Tripper's Day is a British television sitcom produced by Thames Television for ITV. The plot centres on Leonard Rossiter as Norman Tripper, a northern manager assigned to a Londonsupermarket with problematic staff. The programme received poor reviews and also suffered from the death of Rossiter between the broadcast of the second and third episodes.[1]
The series was brought back two years later with Bruce Forsyth in the lead role, under the new title Slinger's Day. In Canada, the series had a remake under the title Check it Out! (1985–1988), which also aired in syndication in the United States. In Sweden, comical duo Stefan & Krister starred in Full Frys, a TV series largely based on Tripper's Day and Check it Out!. The last 2 episodes were transmitted on the original dates only in the London area due to strike action at Thames Television which stopped them from being networked[2]