The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine[4] (AMK) (Ukrainian: Антимонопольний комітет України) is the supreme competition regulator in Ukraine. It is a state authority with special status, aimed at providing the state protection to competition in the field of entrepreneurial activity.
The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine carries out its activities on the grounds of the legislative acts concerning economic competition protection, such as the Laws of Ukraine “On economic competition protection”, “On the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine”, and “On protection from unfair competition”.
The committee consists of the chairman and 10 commissioners, out of which there are two first deputies and three other deputies. The activities of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine are under the control of the president of Ukraine; The committee is accountable to the Supreme Council of Ukraine. The president in consent with the Supreme Council of Ukraine designates and dismisses from the appointment the chairman of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine. First deputies and deputies of the chairman of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine are to be designated and dismissed from their appointments by the president of Ukraine on the proposal of the prime minister. The proposal is made on the grounds of the suggestions of the chairman of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine.
In every region of Ukraine, including the cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol, territorial offices of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine are to be created. The above-mentioned offices are legal entities which carry out the tasks of the Antimonopoly Committee on the regional level.
Within the framework of its procuration the committee supervises the activities of enterprises of all types of ownership, state and local authorities, activities of foreign entrepreneurs in Ukraine as well. The committee is entitled to make decisions concerning abatement of the competition legislation breach, which are obligatory for enterprises and state authorities, to allow or prohibit concerted actions in the market, to impose fines or apply other sanctions with respect to the breakers of the rules of fair competition. In 2020, the Anti-Monopoly Committee demanded that its powers be expanded to give the agency the ability to have a say in the appeal of public procurement.
Market Studies Department
Division for Infrastructure, Housing, and Utilities
Office of Transportation Markets
Office of Communication, Housing, and Utilities Markets
Division for Energy Markets
Office of Oil Products Market
Office of Gas and Energy
Division for Financial and Non-Production Markets
Office of Financial Markets
Office of Non-Production Markets
Office of Medical Services and Retail Markets
Division for Industrial Markets
Office of Agro-Industrial Markets
Office of Industrial Markets
Investigations Department
Office of Investigations of Monopoly Abuse and Restrictive Practices
Office of Investigations of horizontally coordinated actions
Office of Investigation of Unfair Competition
Office of Investigations of certain types of anti-competitive coordinated actions
Legal Department
Department of Operations and Support
Division of Human Resources and coordination of territorial offices
Division of Strategic Analysis, Planning, and Methodology
Division of the Committee Affairs
Division of Procurement, Administration, and IT Support
Division of Control over Concentration and Coordinated Actions
Division on issues of Decision Appeals in Government Procurement
Office of Accounting and Financial Planning
Office of International Cooperation
Office of public relations and interaction with mass media and access to public information
Safety sector
Control-Revision Sector
Sector of control over the executions of orders of higher authorities
Cooperation with international financial organizations and Attraction of international technical assistance
European Court of Human Rights
Ethno-National Policy
cooperation with the Russian Federation, state-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Eurasian Economic Cooperation and other regional associations