Seznam hvězd v souhvězdí Kasiopeji

Toto je seznam významných hvězdsouhvězdí Kasiopeji (Cassiopeia). Hvězdy jsou seřazeny podle zdánlivé hvězdné velikosti.

Název Označení Lokace Hvězdná velikost Vzdálenost
B F HD HIP Rektascenze Deklinace Zdánlivá Absolutní
γ Cas γ 27 5394 4427 00h 56m 42,50s +60°43′00,3″ 2,15 −4,22 613 B0IV:evar Tsih, Marj, Navi; prototyp proměnných hvězd typu γ Cas
α Cas α 18 3712 3179 00h 40m 30,39s +56°32′14,7″ 2,24 −1,99 228 K0II-IIIvar Schedar
β Cas β 11 432 746 00h 09m 10,09s +59°09′00,8″ 2,28 1,17 54 F2III-IV Caph, Al Sanam al Nakah; proměnná typu δ Sct
δ Cas δ 37 8538 6686 01h 25m 48,60s +60°14′07,5″ 2,66 0,24 99 A5Vv SB Ruchbah, Ksora; zákrytová dvojhvězda
ε Cas ε 45 11415 8886 01h 54m 23,68s +63°40′12,5″ 3,35 −2,31 442 B2pvar Segin
η Cas η 24 4614 3821 00h 49m 05,10s +57°48′59,6″ 3,46 4,59 19 G0V SB Achird; blízká dvojhvězda; proměnná typu RS CVn
ζ Cas ζ 17 3360 2920 00h 36m 58,27s +53°53′49,0″ 3,69 −2,62 597 B2IV Foo Loo (附路)[1]
50 Cas 50 12216 9598 02h 03m 26,19s +72°25′16,5″ 3,95 0,47 162 A2V NGC 771
κ Cas κ 15 2905 2599 00h 32m 59,99s +62°55′54,4″ 4,17 −6,34 4127 B1Ia proměnná typu α Cyg
θ Cas θ 33 6961 5542 01h 11m 05,93s +55°08′59,8″ 4,34 1,22 137 A7Vvar Marfak
ι Cas ι 15089 11569 02h 29m 03,99s +67°24′08,6″ 4,46 1,27 141 A5p Sr proměnná typu α2 CVn
ο Cas ο 22 4180 3504 00h 44m 43,50s +48°17′03,8″ 4,48 −2,74 906 B5III trojhvězda, proměnná typu γ Cas
48 Cas A 48 12111 9480 02h 01m 57,55s +70°54′25,4″ 4,49 1,72 117 A3IV čtyřhvězda
ρ Cas ρ 7 224014 117863 23h 54m 23,04s +57°29′57,8″ 4,51 −7,48 11643 F8Iavar bíložlutý veleobr
υ2 Cas υ2 28 5395 4422 00h 56m 40,01s +59°10′52,2″ 4,62 0,62 206 G8III-IV
χ Cas χ 39 9408 7294 01h 33m 55,93s +59°13′55,5″ 4,68 0,70 204 K0III
ψ Cas ψ 36 8491 6692 01h 25m 55,90s +68°07′47,8″ 4,72 0,86 193 K0III rotující elipsoidální proměnná
λ Cas λ 14 2772 2505 00h 31m 46,32s +54°31′20,4″ 4,74 −0,44 354 B8Vn
ξ Cas ξ 19 3901 3300 00h 42m 03,88s +50°30′45,1″ 4,80 −2,86 1109 B2,5V
HD 5015 5015 4151 00h 53m 04,28s +61°07′24,8″ 4,80 3,46 61 F8V spektroskopická dvojhvězda
υ1 Cas υ1 26 5234 4292 00h 55m 00,19s +58°58′22,1″ 4,83 −0,65 406 K2III
1 Cas 1 218376 114104 23h 06m 36,81s +59°25′11,2″ 4,84 −2,81 1105 B0,5IV
HD 19275 19275 14862 03h 11m 56,24s +74°23′37,9″ 4,85 1,37 162 A2Vnn
τ Cas τ 5 223165 117301 23h 47m 03,39s +58°39′06,7″ 4,88 1,26 173 K1III
σ Cas σ 8 224572 118243 23h 59m 00,53s +55°45′17,8″ 4,88 −3,47 1523 B1V...
AR Cas 221253 115990 23h 30m 01,92s +58°32′56,1″ 4,89 −1,34 575 B3IV proměnná hvězda typu Algol
ν Cas ν 25 4636 3801 00h 48m 49,99s +50°58′05,5″ 4,90 −0,49 389 B9III
π Cas π 20 4058 3414 00h 43m 28,09s +47°01′28,7″ 4,95 1,31 174 A5V
φ Cas φ 34 7927 6242 01h 20m 04,92s +58°13′53,8″ 4,95 −4,32 2329 F0Ia nachází se před hvězdokupou NGC 457
4 Cas 4 220652 115590 23h 24m 50,25s +62°16′58,2″ 4,96 −1,91 771 M1III
ω Cas ω 46 11529 9009 01h 56m 00,00s +68°41′07,0″ 4,97 −1,69 701 B8III
HD 3240 3240 2854 00h 36m 08,29s +54°10′06,4″ 5,08 −0,87 505 B7III
V509 Cas 217476 113561 23h 00m 05,10s +56°56′43,4″ 5,10 −6,77 7723 F80 žlutý hyperobr
μ Cas μ 30 6582 5336 01h 08m 12,92s +54°55′27,2″ 5,17 5,78 25 G5VIp/M5V Marfak; blízká hvězda
HD 15920 15920 12273 02h 38m 02,09s +72°49′05,6″ 5,17 0,69 256 G8III
42 Cas 42 10250 8016 01h 42m 55,73s +70°37′21,2″ 5,18 0,51 281 B9V
49 Cas 49 12339 9763 02h 05m 31,58s +76°06′54,4″ 5,22 −0,36 426 G8III
47 Cas 47 12230 9727 02h 05m 07,05s +77°16′53,2″ 5,27 2,64 109 F0Vn
40 Cas 40 9774 7650 01h 38m 30,94s +73°02′24,3″ 5,28 −0,40 447 G8II-IIIvar
HD 11946 11946 9312 01h 59m 37,99s +64°37′17,9″ 5,29 0,81 257 A0Vn
31 Cas 31 6829 5518 01h 10m 39,27s +68°46′43,3″ 5,32 0,38 318 A0Vnn
HD 4775 4775 3951 00h 50m 43,57s +64°14′51,3″ 5,35 −1,63 813 A4V comp SB
12 Cas 12 2011 1960 00h 24m 47,49s +61°49′51,8″ 5,38 −1,47 763 B9III
HD 4222 4222 3544 00h 45m 17,20s +55°13′17,1″ 5,41 0,25 351 A2Vs
23 Cas 23 4382 3721 00h 47m 46,02s +74°50′51,3″ 5,42 −1,54 803 B8III
6 Cas 6 223385 117447 23h 48m 50,17s +62°12′52,3″ 5,43 −8,06 16300 A3Ia comp V566 Cas; proměnná typu α Cyg
HD 3574 3574 3083 00h 39m 09,89s +49°21′16,5″ 5,45 −2,60 1331 K5III
HD 9900 9900 7617 01h 38m 07,56s +57°58′39,5″ 5,55 −2,17 1140 G5II
HD 223173 223173 117299 23h 47m 01,91s +57°27′05,0″ 5,55 −3,00 1672 K3II
HD 5408 5408 4440 00h 56m 46,94s +60°21′46,3″ 5,56 −0,81 614 B8V
HD 6960 6960 5566 01h 11m 25,52s +64°12′09,8″ 5,56 0,06 410 B9.5V
HD 220369 220369 115395 23h 22m 32,52s +60°08′00,6″ 5,56 −2,73 1482 K3II
10 Cas 10 144 531 00h 06m 26,53s +64°11′46,2″ 5,57 −1,82 982 B9III
32 Cas 32 6972 5589 01h 11m 41,37s +65°01′08,0″ 5,57 0,34 363 B9IV RU Cas
43 Cas 43 10221 7965 01h 42m 20,44s +68°02′35,0″ 5,57 −0,10 444 A0p SiSr V557 Cas; proměnná typu α2 CVn
HD 219134 219134 114622 23h 13m 14,74s +57°10′03,5″ 5,57 6,50 21 K3Vvar blízká eruptivní hvězda(má 6 planet)
V1022 Cas 224355 118077 23h 57m 08,49s +55°42′20,6″ 5,57 1,45 218 G8Ib proměnná typu Algol
HD 224893 224893 124 00h 01m 37,02s +61°13′22,1″ 5,58 −4,75 3791 F0III
V746 Cas 1976 1921 00h 24m 15,64s +52°01′11,7″ 5,58 −2,54 1370 B5IV spektroskopická binární
HD 219623 219623 114924 23h 16m 42,19s +53°12′50,6″ 5,58 4,04 66 F7V
HD 2774 2774 2497 00h 31m 41,21s +52°50′22,4″ 5,59 0,18 393 K2III
53 Cas 53 12301 9573 02h 03m 00,19s +64°23′24,1″ 5,59 −4,54 3468 B8Ib
HD 17948 17948 13665 02h 55m 56,74s +61°31′15,8″ 5,59 3,48 86 F4V
V987 Cas 10780 8362 01h 47m 44,06s +63°51′11,2″ 5,63 5,64 33 K0V proměnná typu BY Draconis
YZ Cas 21 4161 3572 00h 45m 39,11s +74°59′17,3″ 5,64 0,89 290 A2IV 21 Cas; proměnná typu Algol; trojhvězda
68 Cas 68 4142 3478 00h 44m 26,23s +47°51′50,3″ 5,66 −1,18 760 B5V...
2 Cas 2 218753 114365 23h 09m 44,14s +59°19′57,7″ 5,68 −3,23 1976 A5III
HD 9352 9352 7251 01h 33m 25,71s +58°19′38,4″ 5,69 −3,20 1952 K0Ib+...
HD 2054 2054 1982 00h 25m 06,39s +53°02′48,4″ 5,72 −0,33 528 B9IV
HD 1239 1239 1354 00h 16m 57,05s +61°31′59,5″ 5,74 −0,73 642 G8III
HD 6676 6676 5361 01h 08m 33,45s +58°15′48,5″ 5,77 −0,43 567 B8V
HD 3283 3283 2876 00h 36m 27,34s +60°19′34,4″ 5,78 −4,29 3361 A4III
44 Cas 44 10425 8046 01h 43m 19,74s +60°33′04,9″ 5,78 −1,46 913 B8IIIn
V567 Cas 225289 418 00h 05m 06,13s +61°18′50,3″ 5,80 −0,93 724 B8MNp... proměnná typu α2 CVn
HD 16024 16024 12239 02h 37m 36,01s +65°44′43,3″ 5,80 −1,19 815 K5III
38 Cas 38 9021 7078 01h 31m 13,52s +70°15′53,2″ 5,82 3,49 95 F6V
HD 3856 3856 3299 00h 42m 03,44s +66°08′51,4″ 5,83 −0,11 503 G9III-IV
HD 6210 6210 5021 01h 04m 19,55s +61°34′48,9″ 5,83 1,31 261 F6V
HD 1279 1279 1372 00h 17m 09,04s +47°56′50,7″ 5,86 −1,47 953 B7III
HD 4440 4440 3750 00h 48m 08,88s +72°40′28,0″ 5,86 1,69 223 K0IV
HD 225009 225009 207 00h 02m 36,08s +66°05′56,3″ 5,87 −3,15 2076 G8III
V762 Cas 7389 5926 01h 16m 11,90s +71°44′37,8″ 5,87 −7,42 14818 K1V proměnná typu BY Draconis
HD 19065 19065 14502 03h 07m 19,02s +64°03′27,4″ 5,89 −0,27 557 B9V
9 Cas 9 225180 330 00h 04m 13,66s +62°17′15,6″ 5,90 −4,35 3663 A1III
HD 6130 6130 4962 01h 03m 37,01s +61°04′29,4″ 5,92 −2,41 1509 F0II
HD 2952 2952 2611 00h 33m 10,32s +54°53′42,3″ 5,93 0,62 376 K0III
HD 2626 2626 2377 00h 30m 19,91s +59°58′39,2″ 5,94 −0,77 718 B9IIIn
SU Cas 17463 13367 02h 51m 58,75s +68°53′18,7″ 5,94 −2,24 1411 F5:Ib-II cefeida
HD 16769 16769 12821 02h 44m 49,67s +67°49′29,0″ 5,95 0,47 406 A5III
HD 5550 5550 4572 00h 58m 31,00s +66°21′06,6″ 5,97 0,66 376 A0III
V640 Cas 123 518 00h 06m 15,54s +58°26′12,1″ 5,98 4,44 66 G5V
HD 6211 6211 4998 01h 04m 02,39s +52°30′08,3″ 5,99 −1,42 991 K2
52 Cas 52 12279 9564 02h 02m 52,49s +64°54′05,4″ 6,00 1,30 284 A1Vn
HD 11857 11857 9220 01h 58m 33,22s +61°41′52,1″ 6,02 −0,70 721 B5III
V373 Cas 224151 117957 23h 55m 33,84s +57°24′43,8″ 6,03 B0.5IIv SB spektroskopická dvojhvězda
HD 4817 4817 3988 00h 51m 16,39s +61°48′19,8″ 6,04 −3,37 2489 K5Ib
55 Cas 55 13474 10438 02h 14m 29,10s +66°31′28,0″ 6,05 −0,72 738 B9V+...
AO Cas 1337 1415 00h 17m 43,07s +51°25′59,1″ 6,11 −5,11 5719 O9IIInn proměnná typu β Lyr
HD 12173 12173 9586 02h 03m 10,51s +73°51′02,0″ 6,12 0,89 363 A5III
HD 9030 9030 7050 01h 30m 52,01s +66°05′53,2″ 6,15 1,46 282 A2Vs
HD 17958 17958 13700 02h 56m 24,66s +64°19′56,8″ 6,17 −1,80 1278 K3Ibvar
HD 224784 224784 43 00h 00m 30,98s +59°33′35,1″ 6,18 0,59 427 G9III-IV
HD 2589 2589 2422 00h 30m 54,20s +77°01′10,2″ 6,18 3,20 128 K0IV
13 Cas 13 2729 2474 00h 31m 25,20s +66°31′10,7″ 6,18 −0,53 716 B6V
HD 3924 3924 3334 00h 42m 31,01s +58°45′12,4″ 6,18 −1,29 1016 B9.5III
V773 Cas 10543 8115 01h 44m 17,91s +57°32′12,0″ 6,18 1,69 258 A3V
HD 5343 5343 4383 00h 56m 12,93s +57°59′47,7″ 6,20 0,28 497 K3III
HD 224870 224870 106 00h 01m 19,24s +49°58′53,7″ 6,22 −0,51 724 G7II-III
HD 4881 4881 4023 00h 51m 33,79s +51°34′17,2″ 6,22 −1,51 1148 B9.5V
V639 Cas 225094 274 00h 03m 25,72s +63°38′25,9″ 6,24 −3,92 3505 B3Ia proměnná typu α Cyg
HD 217673 217673 113684 23h 01m 30,72s +57°06′19,7″ 6,24 −1,56 1181 K2II
HD 222618 222618 116912 23h 41m 54,56s +57°15′35,9″ 6,24 −0,93 886 G8III
HD 10587 10587 8148 01h 44m 46,15s +57°05′21,2″ 6,25 0,07 560 A2V
HD 13222 13222 10350 02h 13m 21,05s +74°01′40,1″ 6,25 0,61 438 G8III
HD 21970 21970 17056 03h 39m 25,10s +75°44′22,6″ 6,25 0,65 429 G9III-IV
RZ Cas 17138 13133 02h 48m 55,51s +69°38′03,1″ 6,26 2,28 204 A3V proměnná typu Algol
HD 222570 222570 116876 23h 41m 26,80s +49°30′44,9″ 6,26 −0,63 778 A4V
HD 5128 5128 4212 00h 53m 47,53s +52°41′21,6″ 6,27 1,61 278 A5m
HD 5273 5273 4298 00h 55m 05,22s +48°40′42,8″ 6,28 −0,68 803 M2.5IIIa
HD 6540 6540 5251 01h 07m 09,44s +53°29′53,5″ 6,31 −1,79 1358 K0
HD 7732 7732 6261 01h 20m 19,45s +77°34′13,7″ 6,31 0,98 379 G5III...
35 Cas 35 8003 6312 01h 21m 05,19s +64°39′29,5″ 6,33 2,01 238 A2Vnn
HD 10362 10362 8020 01h 42m 58,32s +61°25′15,9″ 6,33 −1,15 1022 B7II
HD 223386 223386 117450 23h 48m 53,91s +59°58′44,2″ 6,33 1,22 344 A0V
HD 8424 8424 6685 01h 25m 46,30s +70°58′47,7″ 6,34 0,35 514 A0Vnn
HD 10293 10293 7963 01h 42m 17,69s +58°37′39,9″ 6,35 −1,90 1455 B8III
HD 8272 8272 6486 01h 23m 21,27s +58°08′35,6″ 6,36 2,56 188 F4V
HD 223421 223421 117472 23h 49m 11,89s +58°57′47,6″ 6,36 1,94 250 F2IV
HD 7925 7925 6378 01h 21m 58,94s +76°14′20,0″ 6,37 1,95 250 F0IVn
V805 Cas 21179 16319 03h 30m 19,39s +71°51′50,0″ 6,37 −0,73 856 M2III
V526 Cas 4818 3965 00h 50m 57,27s +51°30′28,9″ 6,38 2,26 217 F2IV
HD 4295 4295 3641 00h 46m 38,23s +69°19′31,3″ 6,39 3,35 132 F3V
HD 5357 5357 4446 00h 56m 54,99s +68°46′32,7″ 6,39 2,51 195 F0m
V465 Cas 7733 6093 01h 18m 13,89s +57°48′11,4″ 6,39 −0,75 874 M5
HD 220074 220074 115218 23h 20m 14,37s +61°58′12,5″ 6,39 −0,91 942 K1V
HD 5715 5715 4709 01h 00m 30,87s +70°58′58,8″ 6,40 1,21 355 A4IV
V761 Cas 7157 5688 01h 13m 09,82s +61°42′22,3″ 6,40 −0,11 652 B9V proměnná typu α2 CVn
HD 222682 222682 116962 23h 42m 31,41s +61°40′45,8″ 6,40 0,66 459 K2III
HD 371 371 695 00h 08m 32,87s +63°12′14,6″ 6,41 −1,91 1502 G3II
HD 2904 2904 2628 00h 33m 19,20s +70°58′54,7″ 6,41 0,36 528 A0Vn
HD 4362 4362 3649 00h 46m 42,47s +59°34′28,3″ 6,41 G0Ib
HD 6497 6497 5240 01h 07m 00,07s +56°56′06,9″ 6,41 1,47 318 K2III...
HD 218440 218440 114163 23h 07m 10,45s +59°43′38,6″ 6,41 −1,65 1336 B2.5IV
HD 220130 220130 115245 23h 20m 34,54s +62°12′47,8″ 6,41 −2,24 1753 K2III
V650 Cas 223358 117430 23h 48m 39,03s +64°52′35,3″ 6,41 −0,30 718 A0sp... proměnná typu α2 CVn
HD 1142 1142 1269 00h 15m 54,87s +61°00′00,7″ 6,43 0,23 566 G8III...
HD 217944 217944 113852 23h 03m 21,33s +58°33′50,0″ 6,43 1,71 286 G8IV
HD 5459 5459 4475 00h 57m 19,53s +61°25′19,0″ 6,44 0,21 575 G8IV
HD 222748 222748 116991 23h 43m 05,03s +51°56′21,6″ 6,44 0,27 559 K0
HD 1601 1601 1639 00h 20m 30,92s +48°58′07,1″ 6,46 −0,86 950 G0
HD 17581 17581 13347 02h 51m 45,92s +58°18′51,5″ 6,46 1,75 285 A1m
HD 222932 222932 117133 23h 44m 48,37s +55°47′58,9″ 6,46 0,65 473 G4III:
16 Cas 16 3038 2707 00h 34m 24,89s +66°45′01,3″ 6,47 0,28 565 B9III
V801 Cas 19243 14626 03h 08m 54,18s +62°23′04,5″ 6,47 −2,48 2012 B1V:e Be hvězda
HD 223552 223552 117551 23h 50m 22,12s +51°37′18,1″ 6,47 3,43 132 F3V
HD 224404 224404 118116 23h 57m 33,52s +60°01′25,0″ 6,47 −1,26 1144 B9III-IV
HD 5927 5927 4786 01h 01m 27,04s +49°32′39,2″ 6,48 −0,77 921 G5
HD 6028 6028 4844 01h 02m 18,47s +51°02′05,9″ 6,48 0,04 632 A3V
HD 9811 9811 7593 01h 37m 47,20s +64°44′21,7″ 6,49 −3,30 2964 A6Iab
V638 Cas 217833 113797 23h 02m 43,80s +55°14′11,0″ 6,50 723 B9IIIwe... proměnná typu α2 CVn
HD 19439 19439 14791 03h 11m 00,80s +64°53′46,7″ 6,50 2,03 256 A4V
54 Cas 54 12800 10031 02h 09m 07,69s +71°33′09,3″ 6,57 4,39 89 F8
HD 7924 7924 6379 01h 21m 59,12s +76°42′37,0″ 7,19 6,06 55 K0V planetu (b)
HD 17156 17156 13192 02h 49m 44,49s +71°45′11,6″ 8,17 3,70 255 G0IV tranzitující planetu (b) a nepotvrzenou planetu (c)
HD 240210 240210 23h 10m 29,23s +57°01′46,04″ 8,33 2,55 468 K3III má planetu (b) a nepotvrzenou planetu (c)
SAO 20575 23h 20m 44,52s +61°11′40,56″ 8,7 300 06.5III
R Cas 224490 23h 58m 24,80s +51°23′19,0″ 9,97 4,83 348 mirida

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Pour les articles homonymes, voir Lebreton. Patrick Lebreton Patrick Lebreton en 2020. Fonctions Premier vice-président du conseil régional de La Réunion, chargé des affaires générales, financières et de l’économie En fonction depuis le 2 juillet 2021(2 ans, 9 mois et 18 jours) Élection 2 juillet 2021 Président Huguette Bello Prédécesseur Olivier Rivière Maire de Saint-Joseph En fonction depuis le 19 mars 2001(23 ans, 1 mois et 1 jour) Élection 1...

For United States Navy ships named San Jacinto, see USS San Jacinto. SS San Jacinto in port. The fresh plating on her bow suggests that she had recently been repaired after her July 1918 collision with the U.S. Navy cargo ship USS Oosterdijk (ID-2586). History United States NameSS San Jacinto Launched22 August 1903 Completed1903 FateTorpedoed April 22, 1942 by U-201 General characteristics TypeCargo ship Tonnage6,069 GRT PropulsionSteam engine SS San Jacinto (ID-2586) was an American com...



Theodor van EupenAnnouncement about the founding of Treblinka Arbeitslager run by EupenBorn24 April 1907Düsseldorf, GermanyDied11 December 1944(1944-12-11) (aged 37)Lipówka, near Jędrzejów, Poland[1]Allegiance Nazi GermanyService/branch Schutzstaffel (SS)RankSturmbannführerUnitSS-TotenkopfverbändeCommands heldDeputy commandant of Treblinka extermination camp Theodor van Eupen (24 April 1907 – 11 December 1944) was a member of the SS of Nazi Germany. A Holocaust perp...



PT Kharisma Starvision PlusNama dagangStarvisionJenisPerseroan terbatasIndustriPerfilmanPendahuluPT Kharisma Jabar FilmDidirikan1995; 29 tahun lalu (1995) di Jakarta, IndonesiaPendiriChand Parwez ServiaKantorpusatJl. Cempaka Putih Raya No. 11A, Jakarta Pusat, IndonesiaWilayah operasiIndonesiaTokohkunci Chand Parwez Servia Fiaz Servia Reza Servia Raza Servia Situs PT Kharisma Starvision Plus (Starvision) adalah rumah produksi yang didirikan pada tahun 1995 oleh Chan...

Koordinat: 10°06′00″N 165°58′00″E / 10.10000°N 165.96667°E / 10.10000; 165.96667 Atol Wotho adalah salah satu atol di Kepulauan Marshall di Samudera Pasifik. Atol ini adalah bagian dari kelompok atol Ralik. Wotho memiliki jumlah penduduk 160 jiwa. Atol ini terdiri dari 18 pulau dan memiliki luas daratan 4.33 km² (1.67 mil persegi) dan laguna seluas 94.92 km² (36.65 mil persegi). Wotho berarti pintu masuk ke terumbu, atau pulau yang jauh sekali m...



Some of this article's listed sources may not be reliable. Please help improve this article by looking for better, more reliable sources. Unreliable citations may be challenged and removed. (October 2012) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Wayne P. Messmer (born July 19, 1950 in Chicago, IL)[1] is a professional speaker, singer, broadcaster, author and actor. He is a professional member of SAG/AFTRA and the National Speakers Association. He was the long-time public address an...



Scalera FilmStato Italia Fondazione1938 Chiusura1952 (fallimento) Settorecinema Modifica dati su Wikidata · Manuale La Scalera Film è stata una società di produzione e distribuzione cinematografica italiana, attiva dal 1938 al 1950. Annunci e programmi di produzione le fanno guadagnare, fin dal 1939, il titolo di «massima casa italiana[1]». Nel periodo 1940-1943 fu la casa cinematografica italiana con il maggior numero di film prodotti[2]. Indice 1 Storia 2 Prod...

Keuskupan Hong KongDioecesis Sciiamchiamensis天主教香港教區Katolik Katedral Dikandung Tanpa Noda, Hong KongLokasiNegara TiongkokWilayah Hong KongProvinsi gerejawiGuangzhou (de jure)Tunduk langsung pada Tahta Suci (de facto)Kantor pusatHong Kong, TiongkokStatistikLuas1.104 km2 (426 sq mi)Populasi- Total- Katolik(per 2016)7.241.700581,000 (8,0%)Paroki51Jemaat41Sekolah317Imam295InformasiDenominasiKatolik RomaGereja sui iurisGereja LatinRitusRit...



政治腐敗 概念 反腐敗 賄賂 裙帶關係 腐败经济学(英语:Economics of corruption) 选举操控 精英俘获(英语:Elite capture) 权力寻租 竊盜統治 黑手黨國家 裙帶關係 行贿基金 買賣聖職 各国腐败 亚洲 中国 治貪史 中華人民共和國 朝鲜 菲律宾 欧洲 俄羅斯(英语:Corruption in Russia) 乌克兰 英国 法国 查论编   此条目的内容是1949年中華人民共和國成立以后中国大陆的国家�...



Public university on Birmingham, Alabama, US UAB redirects here. For this school's athletic program, see UAB Blazers. For Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, see Autonomous University of Barcelona. For other uses, see UAB (disambiguation). The University of Alabama at BirminghamFormer nameMedical College of Alabama (1859–1966)Birmingham Extension Center (1936–1966)College of General Studies (1966)The University of Alabama in Birmingham (1966–1969)TypePublic research universityEstablishe...

180th Fighter WingU.S. Air Force F-16 Falcon from the 180th Fighter Wing, Ohio ANG goes through prefight checks before taxiing down the runway for take offActive1962-presentCountry United StatesAllegiance OhioBranch  Air National GuardTypeWingPart ofOhio Air National GuardGarrison/HQToledo Air National Guard Base, OhioNickname(s)StingersMotto(s)We Citizens Serve VoluntarilyTail CodeOH OhioCommandersCurrentcommanderCol. Chad HoleskoInsignia180th Fighter Wing emblemMilitary...



Outdoor athletic stadium in Boston, Massachusetts Nickerson FieldFormer namesBoston University Field (1954–1963)Address285 Babcock Street[1]LocationBoston, MassachusettsCoordinates42°21′11″N 71°07′08″W / 42.353°N 71.119°W / 42.353; -71.119Public transit  Green Line at Babcock StreetOwnerBoston UniversityOperatorBoston UniversityCapacity9,871[1]Field size86 × 134 yards[1] (78.6 × 122.5 m)SurfaceGreenFields MX Trimens...



باكنر   الإحداثيات 37°58′52″N 89°00′56″W / 37.9811°N 89.0156°W / 37.9811; -89.0156   [1] تقسيم إداري  البلد الولايات المتحدة[2]  التقسيم الأعلى مقاطعة فرانكلن  خصائص جغرافية  المساحة 0.89 ميل مربع  ارتفاع 405 قدم  عدد السكان  عدد السكان 409 (1 أبريل 2020)[3]...

WulanGenre Drama Roman PembuatSinemArtDitulis olehKitta UtaraSkenarioKitta UtaraSutradaraNoto BagaskoroPemeran Dhini Aminarti Giovani L.Tobing Alice Norin Asmirandah Rio Reifan Shireen Sungkar Chacha Frederica Aditya Herpavi Rachman Lia Kartika Kinaryosih Uci Bing Slamet Nani Somanegara Rima Melati Yadi Timo Hengky Solaiman Ana Pinem Bulan Ayu Umay Shahab Hanny Wahab Handika Pratama Sandy Tumiwa Penggubah lagu temaLettoLagu pembukaSandaran Hati oleh LettoLagu penutupSandaran Hati oleh LettoN...



American bank robber (1903–1934) Dillinger redirects here. For other uses, see Dillinger (disambiguation). John DillingerBornJohn Herbert Dillinger(1903-06-22)June 22, 1903Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.DiedJuly 22, 1934(1934-07-22) (aged 31)Chicago, Illinois, U.S.Cause of deathGunshot woundsCriminal charge(s)desertion from US Navy; Bank robbery, assault, assault of an officer, grand theft autoCriminal penaltyImprisonment from 1924 to 1933Spouse(s)Beryl Hovious (divorced)Evelyn Freche...