The Meatrix is a short flashanimation critical of factory farming and industrial agricultural practices. It has been translated into more than 30 languages and watched by more than 30 million people.[1] A parody of The Matrix series by Warner Bros. Entertainment, it was made by the green messaging firm Free Range Studios in 2003 as a commissioned project for Grace Communications Foundation. Two sequels were released in 2006,[2]The Meatrix II: Revolting, and The Meatrix II ½.
In a dark satire of the 1999 film The Matrix, Leo, a pig on a seemingly bucolicfamily farm, is approached by Moopheus, an anthropomorphic bull. Moopheus shows Leo that the farm he has known is an illusion, and that he is really trapped in a horrific factory farm. Leo and Moopheus then work to break out of the Meatrix and help others do the same, with some help from a third character, Chickity.[3] The animated short aims to encourage consumers to purchase organic food products and free-range meats.[4]
The Meatrix has won a number of awards,[5] including a 2005 Webby and the Annecy 2004 Netsurfers Award for Short Films. Free Range Studios claims that over 15 million people have viewed The Meatrix,[6][7] and it has been translated, either dubbed or subtitled, into 40 languages.[8]The Meatrix and its two sequels were included as bonus material on the DVD for the 2006 film Fast Food Nation.