robin caged by Frankie: do not know Stella. Brony helps Stella free Robin. Robin avoids Stella. Stella drives car; collides with Robin.[34][35]
Jeremiah and Stella rafting with Robin's corpse. hours earlier: Stella returns home, puts Iris to sleep. Stella phones Airini: killed Robin. Airini: dispose of corpse. Stella pays Jeremiah. Present: Stella struggles moving corpse ashore. Jeremiah buries Robin in forest. Stella sleeps on floating raft. Frankie and Arthur discover Robin escaped. Frankie: one of our gang helped. Otis readies Iris for school. Stella disembarks; raft drifts away. Madeleine to Airini: ProsperAus' fraudulence cleverly disguised. Frankie asks Connor: alert her about outsiders. Charlie to Jack: knew your father. Calley to Rowan: Robin's file leads to Vance. Otis sells marijuana; he talks to Elysha. Stella eventually finds forest hut. Frankie's gang search for Robin. Sammi displays CCTV: Stella's ute has Robin's corpse. Airini: arrest Ruslan and Yakov. Jeremiah and Stella share hut overnight. Otis and Iris hide inside marijuana crop. Frankie's gang search home. Jeremiah rafts to town. Stella hides inside gang's truck; gets home. Jodie to Jeremiah: avoid Stella; Frankie's involved. Stella notices Otis' stoned; finds marijuana. Vance to Rowan and Calley: check ASIO. Otis objects as Stella burns marijuana crop. Joseph alerts Jeremiah to fire: crop was Jeremiah's. Airini to Rowan: Robin's dead; forget her. Frankie's gang bring Stella to theatre.[37]
Flashback: Graham coaches Tarquin for his new identity. Present: Frankie presides over Stella's "trial". Iris asks Graham and Joseph to rescue Stella. Most townsfolk vote to kill Stella. Tarquin places plastic bag over her head. Graham stops Tarquin. Stella pitches herself as town's money manager; she's reprieved on trial basis. Jeremiah's against Stella's involvement in Frankie's businesses. Otis travels to school on bus. Airini asks Bhvana to decode Kumar's USB. Graham explains to Stella how town was set up. Frankie's disgruntled by Stella's thwarting her power. Airini unable to interview Ruslan and Yakov without interpreter. Stella updates Airini: needs extricating. Magda to Heather: Stella's from old money; she's going to run off. Frankie to Jeremiah: choose between Stella and me. Stella and Iris celebrate Otis' birthday. Airini consults George over ProsperAus. Otis leads Elysha into cave; they kiss. Jack and Charlie go fishing. Johann gets henchmen released. Frankie's gang burn Jeremiah's boat; Joseph injured. Magda's pig decapitated. Airini to Stalla: go to Junna's Crossing. Stella collects car from Connor; picks up children. Graham dumped in pit. Airini's betrayed: Johann and crew attack. Stella kills pilot who was picking her up; he worked for Johann. Stella's family returns to Mystery Bay.[39]
Flashback: Stiles children play hide-and-seek. Johnno locks Eddie in room. Present: Frankie meets her buyer, who senses betrayal. Stella answers Airini's phone call but its Josie; Stella destroys phone. Iris to Stella: Otis lives with Thaddeus. Tarquin finds Graham. Jeremiah visits Joseph in hospital. Stella asks Bethel to see Otis. Otis refuses to return home. Jack to Tina in prison: find snitch or die. Stella sees Jeremiah's burned boat, while Frankie makes veiled threats. Stella visits Joseph and Graham. Graham to Stella: make friends fast. Stella asks Jeremiah to meet later. Johann to Douglas: find Anika. Thaddeus welcomes Otis. Stella desperate for cash; Iris provides Otis' money stash. Frankie and Thaddeus collaborate to control townsfolk. Airini's letter to Stella returns Kumar's USB plus printouts. Frankie to Brony: Tina hanged herself. Stella asks Sammi: decode printouts. Douglas arrives at Iris' school but she refuses to acknowledge him. Iris tells Stella she talks to grandma. Stella confronts Douglas, who admits illegal activities. Sammi: need Johann's password; Stella: Johann quoted Dostoevsky. Jeremiah to Stella: Frankie has drug drop tonight. Stella enlists Magda and Heather. Jeremiah drives Stella and Iris. Thaddeus catches Otis snooping. Jeremiah and Stella sabotage Frankie's drug drop. Buyer shoots at Jack.[41]
1986 Moscow: Magda poisons General. Present: Frankie's gang search for evidence. Stella wakes alongside Jeremiah; they kiss. Iris enters with breakfast. Magda, Sammi and Heather visit. Frankie threatens Jodie; Jodie alibis Jeremiah. Charlie hides Jack. Magda cracks Kumar's USB code. Jodie to Jeremiah: runaway before Frankie finds out. Frankie orders gang: recheck town's CCTV. Johann's assassins surveil Iris at school. Stella figures out how Johann used ProsperAus to make millions per day. Otis asks Elysha to help escape. Frankie's drug buyer prepares for trouble. Assassins follow school bus to Mystery Bay. Locals dissatisfied with Frankie. Frankie threatens to kill Stella. Ruslan questions locals; they lie. Jeremiah to Jason: tell Frankie: only Jeremiah sabotaged drug drop. Graham helps Stella thwart Ruslan. Jeremiah to Stella: leaving town with Jodie. Jack tells Stella: Thaddeus has Otis. Graham: get Otis out. Stella holds loaded bow at Thaddeus, escapes with Otis and Elysha. Elysha and Iris prepare breakfast for Otis and Stella. Jason tells Frankie: saw Jeremiah with kayak. Magda and Heather poison Ruslan and Yakov with cyanide. Frankie to Thaddeus: Jack's run off. Jodie breaks up with Jeremiah. Jeremiah and Johann meet. Dying Ruslan phones Johann. Stella decides to hijack ProsperAus's money laundering schemes.[43]
Flashback: Anika's parents leave her at department store. Present: Ilya brings Ruslan's phone to Johann. Charlie takes Jack bushwalking; teaches his Indigenous heritage. Johann arrives in Mystery Bay. Connor's lies do not fool Johann. Otis slowly recovers. Sammi to Stella: three Russians arrived. Stella leaves Otis and Iris with Jason. Stella provokes Johann to pursue her; leads them to Frankie's. Both groups start killing each other. Stella saves Frankie's life. Johann survives; threatens Stella but Jason and Connor rescue her. Stella corners Johann. Jeremiah talks Stella out of killing Johann. Jason arrests Johann but once outside, Manfred runs Johann over. Two Weeks Later: Graham plays cards with Iris. Sammi and Stella hijack ProsperAus accounts syphoning money into bogus accounts. Stella visits Frankie in hospital; Frankie rejects truce offer. Joseph dies; Jeremiah mourns. Stella pays off Gurvans' debts. Joseph's funeral pyre set off by Stella. Stella convinces townsfolk to diversify fake accounts. Jack bids goodbye to Frankie. Stella instructs residents in new identities; how to fool bank employees. Locals celebrate their windfalls. Thaddeus orders his adherents to shoot Frankie and Arthur. Manfred steals Stella's money but crashes bus. Stella recovers money. Manfred's bus bursts into flames. Russian oligarch: where's Tasmania?[45]
Critical reception
TV Tonight's David Knox rated Bay of Fires at four-out-of-five stars and finds the "backdrop of a fading minetown main street and this colourfully quirky cast is reason enough to get some answers to its perplexing premise."[47] Luke Buckmaster of The Guardian (Australian edition) previewed the first four episodes and was disappointed by their lack of focus: it is an "uninvigorating and weirdly toned on-the-run drama that, even after four episodes, left me wondering what it was trying to be – and why I should keep watching."[5]Screen Hub's Mel Campbell felt the show "reels between comedy and drama in a stressful and frustrating way."[48]
Conversely, Anna Hickey-Moody of The Conversation finds it "arresting, dry and fast-paced" and an exemplar of Australian Gothic by displaying "insights to national understandings of city-country divides and explores small town isolation as a means of social control”.[6]TV Blackbox' Kevin Perry observed it "skilfully blends dark humour and unexpected plot twists into a captivating narrative”.[49] Actor Matt Nable who depicts Thaddeus reflected on the series, "[it's] a really interesting concept and a really different role."[50]Brisbane Times' Bridget McManus praised Rachel House's performance as Airini, who "makes us quake and grin... as a mysterious authority figure."[51]