"Shall the Constitution be generally amended and revised, as agreed to by the General Assembly at its 1969 and 1970 sessions (except for the three proposals separately stated below)?"
This amendment asked voters to repeal Section 60 (which prohibits lotteries) and leave it to the General Assembly to decide whether or not to authorize or prohibit lotteries.
This amendment asked voters to authorize the state government to issue government bonds for specific capital projects. The sum of the debt incurred by these bond measures cannot not exceed 1.15 times the total annual income and sales taxrevenues of the Commonwealth. These bond measures must first be approved by a voter referendum in order to take effect.
This amendment asked voters to authorize the state government to issue revenue bonds for specific capital projects. Such bonds must first by certified by the Governor that the anticipated revenues from such projects will be sufficient to pay principal and interest as they become due. Such bonds must also have the approval of 2/3s of both chambers in the Virginia General Assembly. The sum of the debt incurred by these bond measures cannot not exceed 1.15 times the total annual income and sales taxrevenues of the Commonwealth.