Sed de venganza is an American television series that premiered on Telemundo on 15 October 2024.[1] It is based on the 2007 Colombian telenovela Pura sangre created by Mauricio Navas, Conchita Ruiz and Tania Cárdenas.[2] The series stars Isabella Castillo, Danilo Carrera and Alexa Martín.[3]
Fernanda Ríos bears the scars of her childhood traumas and, under the guidance of her mentor and lover, Eugenio Beltran, was trained to carry out a plan of revenge against the Del Pino family. With an identity built around this revenge, Fernanda infiltrates the Del Pino family, undermining its members in order to take over their company and their wealth. Ten years later, Francisco, whom Fernanda betrayed in the past, returns seeking revenge, now under the identity of Emilio Montenegro. However, Fernanda is unaware of his true identity and his arrival awakens in her an unexpected passion that complicates her plans for revenge.
On 2 May 2024, Sed de venganza was announced by Telemundo, with Danilo Carrera and Isabella Castillo cast in the lead roles.[7] A week later, Telemundo released a teaser trailer for the series.[8] Filming began on 3 June 2024.[3]