The first branch of algebraic graph theory involves the study of graphs in connection with linear algebra. Especially, it studies the spectrum of the adjacency matrix, or the Laplacian matrix of a graph (this part of algebraic graph theory is also called spectral graph theory). For the Petersen graph, for example, the spectrum of the adjacency matrix is (−2, −2, −2, −2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3). Several theorems relate properties of the spectrum to other graph properties. As a simple example, a connected graph with diameterD will have at least D+1 distinct values in its spectrum.[1]Aspects of graph spectra have been used in analysing the synchronizability of networks.
This second branch of algebraic graph theory is related to the first, since the symmetry properties of a graph are reflected in its spectrum. In particular, the spectrum of a highly symmetrical graph, such as the Petersen graph, has few distinct values[1] (the Petersen graph has 3, which is the minimum possible, given its diameter). For Cayley graphs, the spectrum can be related directly to the structure of the group, in particular to its irreducible characters.[1][3]
Studying graph invariants
Finally, the third branch of algebraic graph theory concerns algebraic properties of invariants of graphs, and especially the chromatic polynomial, the Tutte polynomial and knot invariants. The chromatic polynomial of a graph, for example, counts the number of its proper vertex colorings. For the Petersen graph, this polynomial is .[1] In particular, this means that the Petersen graph cannot be properly colored with one or two colors, but can be colored in 120 different ways with 3 colors. Much work in this area of algebraic graph theory was motivated by attempts to prove the four color theorem. However, there are still many open problems, such as characterizing graphs which have the same chromatic polynomial, and determining which polynomials are chromatic.