Recipient |
Citation |
Rowena Christine Allsop |
For service to the community |
Maxwell Geoffrey Anderson |
For service to local government, the pastoral industry and the community
Ronald Stuart Anderson |
For service to people with disabilities, particularly through sport
Cecil Ernest Anstey |
For service to the sport of cricket
Margaret Hazeldine Ashney |
For service to children with disabilities
James Arthur Badger |
For service to children's television and films
Minnie Jane Bailey |
For service to the community
Hilton William Baker, QFSM |
For service to the sport of greyhound racing
Archbishop Aghan Baliozian |
For service to the Armenian community, particularly as Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Australia
Councillor Frederick William Scott Ballhausen |
For service to the community and local government
John Kerr Barnes |
For service to veterans
Ronald Edwin Barr |
For service to youth, particularly as founder of Youth Insearch
Irwin Prescott Barrett-Lennard |
For service to the community
Rosilyn Ivy Baxter |
For service to local government and to conservation
Arthur John Beakley |
For service to the community
Raymond Claude Bell |
For service to youth, particularly through the Australian Air League
Pamela North Bell |
For service to the arts and to the support of artists
Jill Bennett |
For service to people with intellectual disabilities
Laura Mary Bennett |
For service to the community
Councillor Peter Laurence Black |
For service to the community and local government
Leslie Norman Blackley |
For service to education
Patricia Margaret Blashki |
For service to the community
Harold McLennan Blundell |
For service to veterans
Louis William Bond |
For service to the community and local government
Dorothy Alice Bond |
For service to community health, particularly through the Bayside Rheumatism and Arthritis Support Group
Albert Edward Bowden |
For service to community music, particularly through the Victorian Band's League
Mabel Emily Marion Bowen |
For service to the community, particularly to the aged
Harold Power Boyd |
For service to veterans
Father Martin Charles Branagan |
For service to the Redemptorist and to the Roman Catholic Church of North Queensland
Karen Mary Brown |
For service to the sport of hockey and the Aboriginal community
James Hill Brown |
For service to the community and to the NSW Parliament
Noel Edward Bullard |
For service to the community, particularly through the Charity Fundraising Committee Revesby Workers Club
Ian Rutherford Bulmer |
For service to the community, particularly as Chairman of the Tambo Water Board
Elizabeth Cameron Dalman |
For service to contemporary dance
Joseph Michael Camilleri |
For service to the community and local government
Ronald Barry Camplin |
For service to the community and radio broadcasting
Edward Francis Carolan |
For service to local government and industrial relations
Kenneth John Cartner |
For service to the community, particularly through the Brunswick Valley and District Volunteer Rescue Association
Frederick James Church, OBE MBE |
For service to the community, particularly through the Baptist Community Services
Kingsley Juan Clark |
For service to the community and veterans
John Lloyd Clemenger |
For service to the Windana Society
Mary Imelda Cocks |
For service to the community
Wilfred Kenneth Collicoat |
For service to the sport of cricket
Joy Lorraine Connolly |
For service to community health, particularly through SOLACE
William Harold Copeland |
For service to local government
Margaret Wren Corden |
For service to community health, particularly in the field of nutrition
Sister Teresita Cormack |
For service to education and to the Mary McKillop Promotion Committee
Father Alan Alexander Corry |
For service to the community, particularly the Aboriginal community
Douglas George Elliott Cowles |
For service to the community and the newspaper industry
Frances Tonia Crampton |
For service to the sport of gymnastics
Neville Douglas Crew |
For service to adult education and community development programmes
Douglas Henry Crosby |
For service to the dairy industry and to the sport of golf
Jean Margaret Crumpler |
For service as a foster parent
Raymond Neville Dart |
For service to the community
Beverley Davis |
For service to Australian Jewish history and to the community
George Dechnicz, MBE |
For service to the Ukrainian community
William Ross Deller |
For service to Australian Rules football, particularly as the National Director of Umpiring
Lilian Dixon |
For service to assisting families and to establishing Youth Insearch WA
Phyllis Margaret Dray |
For service to nursing, particularly as Matron of Proserpine Hospital
Fay Irene Drayton |
For service to the sport of netball
Elizabeth Dreger |
For service to the aged, to nursing and to the community
Judith Mavis Durham |
For service to music, particularly as an entertainer and composer
Margaret McLean Evans |
For service to the community and to local government
Winifred Evans |
For service to the community and to the aged
Raymond Boultwood Ewers |
For service to the arts, particularly as a sculptor
Robert Gordon Fairlie, DFC |
For service to the community, particularly through charitable and financial administration
Dennis Fall |
For service to the community and to local government
William Brian Fegan, MBE |
For service to veterans and to Defence Widows Support Group
Reverend Arthur Lockhart Finlay |
For service to the Uniting Church in Australia, particularly St Ives Uniting Church and to the community
Edward John Fisher |
For service to local government and to the community
Jill Louise Fogarty |
For service to the Podiatry Education and Training Section at the Sydney Institute of Technology
Victoria Maria Fontana |
For service to the Italian community
Morris Zion Forbes |
For service to the Australian Jewish Historical Society
John Grosvenor Francis |
For service to the sugar industry and to the community
Dr George McLennan Fraser |
For service to hospice and palliative care, particularly through the Mary Potter Hospice
Clara Maud Freudenstein |
For service to the community
Audrey Prescott Fuhrer |
For service to the Girl Guides’ Association of South Australia
Pamela Wilhelmina Gedling |
For service to the Country Women's Association
Anna Ida Georgoussis |
For service to the Greek community, particularly the care of aged people
Wensley Frances Goebel |
For service to the Girl Guides’ Association and to the community
Frederick Richard Goldfinch |
For service to Toukley and district senior citizens
Florence Mavis Goldfinch |
For service to Toukley and district senior citizens
William Alexander Golding |
For service to the environment and to the development of the Great South West Walk
Reverend Dr Djiniyini Gondarra |
For service to the Uniting Church and the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress
William James Goodman |
For service to surf lifesaving and to the sport of basketball
Desmond Lyle Graham |
For service to education, particularly in The Armidale School and to the arts
Shirley Dorothea Graham |
For service to the community, particularly through the Queensland Motor Neurone Society and the Girl Guides' Association
Leslie Francis Graham |
For service to the community
Dr Brian Ashley Greed |
For service to the community and to local government, particularly the Benalla Water Board
Sister Marietta Green |
For service to education, particularly through the provision of specialised educational programmes for Aboriginal children
Patricia Ann Greenham |
For service to the community through 'Fodder Drive 1992'
Geoffrey John Guest |
For service to the community, particularly disadvantaged youth
Margaret Dawn Guthrie |
For service to the community, particularly aged people and to community arts
James John Guy |
For service to cricket, particularly as an umpire and administrator
Etheleen Veronica Guy |
For service to the community
Trevor Frank Hagan |
For service to veterans, particularly the Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Central Queensland
Associate Professor John Kenneth Harcourt |
For service to dentistry and dental education
Robert Alexander Hay |
For service to people with disabilities, particularly the visually impaired
Shirley Irene Heaysman |
For service to nursing, particularly as the Deputy Director of Nursing at Flinders Medical Centre
Leslie Edward Hewitt |
For service to the community
Ian Douglas Heywood |
For service to music education and to community music
John Jacob Hines |
For service to the Jewish community and for developing and promoting exports from South Australia
Caroline Holmes |
For service to education particularly for children who are deaf or hearing impaired
Leonard Christopher Holt |
For service to the community through fodder drive
Noel Anthony Howard |
For service to the care of aged people particularly as the executive director of the Illawarra Retirement Trust
Patrick John Hughes |
For service to the dairy farming industry to local government and to the community
Fred Huntress |
For service to the community of the Logan city district.
Francis Laurence Ives |
For service to sailing, particularly junior sailing in the Sabot class and 18 footers
Elaine Margaret Johnston |
For service to women's and junior hockey on the central coast
Marie Kathryn Kays |
For service to veterans and war widows, particularly as national president of the War Widows Guild of Australia
Father William Patrick Kennedy |
For service to the community
Ida Maud Kennedy |
For service to education as Principal of Clayfield College Brisbane
Maxmillian John Klingner |
For service to surf lifesaving
Leonard Koschel |
For service to the community and to cricket
John Alfred Kosovich |
For service to the wine industry
Antanas Viktoras Kramilius |
For service to the Lithuanian community
Chief Commissioner Stacey Lester Kruck, OBE |
For service to the community through the Everyman's Welfare Service
Frederick Noel Lakin |
For service to education and to the community
Allan Bruce Leake |
For service to jazz music
Sergeant Stanley George Lean |
For service to the community
Gordon Falconer Lee, MBE |
For service to veterans and to the community
Reverend Dr Sang Taek Lee |
For service to the Korean community
Russell George Leitch |
For service to the Employers’ Federation of New South Wales
Spencer Hardinge Logue |
For service to the hospitality and tourism industries
Joseph Lewis Lonsdale |
For service to veterans and to the community
Lieutenant Colonel Austen George Francis Eliott Loveday, RFD |
For service to education, particularly children with learning difficulties
Bonita Grace Lovitt |
For service to the Kingston Centre and to the community
Gary Joseph James Lynagh |
For service to rowing
Councillor John Bruce Macdonald |
For service to local government
Aelsie Rose Magnus |
For service to the National Council of Jewish Women
Wendy Sheila Mander |
For service to children with learning disabilities
Ronald George Mapp |
For service to surf lifesaving
Ross Thomas Martin |
For service to the community
Mavis Joy Martin |
For service to veterans through the Royal Australian Air Force Association (SA)
Alwyn Charles (Gus) Mauch |
For service to gliding and to the community
Joseph John McCorley |
For service to education
Paul Newman McCullough |
For service to marching
Gerard Majella McGuire |
For service to the Dental Technicians’ Association and the Dental Prosthetists’ Association
Neil Alexander McLean |
For service to the community
Eleanor Hope McSwan |
For service to local history and to the community
David Lynton Menadue |
For service to community health, particularly assisting people with HIV/AIDS
Margaret (Peg) Minty |
For service to the visual arts as a landscape painter
Lorna May Mitchell, BEM |
For service to the community
Alberto Modolo |
For service to the tourism and hospitality industries
John Patrick Monahan |
For service to Australian Rules football through the Victorian Country Football League
John Francis Morahan, MBE |
For service to the community, particularly through the Society of St Vincent de Paul
Patricia Mary Morrisey |
For service to the Catholic Women's League and to fundraising for the disadvantaged
William James Morrow, DFC |
For service to the Geelong Historical Society and to historical research
Mary Heaford Murray |
For service to the community as a fundraiser and for the establishment of Mary Murray Welfare Committee
Commander George Michael Nekrasov, (Ret'd) |
For service to the Russian community
Alexander Nelson |
For service to the community as a volunteer fundraiser for local charities and community welfare projects
Michael Joseph Norton |
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Lillehammer 1994
James Francis O'Brien |
For service to the trade union movement
James William O'Callaghan |
For service to aged people and to the community
Audrey Campbell Oertel |
For service to music as an accompanist and singing coach
Geraldine Joyce Pack |
For service to the Australian Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
Colonel Ernest Noel Park, DSO ED (Ret'd) |
For service to the New South Wales Parliament and to the community
Edward Henry George Pask |
For service to dance history as an archivist, lecturer and broadcaster
Eunice Olive Peterson |
For service to swimming, particularly through the Tasmanian Amateur Swimming Association
Irene Pettiford |
For service to youth and to the community
Maurice Arthur Phillips |
For service to the community
Dr Jean Margaret Piaggio |
For service to medicine and to the community
Kerry George Pink |
For service to journalism
Stanley Bruce Pitt |
For service to hockey
Frances Anthonette Pollon |
For service to researching and recording local history
William Frederick Powell |
For service to the welfare of veterans
Helena Pugh |
For service to the community
Francis Xavier Purcell |
For service to the law, particularly Aboriginal Land Rights, and to the community
Jane Raffin |
For service to the arts, particularly through the promotion of regional art galleries
Sheikh Shakib Abraham Rasheed |
For service to the community
Lydia Mikhailovna Rasoumovsky |
For service to the community
Warren Allen Rennie |
For service to surf lifesaving
Evelyn Mary Rimington |
For service to conservation and the environment
Jack Roberts |
For service to local government and to the community
Violet Frances Robinson |
For service to the community, particularly children and Aboriginal people
Kevin James Roche |
For service to lawn bowls
Brian Donald Roebig |
For service to the insurance industry
Peter Charles Rorke |
For service to music
Dr John Layton Rourse |
For service to horticulture, particularly the cultivation and propagation of Vireya Rhododendrons
Dr Brian Gordon Sando |
For service to sports medicine
The Reverend Father Seraphim Sanz de Gandeano, MBE |
For service to the Aboriginal community at Lakumburu Mission
Daphne Elizabeth Schlipalius |
For service to charities through fundraising
Leonard Marshal Schlipalius |
For service to charities through fundraising
Edmond Joseph Scott |
For service to sport
Elizabeth Jane Scrivener |
For service to the ACT Cancer Society and to the community
Charles Joseph Searson |
For service to the Speech and Hearing Centre for Deaf Children WA (Inc) and to the community
Hazel Joan Sims |
For service to women's bowling and indoor bias bowls
Jeanette McDonald Slade |
For service to women's hockey
Archibald Edmund Smith |
For service to police/community relations
Dr Ernest Walter Smith |
For service to art administration and promotion, particularly as Director of the Swan Hill Regional Gallery of Contemporary Art
Stuart David Southwick |
For service to local government and to the community
John Charles Staines |
For service to the community
Arnold Lloyd Stephens |
For service to the Bicheno Players and to the community
Esna May Stewart |
For service to swimming and to women's bowling
Lillian Mabel Stubbs |
For service to the community
Ronald Keith Suich |
For service to Templestowe High School and to the Victorian Council of School Organisations
Walter Summerton |
For service to the Totally and Permanently Disabled Soldiers’ Association and to the Australian Funeral Directors’ Association
Phillip Symons |
For service to the community
Norma Jean Thomas |
For service to the community, particularly through the Australian Red Cross
Colin John Thomas |
For service to community music, particularly band music
Harry Thompson |
For service to badminton
Norman Collingwood Tilley |
For service to pistol shooting and to the Australian Booksellers’ Association (Tas)
Daphne Miriam Mary Todd |
For service to sport and to the community
Van Canh Tran |
For service to Vietnamese community
David Stanley Turfrey |
For service to the care of aged people
Rachel Valler |
For service to music, particularly as a pianist
Salvino Emmanuel Vella |
For service to soccer and to the Maltese community
Ivy Katherine Frances Vowles |
For service to the care of aged people
Paul Wade |
For service to youth and the community through the Anti-Smoking and Drug Offensive campaigns and to soccer
Doreen Marian Walding |
For service to women's lawn bowls
Harry Lachlan Wallace |
For service to the community and to the development of the AUSBUY campaign
Allan Warburton |
For service to local government and to the community
Dr Matheus John Washyn |
For service to the Ukrainian community
Robert George Webster |
For service to veterans and to the community
Cyril Charles Arthur Wendt |
For service to band music as a drum major drill, adjudicator and administrator
Kenneth William Wilder |
For service to the publishing industry
Lester Joseph Williams |
For service to local government and to the community
Charles Stanley Williams |
For service to the community through the State Emergency Service and Australian Red Cross and to veterans
Kenneth Stanley Williamson |
For service to veterans, particularly through the Korea and South-East Asia Forces Association
Jack Willis |
For service to the promotion of recreational activities, particularly lawn bowls, for the disabled
Eric Ronald Wilson |
For service to the development and tourism in the Hinchinbrook and Cardwell areas
Dr Robert Melville Withers |
For service to horticulture, specialising in camellias, rhododendrons and liliums
John Albert Wood |
For service to the retail food industry and to the community
Donald Adrian Woolnough |
For service to lawn bowls
Maurice Reginald Worthy |
For service to the welfare and rehabilitation of prisoners
Joseph Charles Wroth |
For service to the community
Raymond Frederick Yee |
For service to the Chinese community
Nancy Melva York |
For service to community health, particularly through the Mental Health Auxiliaries of Victoria