Alexander is a henchman who works for the smuggler named Peter, who considers Alexander as his faithful henchman. Peter often confronts his enemy named Ayyanar and orders Alexander to kill Ayyanar's associate Anu. Alexander cannot kill her as he is in love with her and finally shoots on her shoulder. Anu is admitted to the hospital, where Alexander decides to save her from Peter and Ayyanar.
Malini Mannath of The Indian Express wrote, "Director Suresh Krishna's takings are slick and sophisticated. He has used his cinematographer Prakash to good effect. The visuals are crisp and elegant, the locations lush and inviting. But that's all there is to the film, the flashiness."[5] K. Vijiyan of New Straits Times wrote, "Director Suresh Krishna should have concentrated more on building up the story instead of just the stunts".[6]