Personal names such as Andio, Andia, etc. were common among the Dardanians, and they are considered to be derived from the name of the Dardanian god.[6] As the region of Kosovo was located on the road that went from the Adriatic Sea to Dacia, personal names like Ulpius Andinus or Ulpia Andia appeared among new citizens in the area during the reign of Trajan.[7]
Ferri, Naser (2006). "Simpoziumi ndërkombëtar mbi Dioklecianin dhe epokën e tij (i mbajtur në Split më 18-22 shtator 2005)" [International Symposium on Diocletian and his period (held in Split from 18-22 September 2005)]. In Drançolli, Jahja (ed.). Kosova Archeologica - Kosova Arkeologjike. Instituti Arkeologjik i Kosovës [Archaeological Institute of Kosova]. pp. 222–230.
Krahe, Hans (1946). "Die illyrische Naniengebung (Die Götternamen)". Jarhbücher f. d. Altertumswiss. pp. 199–204. S2CID54995190.
Zeqo, Moikom (2016). "Zef Mirdita, dijetari i madh shqiptar i formatit evropian". Studime Albanologjike. 13. Instituti i Trashëgimisë Shpirtërore e Kulturore të Shqiptarëve – Shkup: 13–20. ISSN1857-6958.