Seznam hvězd v souhvězdí Cefea

Toto je seznam významných hvězd v souhvězdí Cefea (Cepheus). Hvězdy jsou seřazeny podle zdánlivé magnitudy.

Název Označení Lokace Magnituda Vzdálenost
B F HD HIP Rektascenze Deklinace Zdánlivá Absolutní
α Cep α 5 203280 105199 21h 18m 34,58s +62°35′07,6″ 2,45 1,58 49 A7IV-V Alderamin, Alderaimin; proměnná
γ Cep γ 35 222404 116727 23h 39m 20,98s +77°37′55,1″ 3,21 2,51 45 K1IV Arrai, Alrai, Errai, Er Rai; binární hvězda; složka A má planetu (b)
β Cep β 8 205021 106032 21h 28m 39,58s +70°33′38,5″ 3,23 −3,08 595 B2IIIv SB Alfirk, Alphirk; prototyp proměnných hvězd typu β Cep
ζ Cep ζ 21 210745 109492 22h 10m 51,26s +58°12′04,5″ 3,39 −3,35 726 K1Ibv SB Tsao Fu; proměnná
η Cep η 3 198149 102422 20h 45m 17,27s +61°50′12,5″ 3,41 2,63 47 K0IV Al Kidr
ι Cep ι 32 216228 112724 22h 49m 40,91s +66°12′02,6″ 3,50 0,76 115 K0III proměnná
δ Cep δ 27 213306 110991 22h 29m 10,25s +58°24′54,7″ 4,07 −3,32 982 G2Ibvar Alrediph, Al Radif, Cepheidus Prototypus; prototyp cefeid; trojhvězda
ε Cep ε 23 211336 109857 22h 15m 01,68s +57°02′36,5″ 4,18 2,13 84 F0IV proměnná typu δ Sct
θ Cep θ 2 195725 101093 20h 29m 34,83s +62°59′38,9″ 4,21 1,11 136 A7III Al Kidr
μ Cep μ 206936 107259 21h 43m 30,45s +58°46′48,2″ 4,23 −6,81 5258 M2Ia (Herschelova) Granátová hvězda, Erakis; polopravidelná proměnná
2 UMi 2 5848 5372 01h 08m 44,16s +86°15′25,6″ 4,24 −0,67 313 K2II-III
ν Cep ν 10 207260 107418 21h 45m 26,93s +61°07′14,9″ 4,25 −6,72 5094 A2Iavar pulsující proměnná; vícenásobná hvězda; proměnná typu α Cyg
ξ Cep ξ 17 209790 108917 22h 03m 47,16s +64°37′39,9″ 4,26 1,79 102 Am Kurhah, Alkurah, Alkurab, Al Kirdah
ξ Cep ξ 17 209791 22h 03m 44,50s +64°37′36,0″ 4,30 složka systému ξ Cep; spektroskopická binární
κ Cep κ 1 192907 99255 20h 08m 53,32s +77°42′40,9″ 4,38 −0,63 327 B9III trojhvězda
π Cep π 33 218658 114222 23h 07m 53,84s +75°23′15,3″ 4,41 0,27 220 G2III trojhvězda
υ1 Cep υ1 198084 102431 20h 45m 21,20s +57°34′49,1″ 4,52 2,35 88 F8IV-V Castula, optická dvojhvězda
11 Cep 11 206952 107119 21h 41m 55,08s +71°18′40,3″ 4,55 0,89 176 K0III
HD 217382 217382 113116 22h 54m 24,38s +84°20′46,0″ 4,70 −0,69 390 K4III
ο Cep ο 34 219916 115088 23h 18m 37,41s +68°06′41,1″ 4,75 0,70 211 K0III trojhvězda
9 Cep 9 206165 106801 21h 37m 55,23s +62°04′55,0″ 4,76 −5,95 4528 B2Ib V337 Cep; proměnná
HD 216446 216446 112519 22h 47m 28,95s +83°09′13,4″ 4,77 −0,22 324 K3III dvojhvězda
24 Cep 24 210807 109400 22h 09m 48,37s +72°20′28,3″ 4,79 −0,53 377 G8III
16 Cep 16 209369 108535 21h 59m 15,10s +73°10′49,0″ 5,04 2,17 122 F5V dvojhvězda
OV Cep 51802 37391 07h 40m 31,09s +87°01′12,6″ 5,05 −0,88 499 M2III proměnná
λ Cep λ 22 210839 109556 22h 11m 30,58s +59°24′52,3″ 5,05 −3,47 1646 O6e hvězda s emisními čarami
HD 223274 223274 117371 23h 47m 54,75s +67°48′24,5″ 5,05 0,25 297 A1Vn
19 Cep 19 209975 109017 22h 05m 08,79s +62°16′47,4″ 5,07 −6,04 5433 O9.5Ib trojhvězda
31 Cep 31 214470 111532 22h 35m 45,78s +73°38′35,3″ 5,08 1,32 184 F3III-IV
HD 30338 30338 23265 05h 00m 20,72s +81°11′38,5″ 5,09 −0,03 345 K3III
HD 25007 25007 19461 04h 10m 02,79s +80°41′55,2″ 5,10 −0,03 345 G8III+... dvojhvězda
VV Cep 208816 108317 21h 56m 39,14s +63°37′32,0″ 5,11 −6,93 8359 M2 comp B0 proměnná typu Algol
78 Dra 78 207130 107230 21h 43m 04,13s +72°19′12,7″ 5,18 0,78 247 K0III
6 Cep 6 203467 105268 21h 19m 22,21s +64°52′18,6″ 5,19 −2,41 1079 B3IVe V382 Cep; hvězda typu Be
30 Cep 30 214734 111797 22h 38m 39,05s +63°35′04,3″ 5,19 0,23 320 A3IV
HD 210855 210855 109572 22h 11m 48,52s +56°50′20,6″ 5,24 2,40 121 F8V
HD 218029 218029 113864 23h 03m 32,85s +67°12′33,1″ 5,25 −0,11 384 K3III
18 Cep 18 209772 108924 22h 03m 52,93s +63°07′11,2″ 5,26 −0,43 448 M5III MO Cep
20 Cep 20 209960 109005 22h 05m 00,48s +62°47′07,9″ 5,27 0,32 318 K4III
HD 212710 212710 109693 22h 13m 10,17s +86°06′28,3″ 5,27 0,80 256 B9.5Vn
HD 210939 210939 109592 22h 12m 02,01s +60°45′32,7″ 5,37 0,08 373 K1III
HD 26836 26836 20776 04h 27m 02,89s +80°49′27,2″ 5,42 −1,87 937 G6III:
7 Cep 7 204770 105972 21h 27m 46,16s +66°48′32,9″ 5,42 −1,45 771 B7V
HD 19978 19978 15547 03h 20m 19,58s +77°44′05,6″ 5,44 0,90 264 A6V
ρ Cep ρ 29 213798 111056 22h 29m 52,97s +78°49′27,6″ 5,45 1,14 237 A3V Al Kalb al Rai
HD 26659 26659 20982 04h 30m 00,60s +83°20′24,5″ 5,47 0,63 304 G8III
HD 213022 213022 110725 22h 26m 00,78s +70°46′15,2″ 5,47 −0,54 520 K2III
HD 18438 18438 14417 03h 06m 07,95s +79°25′06,6″ 5,49 −1,15 695 F7IV comp SB
V408 Cep 26356 20860 04h 28m 13,30s +83°48′27,9″ 5,51 −1,10 685 B5V proměnná typu γ Cas
V381 Cep 203338 105259 21h 19m 15,69s +58°37′24,6″ 5,51 −4,74 3663 B3Vv comp
HD 210884 210884 109474 22h 10m 38,90s +70°07′57,1″ 5,52 2,95 107 F2V
26 Cep 26 213087 110817 22h 27m 05,31s +65°07′56,2″ 5,52 −3,93 2527 B0.5Ib
HD 205139 205139 106227 21h 30m 59,29s +60°27′34,0″ 5,53 −3,80 2397 B1II
12 Cep 12 207528 107586 21h 47m 25,31s +60°41′33,7″ 5,53 −0,25 467 M1III
HD 200205 200205 103598 20h 59m 25,33s +59°26′18,8″ 5,54 −0,73 586 K4III
14 Cep 14 209481 108772 22h 02m 04,58s +58°00′01,3″ 5,55 −5,22 4657 O9V LZ Cep
V388 Cep 219586 114831 23h 15m 37,71s +70°53′17,1″ 5,55 0,36 356 F0IV proměnná typu δ Sct
HD 221525 221525 115746 23h 26m 59,92s +87°18′26,8″ 5,56 0,69 307 A7IV
HD 4853 4853 4283 00h 54m 52,76s +83°42′26,9″ 5,59 1,21 245 A4V
4 Cep 4 197950 102253 20h 43m 10,98s +66°39′26,5″ 5,59 2,44 139 A8V
HD 6798 6798 5626 01h 12m 16,51s +79°40′26,3″ 5,60 0,99 272 A3V
HD 220974 220974 115770 23h 27m 16,42s +70°21′35,3″ 5,60 1,59 206 A6IV
HD 216380 216380 112864 22h 51m 22,51s +61°41′47,9″ 5,61 1,39 227 G2IV+...
HD 20084 20084 16489 03h 32m 19,72s +84°54′40,9″ 5,62 0,43 355 G3IIp...
HD 202214 202214 104642 21h 11m 48,24s +59°59′11,8″ 5,64 −6,58 9056 B0V
HD 225216 225216 379 00h 04m 41,84s +67°09′59,0″ 5,68 0,74 317 K1III
HD 208095 208095 107930 21h 52m 01,02s +55°47′48,3″ 5,70 −0,77 643 B6IV-V
HD 214035 214035 111242 22h 32m 16,27s +76°13′35,3″ 5,70 −1,07 736 A2V
HD 206267 206267 106886 21h 38m 57,62s +57°29′20,6″ 5,74 −2,04 1173 O6 (f)
13 Cep 13 208501 108165 21h 54m 53,16s +56°36′40,4″ 5,74 −3,71 2527 B8Ibvar
25 Cep 25 211833 110103 22h 18m 12,59s +62°48′15,7″ 5,75 −0,88 689 K3III
HD 211029 211029 109620 22h 12m 22,45s +63°17′27,9″ 5,76 −1,36 865 M3III
HD 16458 16458 13055 02h 47m 47,63s +81°26′55,2″ 5,80 −0,12 498 G8p...
HD 214710 214710 111660 22h 37m 12,86s +75°22′18,5″ 5,80 −0,61 623 M1III
HD 192781 192781 99663 20h 13m 27,57s +60°38′25,6″ 5,81 −0,49 594 K5III
HD 200614 200614 103810 21h 02m 09,00s +56°40′10,6″ 5,83 −0,92 729 B8III
28 Cep ρ1 28 213403 110787 22h 26m 42,45s +78°47′09,4″ 5,83 1,85 204 A2m
HD 22701 22701 19454 04h 10m 00,22s +86°37′34,9″ 5,84 2,78 133 F5IV
HD 208682 208682 108226 21h 55m 30,99s +65°19′14,9″ 5,84 −2,00 1203 B2.5Ve
HD 221861 221861 116380 23h 34m 59,03s +71°38′31,4″ 5,86 −3,86 2860 K0Ib
HD 201636 201636 104171 21h 06m 23,39s +71°25′55,5″ 5,88 2,42 160 F3IV
HD 211554 211554 109972 22h 16m 26,51s +57°13′12,8″ 5,88 −0,86 728 G8III
HD 217157 217157 112833 22h 51m 02,94s +85°22′24,5″ 5,89 0,16 457 K5
HD 219485 219485 114745 23h 14m 37,02s +74°13′52,5″ 5,89 0,16 455 A0V
V414 Cep 197939 102358 20h 44m 22,04s +56°29′18,3″ 5,91 −1,45 964 M3III
77 Dra 77 201908 104105 21h 05m 29,21s +78°07′34,8″ 5,91 0,40 412 B8Vn
HD 18778 18778 14844 03h 11m 42,85s +81°28′14,6″ 5,92 1,96 202 A7III-IV
HD 203399 203399 104968 21h 15m 42,39s +77°00′44,1″ 5,92 −1,12 836 K5III
HD 207198 207198 107374 21h 44m 53,28s +62°27′38,1″ 5,94 −3,01 2012 O9II
HD 222386 222386 116714 23h 39m 10,16s +75°17′34,3″ 5,95 1,42 263 A3V
HD 223128 223128 117265 23h 46m 36.73s +66°46′56,1″ 5,95 −2,68 1734 B2IV
HD 209112 209112 108505 21h 58m 53,51s +62°41′52,6″ 5,96 −2,02 1283 M3III
HD 205072 205072 105727 21h 24m 49,40s +80°31′29,5″ 5,97 0,78 355 G6III:
HD 222387 222387 116728 23h 39m 21,17s +74°00′09,4″ 5,98 0,43 419 G8III
HD 200039 200039 103219 20h 54m 44,28s +75°55′31,7″ 5,99 0,37 434 G5III
HD 202987 202987 105080 21h 17m 14,23s +55°47′52,7″ 6,00 −2,28 1475 K3III
HD 431 431 760 00h 09m 19,83s +79°42′52,7″ 6,01 0,67 381 A7IV
HD 213973 213973 111314 22h 33m 02,70s +69°54′48,1″ 6,01 1,60 249 A9III
HD 216595 216595 112998 22h 53m 03,77s +60°06′03,7″ 6,01 −1,99 1299 K2V:
HD 197373 197373 102011 20h 40m 17,88s +60°30′17,3″ 6,02 3,41 108 F6IV
HD 12005 12005 9568 02h 02m 57,04s +77°54′58,6″ 6,04 −1,55 1076 K0
HD 212495 212495 110498 22h 23m 00,50s +62°25′09,6″ 6,04 −0,66 712 A1V
HD 12467 12467 10054 02h 09m 25,44s +81°17′45,3″ 6,05 1,87 223 A1V
HD 8065 8065 6522 01h 23m 46,82s +78°43′33,8″ 6,07 −8,93 32600 A0Iab
HD 216102 216102 112635 22h 48m 44,24s +62°56′18,7″ 6,07 −0,39 639 K0
HD 206842 206842 107197 21h 42m 45,37s +59°16′15,0″ 6,10 −3,26 2433 K1III
HD 203574 203574 105370 21h 20m 33,50s +60°45′23,2″ 6,11 0,51 429 G5III
V426 Cep 204599 105949 21h 27m 25,30s +59°45′00,4″ 6,11 −1,28 982 M3II-III...
HD 211300 211300 109659 22h 12m 52,72s +73°18′25,7″ 6,11 −1,05 881 A3V+...
HD 203501 203501 104756 21h 13m 21,60s +81°13′51,5″ 6,12 0,14 512 A3IV
HD 211242 211242 109746 22h 13m 49,71s +63°09′44,5″ 6,13 −1,23 967 B8Vn
HD 204754 204754 106052 21h 28m 52,72s +55°25′07,2″ 6,14 −1,13 929 B8III
HD 36905 36905 28532 06h 01m 20,17s +85°10′55,6″ 6,17 −1,89 1336 M0III
HD 197734 197734 102216 20h 42m 39,69s +60°36′04,9″ 6,17 −0,56 724 A2IV
HD 208606 208606 108209 21h 55m 20,60s +61°32′30,5″ 6,17 −6,05 9056 G8Ib...
HD 207780 207780 107723 21h 49m 19,01s +61°16′22,1″ 6,18 −0,96 872 M1II-III
HD 212454 212454 110497 22h 23m 00,17s +57°17′04,6″ 6,18 −0,90 851 B8III-IV
HD 216172 216172 112670 22h 49m 00,68s +68°34′12,2″ 6,19 2,21 204 F5
HD 6319 6319 5928 01h 16m 12,60s +87°08′44,0″ 6,20 1,20 326 K2III:
HD 218560 218560 114227 23h 07m 57,20s +64°13′21,2″ 6,21 −1,36 1065 K0
HD 199661 199661 103346 20h 56m 17,01s +56°53′15,0″ 6,23 −0,71 795 B2.5IV
HD 6473 6473 5412 01h 09m 12,29s +80°00′42,0″ 6,24 0,46 468 K0
HD 218537 218537 114212 23h 07m 47,74s +63°38′00,5″ 6,25 −1,62 1221 B3V
HD 214019 214019 111325 22h 33m 16,76s +70°22′25,3″ 6,26 0,82 400 A0V
HD 7238 7238 5947 01h 16m 31,04s +79°54′35,5″ 6,27 1,98 236 F5Vs
HD 210905 210905 109585 22h 11m 56,74s +59°05′03,8″ 6,29 1,16 345 K0III
HD 213242 213242 110919 22h 28m 19,48s +64°05′06,8″ 6,30 0,99 377 K0
V398 Cep 225136 302 00h 03m 51,63s +66°42′43,9″ 6,31 −1,09 985 M4
δ Cep δ 27 213307 110988 22h 29m 09,23s +58°24′14,7″ 6,31 −1,01 950 A0 vzdálená složka systému δ Cep
HD 209258 209258 108420 21h 57m 51,07s +74°59′48,3″ 6,32 −1,35 1113 K5
HD 215907 215907 112508 22h 47m 23,23s +58°28′58,8″ 6,33 −1,01 956 B9.5IV
V379 Cep 197770 102258 20h 43m 13,69s +57°06′50,4″ 6,34 −5,08 6269 B2III proměnná typu Algol
HD 210220 210220 109190 22h 07m 09,65s +58°50′26,8″ 6,34 0,16 560 G6III
HD 1141 1141 1296 00h 16m 13,88s +76°57′02,7″ 6,35 −0,04 617 B9Vn
HD 219841 219841 114984 23h 17m 18,86s +75°17′56,5″ 6,35 −0,07 628 A2Vs
HD 210873 210873 109434 22h 10m 15,32s +72°06′40,7″ 6,36 0,38 511 B9MNp...
HD 223778 223778 117712 23h 52m 24,52s +75°32′40,2″ 6,36 6,19 35 K3V
HD 208132 208132 107893 21h 51m 37,25s +65°45′09,9″ 6,37 1,86 260 Am+...
HD 3440 3440 3132 00h 39m 47,75s +82°29′36,9″ 6,38 3,83 105 F6V:
HD 202582 202582 104788 21h 13m 42,46s +64°24′15,1″ 6,38 3,30 135 G2IV+...
V444 Cep 210071 109124 22h 06m 13,55s +56°20′36,2″ 6,38 0,14 576 A0III zákrytová binární
HD 25904 25904 20039 04h 17m 51,85s +80°32′08,7″ 6,39 −0,92 945 K0
HD 208947 208947 108364 21h 57m 11,09s +66°09′22,2″ 6,41 −2,06 1614 B2V
V421 Cep 203025 105091 21h 17m 18,79s +58°36′41,4″ 6.42 −3.03 2527 B2III hvězda typu Be
V422 Cep 203265 105193 21h 18m 32,43s +61°11′03,8″ 6,43 −2,03 1606 M3
V438 Cep 209111 108133 21h 54m 26,54s +80°18′30,9″ 6,43 −0,59 825 M3
RW Cep 212466 110504 22h 23m 07,02s +55°57′47,6″ 6,44 −3,18 2739 G8Iavar pulsující proměnná
HD 12918 12918 10623 02h 16m 45,27s +83°33′41,5″ 6,45 0,86 428 K0
HD 198781 198781 102771 20h 49m 17,39s +64°02′32,2″ 6,45 −3,03 2567 B0.5V
HD 207636 207636 107555 21h 47m 00,87s +70°09′03,4″ 6,45 0,55 492 A0V
HD 215588 215588 112324 22h 45m 03,70s +58°08′50,6″ 6,45 3,68 117 F5
HD 12927 12927 10309 02h 12m 49,98s +79°41′29,3″ 6,46 0,96 410 A3
HD 212136 212136 110314 22h 20m 38,77s +58°24′35,5″ 6,46 0,15 597 G8III
HD 217348 217348 113498 22h 59m 09,00s +59°48′52,8″ 6,46 −1,29 1156 B9III
V431 Cep 205938 106604 21h 35m 25,91s +68°13′09,3″ 6,47 0,08 617 Ap Si proměnná typu α² CVn
HD 207826 207826 107710 21h 49m 08,12s +66°47′31,9″ 6,49 1,57 314 F3IV
HD 224890 224890 128 00h 01m 39,30s +73°36′42,8″ 6,50 2,41 214 Am...
HD 32196 32196 25911 05h 31m 48,00s +85°56′19,4″ 6,50 1,51 324 A5m
HD 198236 198236 102370 20h 44m 33,08s +69°45′06,8″ 6,50 0,89 431 G8III
V Cep 224309 118027 23h 56m 27,56s +83°11′28,0″ 6,57 1,75 301 A3V proměnná
15 Cep 15 209744 108925 22h 03m 53,86s +59°48′52,5″ 6,69 −1,43 1370 B1V vícenásobná hvězda
υ Cep υ 5679 4843 01h 02m 18,34s +81°52′32,1″ 6,90 0,32 674 G8III Castula, optická dvojhvězda
T Cep 202012 21h 09m 32,00s +68°29′25,0″ 7,33 M7IIIe mirida
Kruger 60 239960 110893 22h 27m 59,47s +57°41′45,2″ 9,59 11,58 13,1 M5 27. nejbližší hvězdný systém; binární s DO Cephei
V354 Cephei 22h 33m 35s +58°53′45″ 11,74 9000 M2.5 Iab jedna z největších známých hvězd

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Football clubHeachamFull nameHeacham Football ClubNickname(s)Magpies[1]Founded1907GroundStation Road, HeachamChairmanDavid PageManagerPaul Hunt [2]LeagueEastern Counties League Premier Division2023–24Eastern Counties League Division One North, 18th of 19 Home colours Away colours Heacham Football Club is a football club based in Heacham, England. They are currently members of the Eastern Counties League Premier Division and play at Station Road, Heacham. History Heacham were...


土库曼斯坦总统土库曼斯坦国徽土库曼斯坦总统旗現任谢尔达尔·别尔德穆哈梅多夫自2022年3月19日官邸阿什哈巴德总统府(Oguzkhan Presidential Palace)機關所在地阿什哈巴德任命者直接选举任期7年,可连选连任首任萨帕尔穆拉特·尼亚佐夫设立1991年10月27日 土库曼斯坦土库曼斯坦政府与政治 国家政府 土库曼斯坦宪法 国旗 国徽 国歌 立法機關(英语:National Council of Turkmenistan) ...

ヨハネス12世 第130代 ローマ教皇 教皇就任 955年12月16日教皇離任 964年5月14日先代 アガペトゥス2世次代 レオ8世個人情報出生 937年スポレート公国(中部イタリア)スポレート死去 964年5月14日 教皇領、ローマ原国籍 スポレート公国親 父アルベリーコ2世(スポレート公)、母アルダその他のヨハネステンプレートを表示 ヨハネス12世(Ioannes XII、937年 - 964年5月14日)は、ロ...


British automotive company Not to be confused with Austin Martin. Aston Martin LagondaGlobal Holdings PLCCompany typePublic limited companyTraded asLSE: AMLFTSE 250 componentISINGB00BFXZC448 IndustryAutomotiveFounded15 January 1913; 111 years ago (1913-01-15)FoundersLionel MartinRobert BamfordHeadquartersGaydon, Warwickshire, England, United KingdomArea servedWorldwideKey people Lawrence Stroll(Executive Chairman) Amedeo Felisa(Chief Executive Officer) Marek Reichm...


Bilateral relationsPakistan–United Kingdom relations Pakistan United Kingdom Diplomatic missionHigh Commission of Pakistan, LondonBritish High Commission, Islamabad Prime Minister of Pakistan Yousaf Raza Gillani (R) had a phone call in 2012 to discuss resuming British Airways flights to Karachi with Prime Minister of the United Kingdom David Cameron (L) Pakistan–United Kingdom relations refer to the bilateral ties between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the United Kingdom of Great Br...

Cet article est une ébauche concernant le sport automobile et l’endurance automobile. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Pour les personnes ayant le même patronyme, voir Brisson. Édouard BrissonEdouard Brisson en 1929.BiographieNaissance 18 novembre 1882Buenos AiresDécès 17 septembre 1948 (à 65 ans)Buenos AiresNationalité françaiseActivité Pilote automobileAutres informationsSport Sp...


Racing car model Lotus 77 (John Player Special Mk.II)The Lotus 77 on the Sears Point RacewayCategoryFormula OneConstructorTeam LotusDesigner(s)Colin ChapmanGeoff AldridgeMartin OgilviePredecessor72 / 76Successor78Technical specificationsChassisAluminium monocoqueSuspension (front)Lower wishbone, top rockerSuspension (rear)Single lower link with double, parallel upper; twin radius rodsEngineFord-Cosworth DFV 2993cc V8, naturally aspirated, mid-mountedTransmissionHewland FG400 5-speed manualPo...


Location of Moldova (green) and Transnistria (light green) on the map Capital punishment in Moldova was abolished in 2005. Moldova has not executed anyone since its independence. The death penalty was first abolished in 1995, but, until 2006, the Constitution retained it for crimes committed during war or during an inevitable threat of war.[1] Moldova is a member of the Council of Europe. It has also signed and ratified Protocol No.13.[2] The partially recognized state of Tra...

Muhammad Zaini Abdul GhaniNisbahAl BanjariKebangsaanIndonesiaJabatanWaliyullah Agung, Ulama Besar Tanah Banjar, Ulama Kharismatik Kalimantan Selatan, Ulama Berpengaruh Kalimantan SelatanKarya yang terkenalRisalah MubarakahManaqib Asy-Syekh As-Sayyid Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Qadiri Al-Hasani As-Samman Al-MadaniAr-Risalatun Nuraniyah fi Syarhit Tawassulatis SammaniyahNubdzatun fi Manaqibil Imamil Masyhur bil Ustadzil a’zham Muhammad bin Ali Ba’alawyIstriHj. JuwairiyahHj. LailaHj. Noorjan...


Status generally held by the widow of a king This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Queen dowager – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (November 2021) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Part of the Politics seriesMonarchy Central concepts MonarchMonarchismDivine right of kingsManda...


Cet article est une ébauche concernant la Belgique et le Concours Eurovision de la chanson. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Belgiqueau Concours Eurovision 1987 Données clés Pays  Belgique Chanson Soldiers of Love Interprète Liliane Saint-Pierre Compositeur Gyuri Spies, Marc De Coen Parolier Liliane Keuninckx Langue Néerlandais Sélection nationale Radiodiffuseur Belgische Radio- en Tele...

SMS Panther, sebuah contoh terkenal dari penggunaan diplomasi kapal perang yang dilakukan oleh Jerman Dalam politik internasional, diplomasi kapal perang (atau Ideologi Tongkat Besar dalam sejarah AS)merujuk kepada kebijakan asing dengan bantuan pengerahan kekuatan angkatan laut—yang memberikan atau mencetak ancaman perang langsung, sehingga seharusnya istilah tersebut tidak ditujukan kepada pasukan superior.[1] Asal muasal istilah Istilah tersebut datang dari zaman imperialisme pad...


1904年アメリカ合衆国大統領選挙United States presidential election, 1904 1900年 ← 1904年11月8日 → 1908年 投票率 65.2%[1] 8.0%   候補者 セオドア・ルーズベルト アルトン・パーカー 政党 共和党 民主党 出身地域 ニューヨーク州 ニューヨーク州 副大統領候補者 チャールズ・W・フェアバンクス ヘンリー・デイビス 獲得選挙人 336 140 勝利地域数 32 13 得票数 7,630,457 5,083...