One arrives in Abaucourt by the D45 by way of Nomeny (by the west) or by Létricourt (by the southwest). 2.6 km separates it from Nomeny and region 15 of Pont-à-Mousson.
Etymology of the name:
Names ending in "court" come from the Latin "cortis", which indicated a farmyard. The name is applied to the farm itself, around which the village formed. Consequently, the etymology of the word Abaucourt could be considered as such :
Ab (preposition) = "of a different place"
Ad (preposition) = "at, towards, around"
Cortem, Cortis' = "of the court, farm, property"
Various titles from the 12th century (originated in the archives of the college of Fénétrange) mention Abaucourt and the court and estate of Vitrimont that depended on this village : one or the other belonged to Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Neuwiller-lès-Saverne, Alsace. This it is attested by a papal bull issued by Pope Alexander III in 1178 where the church of Abaucourt was listed as property belonging to the abbey.