The series starts as Marigold Alcock inherits her husband's business The Alcock Group of Companies upon his death. The companies, whose headquarters are above a strip club in Soho, include Sotheby's Racing Service Ltd and Hugh Blanding's Detective Agency. The elderly Ernest is her office assistant, while her partner is Richard Gander. He was given partnership in the company after an Alcock Economy Coach Tour went wrong.
The Safe Breaker (5 June 1972)
Husband In A Hurry (12 June 1972)
Soho Is Too Small (19 June 1972)
Pontoon (26 June 1972)
The Strip Club (3 July 1972)
Artistic Books, Soho, Ltd (10 July 1972)
DVD release
The Complete Series of Alcock and Gander was released by Network DVD in the UK (Region 2) on 26 November 2012.
Mark Lewisohn, "Radio Times Guide to TV Comedy", BBC Worldwide Ltd, 2003