The school serves primarily the Catholic community of the Woking Deanery, which comprises the parishes of Woking with Send, Camberley, Camberley North with Bagshot, Frimley, Knaphill and West Byfleet. The deanery primary schools located in that community which are the feeder schools for St John the Baptist School are: St Dunstan’s Primary School, Woking; St Augustine’s Primary School, St Mary's Byfleet, Camberley; St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Primary School, Knaphill and The Marist Primary School, West Byfleet.
National teaching school
SJB was designated a teaching school in July 2011. There are currently ten members of staff seconded to other schools and under the leadership of Ani Magill, 16 senior leaders have become head teachers.
As a national teaching School they offer training and support to:
Play a greater role in training new entrants to the profession
Lead peer-to-peer professional and leadership development
Identify and develop leadership potential
Provide support for other schools
Designate and broker Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs)
Engage in research and development
In conjunction with The Surrey Teaching Schools Network, SJB has been successful in securing the licence for leadership provision of the National College for School Leadership's programmes. As a teaching school, St John the Baptist School is responsible for the NPQH.
In 2022/23, overall pupil absence at the school was 6.4%.[2] This compares to 8% in the Surrey local authority, and 9% in England.[2]
In 2010, the A Level results were 100% pass with 71% at A*-B.[3]
The GCSE results were 97.4% of students achieved 5 or more GCSEs at grade C or above (89.4% including English and Maths). 51% of grades were A* and A putting the school at 128 in the Daily Mail rankings. However, this is a non-selective school so the comparisons may be questioned as many of the schools higher in the table select on ability.
Recently the school had been given the 'Go Ahead' to create a new SEN classroom to educate 30 autistic students within the local area aged 11-16, this has been done due to the fact that there are no SEN classrooms in and around the area