Betty Allan
For services to the welfare of those with impaired hearing
Phyllis May Allum
For service to medicine, particularly in the field of stress-related problems
Audrey Evelyn Anderson
For service to nursing
Marie Armstrong
For service to the performing arts
Daisy Bacon
For service to the community, particularly through the Girl Guide movement
Councillor Dorothy Jean Baker
For service to the community and local government
Alderman Jill Lorraine Barber
For service to the community and local government
Stewart Barnes
For service to the community, to youth, international relations and peace
Edna Barolits
For service to the public service, particularly to the Aboriginal community
Kenneth Peter Neville Baronie
For service to the community, particularly through the Good Neighbour Council of Western Australia and the Migrant Emergency Fund
Geoffrey Frank Barron
For service to the community and the welfare of Broken Hill residents
Fay Norma Bataille, MBE
For service to education and the community of Norfolk Island
Barbara Edith Biggins
For service to the arts, particularly through the South Australian Council for Children's Films and Television
Thomas Charles Boag
For service to tennis and public service
Francis Neville Bonser
For service to the fishing industry
Clement Booth
For service to the intellectually impaired
Dr Thomas Henry Boshier
For service to the dental profession
Henry Francis Boyle
For service to the community, particularly in the field of local history
Richard David Bradshaw
For service to the performing arts as a puppeteer
Neil Anthony Bridgefoot
For service to the community and local government
Nancye Margaret Bridges
For service to the performing arts
Robert Alden Brooks
For service to the welfare of the physically impaired
James John Brown
For service to conservation and gymnastics
Valerie Mary Browne
For service to the welfare of autistic children
Carol Margaret Budd
For service to the public service
Errol Desmond Bungey
For service to the sport of lawn bowls
Charles Lloyd Burley, QFSM
For service to the community
Joan Kathleen Burnett
For service to the community and ballet
Eileen Beryl Burns
For service to the community, particularly through the Heidelberg Repatriation General Hospital
Herbert Buttery
For service to the visually impaired
James Benedict Cahill
For service to the community, particularly in the field of Aboriginal education
John Phillip Carmody
For service to the public service
Sidney Hayward Castine
For service to the community and local government
Daniel Clark
For service to the sport of cycling
Joyce Yvonne Clothier
For service to ballet
William Henry Collins
For service to those with intellectual disabilities
Elaine Adele Colquhoun
For service to the community, particularly to pony clubs
Raymond Martin Conroy
For service to the sport of harness racing
Leslie John Constable
For service to the community
Captain Raymond Keith Cooper
For service to the community as a military historian
Mavis Corbett
For service to the community, particularly to children
James Mitchell Cornwell
For service to the community and health administration
Michael Joseph Curtis
For service to the community and local government
Graham Hamilton Dillon
For service to the Aboriginal community
Herman Cornelius Drenth
For service to the community
Kevin Charles Duffy
For service to the public service and to the community
Richard Alfred Dunn
For services to the sport of rugby league
Cornelius Henry Dwyer
For service to the transport industry, particularly as general secretary of the Taxi Council Queensland
Randolph Keith Evans
For service to the community
Megan Marjorie Evans
For service to music
Winsome Joan Evans, BEM
For service to music
John Bateson Faulkner
For service to the community
Reverend Diego Fernandez Del Rio
For service to the Spanish community
Charles Allen Fishburn
For service to the community, particularly to youth
Herbert Crommelin Fitzroy
For service to the community
Catherine Foggo
For service to the community, particularly in the field of local history
Kathleen Margaret Forte
For service to the community, to international relations and peace
Maxwell Henry Gale
For service to the community and to international relations
Margaret Clare Gartland
For service to the community in the field of education
John Gavegan
For service to journalism
Myra Frances Gofton
For service to the community and to ex-service personnel
Clifford Dominic Goodchild
For service to music
Sally Sophia Goold
For service to nursing education
Keith Francis Gooley
For service to the meat industry and to the community
Dianne Rose Gorman
For service to the sport of hockey
Michael Robin Francis Goss
For service to art as an artist and administrator
Albert Holmes Graham
For service to the community
Jessie Marshall Griffin
For service to the community
Ronald Selwyn Grubb
For service to the community and to the welfare of ex-personnel
Mario Rheta Hardie
For service to the community, particularly to the Asthma Foundation of New South Wales
Herbert Colin Livingston Harvey
For service to the community
Erwin Ernest Heckendorf
For service to the community
Albert George Henderson
For service to local government and to the community
Adeline Ethel Hicking
For service to welfare, particularly to the Royal Flying Doctor Service
Ellen Mary Higham
For service to nursing education
Perry Colin James
For service to local government and to the community
Henry Thomas Jarvis
For service to the community
David Leslie Jimmieson
For service to the welfare of ex-service personnel
Stephen Kelen
For service to literature
Douglas James Malbon Kiely
For service to the community, particularly to youth
Louis Stevenson Langoulant
For service to health administration and the community
Francis Wilbur Le Page
For service to the community and to local government
Walkiri Valery Walter Lebedew
For service to volleyball
Andrew Lederer
For service to soccer
John Albin Edmund Lee
For service to the community and to local government
Stanley Lewis
For service to the community
Andrew Shu Wah Lim
For public service as secretary of the Australian Capital Territory Medical Board
Beryl Iris Lovell
For service to the community
Hurtle Reginald Lupton
For service to the community and to local government
Barry Layton Macdonald
For service to the welfare of ex-service personnel
William James MacFarlane
For service to the community, particularly the sick in the Hunter region
Stanley Hastings Manning
For service to welfare, particularly with the Wesley Central Mission
Ronald Leslie Marriott
For service to youth, particularly through the scouting movement, and to the community
George Francis Gell Marshall, QPM
For service to rugby union football
Barbara Mary McDonough
For public service, particularly the establishment of specialised libraries for the Department of Defence
Edna Betty McGill
For service to education and to the community
Ena Irene McGinn
For service to the community, particularly to Voluntary Aid and Australian Army Medical Women's Service Association
Ethel Joyce McGrath
For public service with the Patents Office
Francis William McGuren
For service to local government and to the community
Betty Ilma McIntyre
For service to health, particularly in the field of occupational therapy
Jean Alice Sutherland McKinlay
For service to the teaching of music, particularly to children
Amelia McLachlan
For service to the community
Barbara Patricia Mehan
For service to infant welfare
Elsie Rose Milton
For service to the Royal Newcastle Hospital
Dr Geoffrey Henry Moore
For service to medicine
Stanley John Nicholes
For service to sport as a fitness consultant
Phillipena Noel
For service to libraries, especially in the field of children's literature
Allen George Norris
For service to athletics and sports administration
James Andrew Noseda
For service to athletics and sports administration
Eva Esme O'Brien
For service to nursing, particularly at the Heidelberg Repatriation General Hospital
John Francis O'Hanlon
For service to the community through charitable organisations
Henry Thomas O'Neill
For service to the newsagency industry
Bernard Philip O'Reilly
For service to the St John Ambulance Association and to the community
Karleen Osborne
For service to young people with physical disabilities
Maisie Oclanis Pain
For service to the red cross and to the welfare of those with Down's Syndrome
Patricia Paton
For public service with the Department of Foreign Affairs
George William Perry
For service to the community, particularly to senior citizens
Dr Harry Peters
For service to medicine, particularly as administrator of the Prince of Wales Hospital
Gordon George Poidevin
For service to the community
Herbert Clive Pratt
For service to the temperance movement
Superintendent Robert John Noel Prigg
For public service with the Australian Federal Police Force
Dimitrios Psarakis
For service to the community, particularly the Greek community
Frederick Douglas Quinane
For service to the community
Gary Arnold Radford
For service to the community
Dr John Gojko Radunovich
For service to the community and medicine
Stephen Istvan Raskovy
For service to wrestling
Robert Pearson Reading
For service to agriculture and to the community
Jean Heather Richards
For service to the community through charitable organisations
Merle Erica Richardson
For service to lawn bowls through the Newcastle District Bowling Association, and to the community through service groups and as a fundraiser for welfare organisations and for projects at the University of Newcastle
Ronald Ross
For service to the community
Dr Michael Sawer
For service to international relations between Australia and China
Paul Vincent Scanlan
For service to the community
Leila Caroline Schmidt
For service to the community, particularly to the Asthma Foundation of New South Wales
John Matthew Schreck
For service to horse racing
Archibald Allan Scott
For service to the community
Ann Elizabeth Scott
For service to the media as a rural broadcaster and to the community
Raymond Thomas Shea
For service to the community and to the trade union movement
Raoul Wesley Shepherd
For service to the welfare of ex-service personnel
Stuart Howard Shorter
For service to scouting
Francis Ian Showell
For service to the tourist industry
Mary Elizabeth Smith
For service to the community
Lenore Irene Snowden
For service to the community
Fergus John Gordon Speakman
For service to athletics
Edwin George Stafford
For service to the Retired Police Association of Victoria and to the community
Robert Herbert Stringer
For service to the community, particularly in the field of health
Margaret Emily Sutherland
For service to early childhood education
Elizabeth Symonds
For service to those with disabilities particularly to the Spastic Centre of New South Wales
Matthew Douglas Tallon, MC
For service to cricket and hockey
Harry William Thomas Tidmarsh
For service to the welfare of the physically impaired, particularly as a splintmaker
Dorothy Mary Trumble
For service to those with impaired hearing
Kenneth John Turner
For service to local government and to the community
James Patrick Ulbrick
For service to manufacturing engineering and to the community
Lawrence Waina
For service to the Aboriginal community
Captain Joyval Mary Walton
For service through the Salvation Army to the rehabilitation of the drug and alcohol addicted
Captain Robert Walton
For service through the Salvation Army to the rehabilitation of the drug and alcohol addicted
Sing-wu Wang
For public service to the National Library, particularly to the Orientalia collection
Mary Alice Watt
For service to the community
Mearl Dew Waye
For service to the community through the Queen Victoria Hospital Auxiliary
Dianne Leslie Gillett Weidner
For service to the community through the National Trust of Queensland and Toastmasters International
John William Weir
For service to community radio as a voluntary music librarian
Ralph Arthur Whitfeld, MBE
For service to local government and to the community
Dorothy Winifred Wicks
For community service to welfare organisations
Alfred Forbes Wilson
For service to religion and to the Aboriginal communities of northern Australia
Eric John Woodcock
For service to the community of King Island
Lindsay Gordon Woods
For service to the welfare of the elderly, particularly through the Lionsville Homes
Kathleen Margaret Ziesing
For service to the community, particularly through the care of the sick and elderly