There are several regional types of Serbian cheeses, such as the Sjenica, Zlatar, Svrljig and Homolje cheeses. The Pule cheese has gained much notoriety since 2000s as it became the most expensive cheese in the world.
Cer cheese (cerski sir), made from goat milk, produced in the Cer mountain region
Homolje cheese (homoljski sir), white brined cheese,[1] from cow, goat or sheep milk, produced in the Homolje valley and mountains (GI)
Krivi Vir caciocavallo (krivovirski kačkavalj), yellow hard cheese, from sheep, cow and goat milk, produced in the Zaječar region, named after Krivi Vir(GI)
Mokrin cheese (mokrinski sir), white brined cheese, named after Mokrin
Pirot caciocavallo (pirotski kačkavalj), hard cheese, produced in the Pirot region