British sitcom
The Savages is a British sitcom that aired on BBC One in 2001. Starring Geoffrey Palmer and comedian Marcus Brigstocke, it was written by Simon Nye, the writer of Men Behaving Badly.[1]
The Savages revolves around the Savage family, with Geoffrey Palmer playing grandfather Donald, Marcus Brigstocke his son Adam and Victoria Hamilton as Adam's wife Jessica. The programme aired for only one series. The song "Days" by the Kinks was used as its theme song
Adam, a successful cartoonist with a strip in a national newspaper, and Jessica Savage, who works at a travel agents, are a modern young couple.[1] They work too hard, they argue occasionally, they bicker a lot, and they are stressed out, but their relationship is kept together by affection. Their hyperactive young children, six-year-old Nicola and three-year-old Luke, are both destructive. Adam's retired and vague father, Donald, lives nearby on his own, after his wife walked out on him.[1] Adam also has a brother called Mark.
Each episode aired on BBC One on Tuesdays and is thirty minutes long.[1] The first few episodes aired at 9.00pm, the later ones at 9.30pm.[1]
Broadcast worldwide
In 2008, The Savages was broadcast on various PBS stations across the United States as part of the "One Season Wonders" strand.[3]
External links