1959–1960 Massachusetts legislature
John Powers, Senate president.
John Thompson, House speaker.
Leaders of the Massachusetts General Court, 1959-1960.
The 161st Massachusetts General Court , consisting of the Massachusetts Senate and the Massachusetts House of Representatives , met in 1959 and 1960 during the governorship of Foster Furcolo . John E. Powers served as president of the Senate and John F. Thompson served as speaker of the House.[ 4]
name [ 4]
date of birth [ 5]
district [ 5]
John Joseph Beades
June 8, 1916
7th Suffolk
Paul H. Benoit
January 5, 1916
Otto F. Burkhardt
January 17, 1902
Harold Wilson Canavan
May 13, 1915
Richard Caples
December 23, 1921
James J. Corbett
November 27, 1896
Robert P. Cramer
October 22, 1916
Leslie Bradley Cutler
March 24, 1890
Maurice A. Donahue
September 12, 1918
C. Eugene Farnam
December 31, 1916
William Daniel Fleming
April 14, 1907
Mary L. Fonseca
March 30, 1915
A. Frank Foster
February 8, 1910
Donald Linwood Gibbs
August 7, 1904
Joseph Francis Gibney
January 9, 1911
Philip A. Graham
May 21, 1910
Kevin B. Harrington
January 9, 1929
William E. Hays
November 28, 1903
Charles W. Hedges
March 27, 1901
James W. Hennigan Jr.
March 27, 1927
Charles V. Hogan
April 12, 1897
Newland H. Holmes
August 30, 1891
Warren Sherman Keith
June 12, 1892
Fred I. Lamson
December 11, 1910
Francis L. Lappin
January 13, 1915
Michael LoPresti
June 25, 1908
Harold R. Lundgren
May 22, 1894
William Charles Madden
July 9, 1915
Ralph Collins Mahar
January 4, 1912
Francis X. McCann
September 2, 1912
Peter M. McCormack
April 22, 1919
Arthur Joseph Mullen
July 20, 1922
Charles William Olson
August 24, 1889
John Francis Parker
May 29, 1907
John E. Powers
November 10, 1910
James Paul Rurak
November 9, 1911
Elizabeth Stanton
May 27, 1909
Edward C. Stone
June 29, 1878
William X. Wall
July 1, 1904
Stanley John Zarod
April 11, 1920
name [ 4]
date of birth [ 5]
district [ 5]
Harry Benjamin Albro
January 21, 1887
2nd Barnstable
Walter T. Anderson
January 6, 1891
Julius Ansel
April 27, 1908
John A. Armstrong
June 12, 1901
John George Asiaf
June 30, 1900
John Robert Ayers
February 18, 1911
Fred A. Baumeister
September 24, 1892
Raymond H. Beach
August 11, 1888
Roger L. Bernashe
September 9, 1927
Francis Bevilacqua
August 12, 1923
Charles A. Bisbee Jr.
June 8, 1918
Vinson Blanchard
August 1, 1916
Carlton H. Bliss
August 7, 1900
Belden Bly
September 29, 1914
Stanley Joseph Bocko
August 26, 1920
Robert Joseph Bohigian
July 24, 1922
Frank Edwin Boot
November 8, 1905
Gordon Dickson Boynton
August 9, 1901
Malcolm Blanchard Boynton
November 13, 1894
G. Edward Bradley
October 21, 1906
John Cornelius Bresnahan
November 14, 1919
Joseph E. Brett
May 19, 1907
Lawrence F. Bretta
January 12, 1928
John D. Brown
January 30, 1900
John Brox
November 16, 1910
John Patrick Buckley
Thaddeus M. Buczko
February 23, 1926
George H. Burgeson
December 25, 1907
Anthony Joseph Burke
July 17, 1931
Walter T. Burke
August 5, 1911
Gardner E. Campbell
November 22, 1886
John J. Campbell
August 26, 1922
Michael Herbert Cantwell
May 2, 1905
Charles W. Capraro
November 2, 1920
Michael Joseph Carroll
June 21, 1891
Ralph W. Cartwright Jr.
October 5, 1920
William J. Casey (Massachusetts politician)
June 27, 1905
Michael Catino
February 21, 1904
John Joseph Cavanaugh
December 16, 1921
Alexander J. Cella
March 1, 1929
Harrison Chadwick
February 25, 1903
Amelio Della Chiesa
July 31, 1901
Stephen T. Chmura
August 25, 1916
Peter Joseph Cloherty
February 19, 1923
Thomas Francis Coady Jr.
May 8, 1905
Anthony M. Colonna
May 2, 1916
James Francis Condon
February 4, 1899
Lloyd E. Conn
November 26, 1904
Gilbert M. Coroa
January 13, 1925
John W. Costello
April 20, 1927
Leo Joseph Cournoyer
December 11, 1905
Russell H. Craig
February 4, 1924
Robert Q. Crane
March 21, 1926
James J. Craven, Jr.
March 24, 1919
Wallace Boyd Crawford
November 19, 1908
John J. Cronin
August 1, 1910
Sidney Curtiss
September 4, 1917
John A. Davis
May 9, 1912
John Davoren
July 27, 1915
James DeNormandie
November 10, 1907
Domenic Victor DePari
October 27, 1910
Wilfred Adolphus Derosier
March 2, 1908
Cornelius Desmond
October 4, 1893
Theophile Jean DesRoches
June 27, 1902
Gerard F. Doherty
April 6, 1928
John F. Dolan
September 7, 1922
Richard T. Dolan
January 4, 1924
Edmond J. Donlan
December 19, 1899
Henry C. Donnelly
April 13, 1922
Thomas Francis Donohue
December 6, 1902
Harold Lawrence Dower
September 16, 1908
Charles Robert Doyle
September 24, 1925
John T. Driscoll
October 26, 1925
Charles E. Luke Driscoll
October 1, 1909
James V. Duffy
March 14, 1920
John Marshall Eaton Jr.
March 26, 1918
Thomas Edward Enright
August 1, 1881
Thomas Francis Fallon
December 4, 1929
Manuel Faria
March 7, 1906
Thomas F. Farrell
October 10, 1897
Michael Paul Feeney
March 26, 1907
Lawrence F. Feloney
September 11, 1921
A. Richard Ferullo
December 29, 1929
Cornelius T. Finnegan Jr.
December 13, 1918
William H. Finnegan
March 29, 1926
Thomas M. Flaherty
September 6, 1903
Vernon R. Fletcher
February 8, 1924
Maurice Richard Flynn Jr.
December 20, 1917
Jeremiah J. Foley
October 28, 1915
John Winslow Frenning
July 19, 1922
Joseph Garczynski, Jr
February 14, 1927
Frank S. Giles
June 15, 1915
Louis Harry Glaser
June 15, 1910
Edwin Daniel Gorman
November 19, 1912
Thomas T. Gray
July 22, 1892
George Greene
March 7, 1897
Henry W. Hallinan
February 1, 1915
David Boyce Hamilton
December 4, 1890
Samuel Harmon
April 29, 1911
Edward D. Harrington Jr.
August 11, 1921
Russell Palmer Hayden
February 14, 1915
Arthur Graham Heaney
July 7, 1908
William John Hill
October 4, 1930
Herbert B. Hollis
September 10, 1899
Charles F. Holman
June 21, 1892
J. Philip Howard
February 16, 1907
Richard Lester Hull
November 30, 1917
Walter Forbes Hurlburt
February 18, 1917
Charles Iannello
April 25, 1906
John Peter Ivascyn
October 19, 1909
Carl R. Johnson Jr.
August 22, 1926
Ernest A. Johnson
March 13, 1897
Allan Francis Jones
June 29, 1921
Oswald Louis Jordan [ 6]
May 9, 1912
William F. Joyce
July 26, 1909
Sumner Z. Kaplan
February 3, 1920
William Francis Keenan
January 8, 1921
James A. Kelly Jr.
May 11, 1926
James H. Kelly
October 15, 1919
Archibald E. Kenefick
November 4, 1896
George V. Kenneally Jr.
December 29, 1929
John P. Kennedy
February 24, 1918
Edward L. Kerr
March 6, 1909
Gregory Benjamin Khachadoorian
July 8, 1928
Cornelius F. Kiernan
August 15, 1917
Philip Kimball
June 6, 1918
William James Kingston
October 17, 1909
Thomas Edward Kitchen
December 16, 1924
Freyda Koplow
October 26, 1907
Walter Kostanski
December 10, 1923
Matthew J. Kuss
December 5, 1915
John Joseph Lawless
July 15, 1912
James R. Lawton
October 20, 1925
Frank F. Lemos
January 6, 1901
Peter John Levanti
March 19, 1903
Emmit Joseph Line
June 17, 1927
John Joseph Linehan
March 26, 1933
Gerald P. Lombard
January 4, 1916
John J. Long
December 10, 1927
William Longworth
August 17, 1914
John Donald Bain Macmillan
July 14, 1917
J. Robert Mahan
December 14, 1903
Francis Joseph Marr
October 10, 1927
Rico Matera
June 21, 1917
Joseph F. McEvoy Jr.
April 27, 1918
John J. McGlynn
February 26, 1922
James McIntyre (politician)
May 25, 1930
Manuel Victor Medeiros
March 15, 1908
Paul C. Menton
April 15, 1925
Joe Moakley
April 27, 1927
Robert Francis Mooney
February 16, 1931
William James Moran
June 24, 1921
Edward S. Morrow
March 20, 1921
William Dix Morton Jr.
November 5, 1904
Charles A. Mullaly Jr.
September 28, 1910
James Gerard Mullen
May 5, 1922
Robert John Mulligan
March 29, 1931
Cornelius Joseph Murray
August 19, 1890
Harold Clinton Nagle
July 27, 1917
John J. Navin
September 9, 1915
Michael Anthony Nazzaro Jr.
June 2, 1925
Mary B. Newman
February 15, 1909
2nd Middlesex
Thomas M. Newth
March 15, 1911
James R. Nolen
April 17, 1933
Leo James Normandin
December 14, 1922
William F. Nourse
September 12, 1922
Walter Wilson O'Brien
October 14, 1910
David J. O'Connor
November 9, 1924
George Henry O'Farrell
November 15, 1910
Joseph Michael O'Loughlin
November 26, 1914
George J. O'Shea Jr.
January 5, 1929
Daniel Matthew O'Sullivan
August 17, 1921
William F. Otis
October 12, 1903
Charles Louis Patrone
March 17, 1914
Theodore Clark Perkins
January 7, 1915
Francis Whitney Perry
April 21, 1913
Vite Pigaga
Lincoln Pope Jr. [ 6]
May 29, 1916
Michael A. Porrazzo
June 2, 1913
George William Porter
November 6, 1885
Meyer Pressman
February 11, 1907
Stuart D. Putnam
February 2, 1906
Robert H. Quinn
January 30, 1928
Philip Andrew Quinn
February 21, 1910
William I. Randall
September 13, 1915
George E. Rawson
December 6, 1886
Leo Joseph Reynolds
February 29, 1920
Frank G. Rico
June 2, 1912
Daniel H. Rider
July 15, 1912
Harold Rosen (politician)
Nathan Rosenfeld
January 31, 1906
Raymond F. Rourke
October 10, 1917
Harry Della Russo
May 26, 1907
Roger A. Sala
August 8, 1893
Joseph Douglas Saulnier
April 14, 1906
Anthony M. Scibelli
October 16, 1911
John Ralph Sennott Jr.
April 22, 1910
Vincent Joseph Shanley
January 27, 1916
Charles Louis Shea
June 28, 1927
Antone L. Silva
Joseph Silvano
March 1, 1909
Michael John Simonelli
May 9, 1913
Fletcher Smith Jr.
May 20, 1918
Lawrence Philip Smith
December 4, 1919
George William Spartichino
June 11, 1924
George I. Spatcher
February 2, 1902
Edmund R. St. John Jr.
April 28, 1920
C. Clifford Stone
August 20, 1897
William Christopher Sullivan
October 13, 1924
John A. Sweeney
October 22, 1926
Joseph A. Sylvia
August 19, 1892
Alvin C. Tamkin
June 19, 1924
Armand N. Tancrati
May 3, 1914
Frank Daniel Tanner
February 3, 1888
Edna Telford
February 28, 1899
John F. Thompson (politician)
May 20, 1920
George Hawley Thompson
June 8, 1917
George Breed Thomson
January 10, 1921
Irene Thresher
July 6, 1900
J. Robert Tickle
February 27, 1918
John Joseph Toomey
March 25, 1909
Henry Andrews Turner
March 22, 1887
Warren A. Turner
January 25, 1905
John Taylor Tynan
June 7, 1920
Theodore Jack Vaitses
May 8, 1901
Alfred R. Voke
February 12, 1919
Joseph Francis Walsh
February 9, 1907
Martin H. Walsh
July 31, 1916
Barclay H. Warburton III
February 5, 1922
Chester H. Waterous
November 18, 1905
Norman S. Weinberg
Benjamin Horace White
April 11, 1902
Philip F. Whitmore
September 10, 1892
John W. Whittemore
January 30, 1906
Clarence Wilkinson
September 26, 1910
Arthur Williams
December 14, 1915
Thomas Casmere Wojtkowski
September 18, 1926
Alton Hamilton Worrall
April 20, 1893
Albert H. Zabriskie
December 7, 1917
Paul G. Zollo
August 26, 1904
See also
^ "Length of Legislative Sessions" . Manual for the Use of the General Court . Boston: Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 2009. p. 348+.
^ a b "Composition of the Massachusetts State Senate" , Resources on Massachusetts Political Figures in the State Library , Mass.gov, archived from the original on June 6, 2020
^ a b "Composition of the State of Massachusetts House of Representatives" , Resources on Massachusetts Political Figures in the State Library , Mass.gov, archived from the original on June 6, 2020
^ a b c 1959–1960 Public Officers of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts . 1959 – via Internet Archive .
^ a b c d "Annual Register of the Executive and Legislative Departments of the Government of Massachusetts, 1959" (PDF) , Journal of the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts – via State Library of Massachusetts
^ a b Massachusetts, State Library of; Court, Massachusetts General (2010), Black Legislators in the Massachusetts General Court: 1867-Present , State Library of Massachusetts, hdl :2452/48905
Further reading
Court, Massachusetts General (1959). Manual for the Use of the General Court . Boston: Commonwealth of Massachusetts. hdl :2452/40794 .
External links
Massachusetts General Court, Bills (Legislative Documents) and Journals: 1959 , hdl :2452/238763
Massachusetts Acts and Resolves: 1959 , hdl :2452/40894
Massachusetts General Court, Bills (Legislative Documents) and Journals: 1960 , hdl :2452/265590
Massachusetts Acts and Resolves: 1960 , hdl :2452/30629
Berkshire, Hampshire, Franklin, and Hampden
Bristol and Norfolk
Bristol and Plymouth: 1st , 2nd
Cape and Islands
Essex: 1st , 2nd , 3rd
Essex and Middlesex: 1st , 2nd
Hampden and Hampshire: 1st , 2nd
Hampshire, Franklin and Worcester
Middlesex: 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th
Middlesex and Norfolk: 1st , 2nd
Middlesex and Suffolk
Middlesex and Worcester
Norfolk, Bristol and Middlesex
Norfolk, Bristol and Plymouth
Norfolk and Plymouth
Norfolk and Suffolk
Plymouth and Barnstable
Plymouth and Bristol: 1st , 2nd
Plymouth and Norfolk
Suffolk: 1st , 2nd
Suffolk and Middlesex: 1st , 2nd
Worcester: 1st , 2nd
Worcester, Hampden, Hampshire and Middlesex
Worcester and Middlesex
Worcester and Norfolk
Obsolete districts
Barnstable Berkshire Bristol 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th Cape and Islands Essex
1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th ,
15th ,
16th ,
17th ,
18th Franklin Hampden 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th Hampshire Middlesex 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th ,
15th ,
16th ,
17th ,
18th ,
19th ,
20th ,
21st ,
22nd ,
23rd ,
24th ,
25th ,
26th ,
27th ,
28th ,
29th ,
30th ,
31st ,
32nd ,
33rd ,
34th ,
35th ,
36th ,
37th Norfolk
1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th ,
15th Plymouth 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th Suffolk 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th ,
15th ,
16th ,
17th ,
18th ,
19th Worcester 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th ,
15th ,
16th ,
17th ,
18th Defunct districts
Legislative Executive Judicial Independent agencies Law