Proterra er det tolvte album fra den skotske keltiske rockband Runrig med Paul Mounsey . Det udkom den 17. august 2003. Mounsey var inviteret til at arrangere to sange på albummet; The Old Boys og An Toll Dubh . Disse blev oprindeligt udgivet på albummet Recovery fra 1981.
Albummet vandt prisen som "Årets udenlandske folk-album" ved Danish Music Awards Folk i 2004.[ 1]
"The Old Boys" - 5:16
"Proterra" - 5:35
"Day of Days" - 3:38
"Empty Glens" - 3:51
"Gabriel's Sword" - 4:57
"From the North" - 5:28
"An Toll Dubh " (The Dungeon) - 2:28
"There's a Need" - 3:34
"Faileas air an Àirigh" (Shadow on the Sheiling ) - 4:06
"Heading to Acadia" - 4:16
"All the Miles" - 4:16
"A Rèiteach" (The Betrothal) - 5:19
"Angels from the Ashes" - 3:25
Eksterne henvisninger
Medlemmer Tidligere medlemmer Studiealbumssalbum Livealbums Opsamlingsalbums Livealbums og DVD'er Singler
"Loch Lomond "
"Dance Called America"
"The Work Song"
"Worker for the Wind"
"Protect and Survive"
"News From Heaven"
"Every River"
"Capture the Heart"
"Hearthammer" (EP)
"Flower of the West"
"The Greatest Flame"
"This Time of Year"
"An Ubhal as Airde"
"Things That Are"
"Rhythm of My Heart"
"The Greatest Flame" (1996)
"The Message"
"This Is Not a Love Song"
"Book of Golden Stories"
"Empty Glens"
"Year of the Flood"
"Clash of the Ash "
"Loch Lomond" (med Tartan Army ) (2007)
"Year of the Flood" (2008)
"Road Trip"
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