2 February – Bethlen, and most of his Christian National Union Party (KNEP) joins the National Smallholders and Agricultural Labourers Party (OKGFP) and form the Christian Agricultural Labourers, Smallholders and Civic Party, commonly known as the Unity Party.
9 February – Szomoróc returned to Hungary (today part of Kercaszomor).
16 February – Horthy dissolves the National Assembly.
2 March – 2200 M.E. of 1922 s. decree ('Lex Bethlen') restricts voting rights from 40% to 29% and restores open voting in rural areas.[1]
1 April – Charles IV dies of Influenza and Pneumonia in his Madeira exile.
6 April – In his Western tour, Bethlen asks for a loan from the Reparations Committee.[2]
16 April – Hungary and Finland establish diplomatic relations.
23 April – Reparations Committee accepts loan proposal to Hungary.[2]
28 May-2 June – 1922 Hungarian parliamentary election leads to the victory of the Unity Party.
24 June – Second West Hungarian Uprising, quickly suppressed by the government.