"Statue of a Fool" (the songwriter is credited as David Ruffin on his album, but other albums have credited Jan Crutchfield as songwriter)
"Love Can Be Hazardous to Your Health" (Jesse Boyce)
According to Genna Sapia-Ruffin, common-law wife of David Ruffin, former member of The Temptations, on page 251 of her book A Memoir: David Ruffin -- My Temptation (1993-2003, 1st Books Library), Ruffin wrote and originally released the song, "Statue of a Fool", on a 78 RPM in 1958, when he was recording under the name "Little Eddie Bush.' However, as he was only seventeen years old at that time, later covers of the song gave writing credits to Jan Crutchfield. (David himself, has stated that he wrote it, in several live appearances with fellow ex-Temptation Eddie Kendrick and/or Dennis Edwards, also there is a YouTube video in which he states this just before he goes into the song.)
Bernie Glow, Marvin Stamm, Mel Davis, Mickey Gravine, Paul Faulise, Bob Alexander, Sonny Russo, Urban Green - horns
Al Brown, Cathy Keinke, Manny Vardi, Gene Orloff, Guy Lumia, Harry Lookofsky, Jesse Levy, Joe Malin, Julian Barber, Julie Schachter, Kermit Moore, Max Pollikoff, Richard Sortomme, Selwart Clarke - strings