The four first teams of each pool and the better fourclassified fifth were qualified for the "last 32".
The Mont-de-Marsan won the Championship 1962-63 after beating l'Dax in the final. For the first time from 1934, the final opposes two teams of the same department (The Landes).
André Bérilhe, Léon Berho, Christian Lasserre, Jean-Claude Labadie, Marcel Cassiède, Bernard Dutin, Gaston Dubois, Claude Contis, Jean-Claude Lasserre, Pierre Albaladejo, Raymond Albaladejo, Jacques Bénédé, Henri Willems, Claude Darbos, Pierre Barbe
Lestage score the decisive drop at minute 75th : It was the first and only victory of the "permet au Stade montois" and the third final lost by US Dax.