The film consists of two novellas. The first is dedicated to the tragic fate of the serf peasant girl Maria. The action of the second novella takes place in Imereti. A serf girl gives birth to a boy by the son of a landowner. By the order of the old prince, the child is kidnapped and sent to be raised in Tiflis. Years pass. Durmishkhan is raised by the prince’s sister along with his peer, the orphan Vardua. When Durmishkhan embarks on his first journey, he swears his love and loyalty to Vardua, but soon marries another and settles in Surani. Upon learning of her lover's betrayal, Vardua decides to take cruel revenge. During a Turkish invasion of Imereti, she convinces the Georgian king that he will be victorious if Durmishkhan’s son is sealed alive within the wall of the Surami Fortress. The king orders the seer's command to be carried out.